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English project. 3º ESO. 3rd term .

A Midsummer Night’s Dream by William Shakespeare.

1. Answer the questions on the text. (You must copy the questions).

2. Choose TWO of the following options:

a) Use an encyclopaedia or search on the Internet to find information about:

1. Elizabethan England 2. Elizabethan Theatre.
Write a paragraph on each one.

b) Use an encyclopaedia or search on the Internet to find information about:

1. Midsummer Night (or Eve) 2. Fairies.
Write a paragraph on each one.

c) Make a poster advertising the play. Use some English in your poster, eg. write when and where the play will
take place and something about the actors who are performing it.

3. Choose one of the following options:

a) Write a plot summary

b) Write a short biography of the author; don’t forget to mention his main works.

4. Write your personal opinion answering the following questions:

1. Did you like the book? Why?/ Why not?

2. Describe Oberon’s and Titania’s personalities. Which character do you admire more and why? What
don’t you like about them?

3. A Midsummer Night’s Dream is a comedy. Find thins in the play which make it a comedy.

- Portadas con cartulinas o carpetas de plástico. Decorar la portada con los medios que se desee.
- Dejar un folio den blanco (hoja de cortesía) tras la portada y antes de la contraportada.
- Hacer un índice.
- Usar folios blancos o claros a una sola cara.
- Dejar márgenes. No hacer tachones. Cuidar la letra. Sin suciedad. Numerar los folios.
- El contenido del trabajo se hace a mano y en inglés.

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