Bcom BSC

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Please see the appropriate Faculty when requesting advice on relevant Conjoint component
For students new to The University of Auckland who enrol into the programme 2006

Commerce Science
Stage I 101 101 101 111 101 108 110

No more than 120 points at Stage I (including 15 points General Education)

Stage II

15 points Stage II or III


Stage III

Major (as required in BCom Regulations) Major: 60 points Stage III plus an additional 15 point Stage III Science course

Notes for BSc Conjoint component only:

a) BSc requires 255 points in at least Two Science Subjects defined as majoring subjects or area of specialization in Science regulations and must include at least
15 points from a majoring subject, whose courses are not listed in the schedule to the BCom (ie not MATHS, STATS, COMPSCI, INFOSYS)
b) At least 60 points above Stage II in the majoring subject/specialization and an additional 15 points from a Stage III Science course
c) At least 150 points above Stage I, including at least 75 points above Stage II
d) 15 points from courses offered in General Education schedule approved for this Conjoint degree
e) Courses from other Faculties, e.g. PHIL 101, ANTHRO 102, etc will not be counted as Science courses in the Conjoint, as per (a) above
f) If completing a double major, First major/specialization must include 60 points at Stage III, Second major/specialization must include 45 points at Stage III as
outlined in the BSc major/specialization Schedule. Students must meet the requirements for each major/specialization separately, e.g. no double counting

It is the Students responsibility to check that the final programme conforms to the Regulations
The Faculty Advice Centre for the degrees concerned are the final authorities on Regulations

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