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Employee Grievances and

Disciplinary Actions

Every employee has certain expectations, which he thinks must

be fulfilled by the organization he is working for. When the
organization failed to do this, he develops a feeling of
dissatisfaction. When an employee feels that something is unfair
in the organization. He is said to have a grievance.
1.    Economic
 Wage fixation
 Overtime
 Wage revision

2.    Work Environment

 Poor physical condition of workplace
 Tight production norms
 Defective tools and equipment
 Poor quality of material
 Unfair rules
 Lack of reorganization etc.

3.    Supervision
 Relates to the attitude of the supervisor towards the employee such as
perceived notions of bias, favoritism, regional feelings etc.
 4.    Work Group
 Employee is unable to adjust with his colleagues, suffers from feelings of
neglect, victimization and becomes an object of ridicule and humiliation etc.

5. Miscellaneous
 Issues relating to certain violations in respect of promotions Safety methods
 Transfer
 Disciplinary rules
 Fines
 Granting leaves
 Over stay after the expiry of leaves
 Medical facilities etc.
Handling Grievances Effectively
 Treat each case as important and get the grievances in writing.
 Talk to the employee directly. Encourage him to speak the truth. Give him a
patient hearing.
 Discuss in a private place. Ensure confidentiality, if necessary.
 Handle each case within a time frame.
 Refer company Policy in each case. Inform your superior about all grievances.
 Get all relevant facts about the grievance; examine the personal records of the
aggrieved worker. See whether any witness are available and visit the work
 Control your emotions, your remarks and behavior.
 Maintain proper records and follow up the action taken in each case.

Stage –I At Supervisory level

Stage –II At HOD level

Stage –III At Management level


 A man cannot be a judge in his own case.

 A person should be given an opportunity of being heard.
 The punishment should commensurate with the gravity of offence.
 Justice should be done in a way that it should seem that justice has been

Who is Disciplinary Authority?

 The Manager
 Person Authorized by the Board
What is Misconduct?
 Any act, which is subversive of a good conduct, is misconduct.
 Misconducts are defined in Standing Orders
How to Report Misconduct.

 Shift
 Date
 Time
 Name
 Dept
 ID No
 Venue
 Accurate Incidence
 Witnesses
 Signature
Preliminary Enquiry

 Who will conduct Preliminary Enquiry?

 Where it is to be conducted?
 How it is to be conducted?
 Enquiry Report
Domestic Enquiry
 Charge Sheet
 Written Explanation
 Enquiry Officer
 Management Representative
 Witnesses from both side
 Examination / Cross – Examination / Examination –in –chief
 Enquiry Report
 Second Show cause Notice
 Punishment /Acquittal
What are the Punishments?

 Warning or censure.
 Making an adverse remark in the service records.
 Suspension from service without wages for a period not exceeding 7
 Fine subject to the provisions of the Payment of Wages Act and rules
made there under.
 Stoppage of annual increment up to 2 years with or without cumulative
 Demotion or reversion to the lower grade, post or scale with reduced
pay as per that lower grade, post or scale.
 Discharge or dismissal.

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