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When people hear about globalization they consider it like an open door for many things
about economics, but it is true the greatest impact of globalization around the world.
Regarding to positive and negative issues we can find different perceptions about that;
although everything are structured talking into account the specified behavior of each
country. In my opinion, the globalization brings positive and negative issues for example
on economic growth we can see the evolution that has had in countries like Colombia based
on exporting and importing.

However, it is important not only to live through of appearances because not everything
that glitters is gold and many times people live in a dream which they do not want to wake
up. But seeing in a deep term what the globalization for common people represents, we can
say, the poverty reduction? For me is not reality because the globalization has not given the
enough jobs that people require why we live in poverty yet and not only that, the
globalization make light the resources of Colombian workers, accordingly they cannot
compete with the greatest United States.

Moreover, we cannot deny the environmental impact within the countries socially and
culturally, when there is a dominant and powerful culture in almost every city, this is
called: American Culture. But in second thoughts, I am not agree with the cultural
imperialism that it generates and how has been allowing the disappearance of small cultures
being American culture the most important and global in the world as we had mentioned.

Finally, I would like people could think in a different way because we cannot let that
American global system is imposed forever. Colombia has enough resources for developing
and discovering and we can make the difference.

Name: María Camila Leyva Gutiérrez

International Business English

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