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As most of us know action movies are the best type of movies. In my
opinion they beat all of the other kinds of movies even comedy.
Comedy can make you laugh but action movies can keep you on the
edge of your seat and that to me is the best feeling in the world. I
used to like comedies before I liked action movies but I had no idea
what I was missing. Once I started watching action I left comedy in
my past.
There is only on type of movie that almost ties up with action. That
is action/comedy. The can get your blood pumping from suspense
and jokes. These are really good but there still aren’t as good as
action. Action movies are and will be the best kind of movies to me.
I used to be scared of bees so much if I saw just one I would
run away. They were the one thing in nature I was scared of. But
eventually I just forgot about them. They were still in my mind but in
the back were all the things I don’t want to think about are. But one
day something put bees right back in the front of my mind.
I was walking through the woods trying to find something to do
when I felt a sharp pain in the back of my leg. Out of instinct and
reaction I slapped my leg. The hornet fell to the ground. I started
walking away when I felt two other pain one in my elbow and the
other in my knee. I looked back and saw that I had disturbed a
hornets’ nest. They had a full blown attack on me. I started running
like my life was on the line. Ever since then I have been cautious
when it comes to bees.
 Duck Hunting is one of my favorite kinds of hunting. It can be really
cold though. But you don’t really notice that because you are having
so much fun. But there is never a problem that you can’t solve so I
always layer up in warm clothes. That solves my problem for the
 I’ve been hunting for so long I can’t remember the first time I went
duck hunting. I think I was around six years old but it could’ve been
seven. I used to like deer and dove hunting more than duck hunting.
It was because at my young age I couldn’t stand the cold. Now I like
it almost as much as deer, dove, hog, and quail.
 Everybody says that fighting is always bad. It
can be but sometimes it’s the only way to solve a
problem. Like the war in Iraq. I don’t think we
could’ve solved this verbally. There had to be a
fight or war.
 I fight with my brother all the time. The
problems we fight over could be solved verbally.
But brother are meant to fight each other. That’s
just what brothers do. I’m not saying it’s good to
fight with your sibling but it’s not as bad as
someone else.
 Hunting

 Hunting is my favorite activity to do on weekends
ever. A lot of people don’t like it because there is a
lot of waiting. If you have a lot of patience hunting is
a lot of fun. Duck takes less patience then deer and
other “still” hunting but it does take some.
 I’ve been lucky and got to hunt a lot of my life so
I’ve learned to be patient. Whenever my dad calls me
and tells me it’s time to go I always ask for 5 or ten
minutes more. I try to stay out as long as I can. I
don’t want to jinx myself but I usually see something.
 Learning
 Learning can be boring but it does benefit you in the
long run. You may try to avoid it now but when you grow
up you will not regret going to a good school. You will go
to a better college; you will get a better job. Later you may
become a successful business man/women. Just like the
people on A Secret Billionaire.
 My dream is to become a millionaire or even better a
billionaire. I know everybody wants to become one just like
me. I know not everyone is going to become a millionaire
so I’m not getting my hopes up to high. Because I’m pretty
sure they are going to get crushed. Just like my dream of
becoming a superhero.
 What I learned about this project is that for
one never procrastinate. That always get you
in a hole that is really hard to get out of. For
two I learned how to write two paragraphs on
about any subject. And that will come helpful
in the future.

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