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What do we mean by motivation? =‘... the set of processes that arouse, direct, an: maintain human behaviour toward attaining a goal’ = ‘ the internal mental state of a person which relates to the initiation, direction, persistence, intensity,and termination of behaviour’ mo. is the activity of managers to induce others to produce results desired by the organisation..’ Motivation = Individual differences = The evolution of needs = The role of organizational culture = Job satisfaction and customer satisfaction = Combination of rewards = Perceived fairness Motivators and Motivation Drives: innate determinants of human behavior that are activated by deprivation and are aimed at satiation Motives: learned influences on human behavior that leads us to pursue particular goals because they are socially valued “laslow’s hierarchy of needs Safety needs XK > Herzberg’s Two Factor Theory Hygiene Factors whose absence or uncertainty cause dissatisfaction salary, status (this may be a hygiene factor as well as a motivator factor), company policy, supervision, security and working conditions Herzberg’s Two Factor Theory Motivators create job satisfaction and ar effective in motivating an individual to superior performance and effort achievement, recognition, responsibility,advancement, growth, the work itself LE > a HYGIENE ) < MOTIVATOR \ FACTORS / Ee |Neueoyy Lee DISSATISFIED . CANNOT BE MOTIVATED Job enlargement-Job enrichment High enrichment Responsibility over job Job enlargement Low Few Many Number of tasks at the same level Expectancy Theory Equity Theory = People make social comparisons between themselves and others with respect to two variables — outcomes (pay, benefits, status etc) — inputs (time, effort,qualifications, skills)

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