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Kid Friendly Environmental Websites

Courtesy of the CREEC Network (

Adventures of Vermi the Worm -

The Adventures of Vermi the Worm is an animated, interactive game that teaches the
basics of vermicomposting and its benefits, plus other waste management strategies like
the 3Rs--reduce, reuse and recycle!

Alliant Energy Kids -

Through interactive and engaging activities, elementary students can learn about
electricity and natural gas, how to use them safely and wisely, and the importance of
conserving energy.

Children & Nature Network -

The Children & Nature Network (C&NN) was created to encourage and support the
people and organizations working nationally and internationally to reconnect children
with nature. It supports the work of Richard Louv’s Last Child in the Woods

Classroom Earth –

Classroom Earth is an online resource designed to help high school teachers include
environmental content in their daily lesson plans.

Climate Change Kids Site -

Provided by U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)

Cool California -

Our goal is to provide resources to all Californians in order to reduce their environmental
impact and take action to stop climate change. Realizing local governments, businesses,
schools and individuals have different needs, we have customized pages for each.

Earth Day Network -

Earth Day Network was founded on the premise that all people, regardless of race,
gender, income, or geography, have a moral right to a healthy, sustainable environment.

Earth Gauge Kids -

Earth Gauge Kids makes the connection between weather and the environment.
Weather is part of the environment and influences it in many ways.

Energy Kids – Department of Energy -

Provided by the U.S. Energy Information Administration

EPA Environmental Kid’s Club -

Do you want to make the earth a cleaner place to live? How can you help to protect the
air, water, and land? Find out here!

Kids Gardening -

Helping young minds grow – National Gardening Association
Kids Saving Energy -
Games, tips and facts just for kids who want to save energy.

National EE Week -

One of the best ways to participate in EE Week is to incorporate environmentally-themed
reading into classroom lessons and activities. Check out the website to find some
"Green Reads" for your students.

National Wildlife Federation Kids -

Includes links to Ranger Rick Magazine

Nature Study Online -

To become a backyard naturalist by using Internet resources

Root & Shoots -

Program of the Jane Godall Institute that engages and empowers youth in service
learning projects to help preserve the environment.

Sammy the Steelhead – San Luis Obispo County Stormwater Information
ial.htm?PageMode=Print Residential: Here's what you can do at home

Water for Kids – EPA -

Projects, art & experiments to involve kids and students with environmental protection.

Zero Footprint Youth Page -

Provided by National Environmental Education (EE) Week

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