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Table 1: Identifiable gold demand (tonnes)1

% ch
vs % ch Q2'10
2007 2008 2009 2008 Q1'08 Q2'08 Q3'08 Q4'08 Q1'09 Q2'09 Q3'09 Q4'09 Q1'10 Q2'102 vs Q2'09

Jewellery consumption 2,417.5 2,193.0 1,758.9 -20 450.2 521.8 673.4 547.6 329.4 430.6 488.0 510.9 473.6 408.7 -5

Industrial & dental 464.5 439.1 373.0 -15 117.0 118.6 112.9 90.5 78.9 93.6 97.2 103.2 102.8 107.2 14
Electronics 310.8 292.9 246.4 -16 80.6 81.4 76.4 54.4 49.9 60.2 66.3 70.1 69.9 74.6 24
Other Industrial 96.1 90.5 73.9 -18 22.2 23.1 22.8 22.4 16.0 20.2 17.8 19.9 20.0 20.2 0
Dentistry 57.6 55.7 52.7 -5 14.2 14.1 13.7 13.6 13.0 13.2 13.2 13.2 12.8 12.4 -6

Identifiable Investment 690.3 1,179.0 1,348.2 14 171.0 152.3 420.8 434.9 614.4 245.4 237.9 250.5 205.9 534.4 118
Net retail investment 437.0 858.1 731.1 -15 98.3 148.3 271.3 340.1 149.4 188.7 196.5 196.5 201.5 243.1 29
Bar Hoarding 239.5 385.7 215.8 -44 49.4 92.2 126.4 117.8 -23.1 74.8 93.6 70.6 113.7 96.3 29
Official Coin 134.6 187.3 230.5 23 28.4 36.0 60.4 62.4 69.9 56.5 49.4 54.7 44.7 68.7 22
Medals/Imitation Coin 72.6 69.6 56.6 -19 10.7 14.5 25.0 19.4 3.9 13.8 17.7 21.2 19.7 16.7 21
Other identified retail invest.3 -9.7 215.4 228.2 6 9.8 5.5 59.5 140.6 98.7 43.6 35.7 50.1 23.3 61.4 41
ETFs & similar products 4 253.3 320.9 617.1 92 72.7 4.0 149.5 94.7 465.1 56.7 41.4 54.0 4.5 291.3 414

Total identifiable demand 3,572.3 3,811.1 3,480.0 -9 738.2 792.7 1,207.1 1,073.0 1,022.7 769.6 823.1 864.6 782.3 1,050.3 36
London pm fix, $/oz 695.39 871.96 972.35 12 924.83 896.29 871.60 794.76 908.41 922.18 960.00 1099.63 1109.12 1196.74 30

Source: GFMS Ltd. 1. Identifiable end-use consumption excluding central banks. 2. Provisional . 3. “Other retail”
excludes primary coin offtake; it represents mainly activity in North America and Western Europe. 4. Exchange
Traded Funds and similar products including: Gold Bullion Securities, (London) , Gold Bullion Securities
(Australia), SPDR® Gold Shares (formerly streetTRACKS Gold Shares), NewGold Gold Debentures, iShares
Comex Gold Trust, ZKB Gold ETF, GOLDIST, ETF Securities Physical Gold, XETRA-GOLD, Julius Baer Physical
Gold, Central Fund of Canada, Central Gold Trust and Sprott Physical Gold Trust.

Copyright 2010 GFMS Ltd All rights reserved

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