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V A ?   (also called ?

 , or  ) is an electronic device
used to make mobile telephone calls across a wide
geographic area. Mobile phones are different from
cordless telephones, which only offer telephone
service within a limited range of a fixed land line,
for example within a home or an office.
V A mobile phone can make and receive telephone
calls to and from the public telephone network
which includes other mobiles and fixed-line
phones across the world. It does this by connecting
to a cellular network owned by a mobile network
V M 
M  #


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V Mhe world's largest individual
mobile operator by subscribers is
Quantity Market Shares by Gartner
(New Sales) ©    Nokia
China Mobile with over 500 million 2009 u
mobile phone subscribers. Over 50 V
‡ Samsung10%
36.4% Nokia 2010 u
mobile operators have over 10 V ‡ Bell5%
28.9% Samsung 2009 u
million subscribers each, and over
150 mobile operators have at least V 19.5% Samsung 2010 u
one million subscribers by the end V 17.6% LG Electronics 2009 u
of 2009 (source wireless V Lg5%
10.1% LG Electronics 2010 u
intelligence). V 7.1% Research In Motion 2009 u
V Competitive forces emerged in the V
‡ Vergin5%
2.8% Research In Motion 2010 u
Asia Pacific (excluding Japan)
region at Q3 2010 to the detriment of V ‡ Sigmatel5%
3.0% Apple 2009 u
market leader Nokia. Brands such as V 2.1% Apple 2010 u
Micromax, Nexian, and I-Mobile V 2.9% Others-1 2009 u
chipped away at Nokia's market
share plus Android powered smart V mtel
12.6% Others-1 2010 u
phones also gained momentum V 9.8% Others-2 2009 u
across the region at the cost of V
‡ Lin 2010
16.5% Others-2 5% u
Nokia. V 30.6% ‡ Hun 5%
V g   use while
driving is common, but
dangerous. Due to the
number of accidents that are
related to cell phone use
while driving, some
jurisdictions have made the
use of a cell phone while
driving illegal. Others have
enacted laws to ban
handheld mobile phone use,
but allow use of a hands free
device. In some cases
restrictions are only directed
to minors or those who are
newly qualified license

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