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Education In India

Education in India has a history stretching back to the ancient urban centres of learning at Taxila
and Nalanda. Western education became ingrained into Indian society with the establishment of
the British Raj. Education in India falls under the control of both the Union Government and the
states, with some responsibilities lying with the Union and the states having autonomy for others.
The various articles of the Indian Constitution provide for education as a fundamental right.
Most universities in India are Union or State Government controlled.

India has made a huge progress in terms of increasing primary education attendance rate and
expanding literacy to approximately two thirds of the population. India's improved education
system is often cited as one of the main contributors to the economic rise of India. Much of the
progress in education has been credited to various private institutions.The private education
market in India is estimated to be worth $40 billion in 2008

Literacy Statistics

An understanding of the literacy statistics across the different states of the country, across men
and women, across different age groups is vital to embarking on any literacy intervention.
Information published by the Indian government is shown here.
The literacy rate in India per 2001 census was 65.38%
• Male literacy rate 75.85%
• Female literacy rate 54.16%
and will increase to $68 billion by 2012.[4] However, India continues to face challenges. Despite
growing investment in education, 35% of the population is illiterate and only 15% of the students
reach high school. As of 2008, India's post-secondary high schools offer only enough seats for
7% of India's college-age population, 25% of teaching positions nationwide are vacant, and 57%
of college professors lack either a master's or PhD degree. As of 2007, there are 1522 degree-
granting engineering colleges in India with an annual student intake of 582,000,plus 1,244
polytechnics with an annual intake of 265,000. However, these institutions face shortage of
faculty and concerns have been raised over the quality of education.

Three Indian universities were listed in the Times Higher Education list of the world’s top 200
universities — Indian Institutes of Technology, Indian Institutes of Management, and Jawaharlal
Nehru University in 2005 and 2006. Six Indian...

Nowadays education is one of the most important subjects to discuss. Why is education so
important? Why do parents call upon their children to receive a decent education?
First of all, we should clearly specify what the world demand for highly educated employees is
connected with. The chief reason is that technology does not stand still. As a consequence, more
and more complex machines are invented. In spite of the fact that manufacturers of these
machines constantly assert that they do everything in their power to make their products as
labour-saving as possible, most of such attempts are vain. Trying to invent technologies which
would allow workers to spend less time doing physical work, they completely
forget about whether the products full of their newest technologies will be easy to handle.
Implementation of something new often creates a need for workers who have the appropriate
qualifications. Therefore, the considerable need for educated people is directly connected with
the advent of modern technologies.
Second, most managers of big companies have begun realizing that the volume of production
greatly depends on what kind of people works in their company. The time when only the
presidents of the transnational enterprises were aware of the paramount importance of recruiting
first-class employees elapsed a long time ago. About 30-40 years ago you could come to a
company to apply for a well-paid job having received only some compulsory education.
Nowadays, as said above, everyone is eager to get the most skilled employee.
In summary, the importance of having a decent education has become far greater now than it was
30-40 years ago. The growing need for skilled cadres is dramatic and...

Education Reform
Public education has changed drastically in the last 50 years. Teachers no longer have the
authority they once did. The grading scale is less standard and more personal. Schools have
become the nurturing influences on students, and have lost sight of their educational goals. Let's
get into a little more detail.
Students show teachers very little respect anymore. At one time a teacher had the authority to
paddle an out of line student. Students had a natural fear of teachers then, and were less likely
to have disrespected them. Without the power to punish students, the students themselves now
have control of the classroom. I see this to be a very large problem.
Public education used to have a more standardized grading scale, but in recent years and through
personal experience this has become more relaxed. I have manipulated the education system to
work in my favor. I passed classes without doing work, fraternized with the faculty to increase
my grades. I was amazed

At what I could do with a few nice compliments, and a couple passes at the teachers themselves.
Let's move on to what I feel is a more detrimental part of the system.
Schools are more worried about making their students happy that they've lost sight of the
fundamentals. Nurturing is something the parents are responsible for not our school systems.
Teachers need to show authority not comfort, but with the recent violence in schools this has
changed. Especially for the minority of the kids that are outcasts and disciplinary problems,
these specific students are being setup for failure by telling them it's ok to have outbursts or
misbehave because it's a psychological problem. Employers and post secondary schools will not
have similar regard to such problems and holding a job or getting a college education will be
near impossible. I feel we need to bring back some of the older policies.
Let us bring this to a close. Give teachers more authority in the schools. Bring back a more..
Education Reform
Teaching Children with Behavior Disorders
Behavior and learning disorders are becoming more and more common in the general population
of young children in our kindergarten through 12th grade classrooms. Teachers often report that
one in three of all public school children exhibit some sort of academic, psychosocial,
emotional, or behavior problem (Crowe, 2010). As a result, the presence of such children makes
it very difficult for school systems to educate students effectively. This paper is intended to
describe different types of emotional and behavior disorders, identify nationwide resources and
programs designed to help in education, and reveal strategies and techniques of teaching children
who display behavior disorders.
First of all, defining different types of disorders and learning how to recognize them is the first
step to helping children with behavior disorders. It

get better grades

is said that a child possesses a certain disorder when the symptoms occur frequently and are
severe. Identifying a behavior disorder can be very difficult. For instance, there is no way to
know, with certainty, that something is wrong in the brain causing the child to exhibit bad
behavior. Also, it can not be said that a parent did something wrong to influence any type of
disorder in a child. The questions of who or what is responsible are almost limitless.
A diagnosis of a behavior disorder is based on one of several classification systems. The most
familiar, and for the sake of this paper, I received my information from the Diagnostic and
Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition, Primary Care Version (DSM-IVR)
(Journal for Clinical Psychology, Revised 1999). The DSM-IVR contains descriptions of
specific characteristics that are used to determine if a child or young adult has a behavior
disorder. The following examples of behavior disorders are from the DSM-IVR diagnostic...

Reform in education has traditionally been driven by professional motivation to implement
newer and/or better practices, the pressures of public opinion and accountability, or the “passing
of the baton” in terms of educational and political leadership.
Over past decades, reform in education has also been increasingly seen as an imperative of our
macro environment. “…something is wrong. Every wind tee we raise into the gales of the future
tells us that people had better find new ways of acting, of relating, of dealing with their
environments. Just to survive, it appears we need a new human nature” (Leonard,
Society is in a fast-paced, constant state of flux and redefinition affecting “practically every field
and condition of individual and social life and activity” (UNESCO, 1998, Para. 2). The important
role of education in preparing its citizens for such a society has demanded a phase of
reassessment according to the fundamental questions: “What is required of the human being in
order to survive and/or succeed in the changing modern world?” and “How can
education/pedagogy best cater to this need?” In dealing with the second question, the influence
of changes to society, and in the attitudes and behaviour of the current generation must also be
taken into account.
Whilst conjecture has been rife, overwhelmingly, recent reform has failed in its task to
significantly and positively reshape education. For the most part, the impact of reform has either
been negative, minimal or illusory. This is particularly so in the public domain.
Public education, by failing to take a...

Privitisation Of Higher Education In India: Higher Education must lead the march back
to the fundamentals of human relationships, to the old discovery that is ever new, that man does
not live by bread alone. - John A. Hannah
Education has always been and continues to be one of the most important needs of mankind. It
helps man indoctrinate values and apply the technical know-how in real life situations. Of late,
there has been an increasing trend towards privatization of higher education in India. The
Government of India cannot absolve itself from the responsibility of providing higher education
to its citizens. The Government is thus obliged to not only strive towards providing access to
higher education to all its citizens but must also try and improve the quality of higher education
in India. In order to cater to these needs, a large investment is required. But in India lack of
adequate funds continues to be a major hurdle. In the given context, there is a pressing need for
the Private Sector to pitch in and that at the risk of privatization and monopolization of higher
education by the Private Sector. There are several schools of thought in this regard and the term
‘privatization’ raises several issues. Would it be feasible to have a Public- Private partnership as
far higher education is concerned? Would the disadvantages of Privatization outweigh its
advantages? Would Privatization in India lead to monopolization of Higher Education by the
Private Sector? These are some of the compelling questions that this paper attempts to answer.
II. Definition of ‘Education’ and the need for the Privatization of Higher Education in India
The term ‘Education’ has been clearly defined as ....the process of developing and training the
powers and capabilities of human beings. In its broadest sense the word comprehends not merely
the instruction received at school, or college but the whole course of training moral, intellectual
and physical; is not limited to the ordinary instruction of...

Essay Topic: Educational Reforms And Employment Opportunities.

Picture to yourself a crowded scene in a train crossing through the rural belt of India. The train
stops for some time for track clearance and a couple of kids in rags enter the compartment with
brooms. As the gentlemen seated in the seats discuss about the impact of recession on the Indian
growth story a boy of about fourteen, brushes the area below their seats. He is at work. But what
is the pay? After having swept the whole compartment he comes and begs. Some generous folks
drop a coin or two on his hands; some give away some food that they had been carrying. With
the same dirty hands that he had swept the passages he licks up a bowlful of rice someone was
generous enough to give him. This he accepts as payment.
The most distinctive feature about India is the huge income disparity and the diverse cultural
fabric. So on one hand we have IITs and IIMs aiming at achieving international standards to
match MIT and Harvard whileat the other hand we even have many villages without a primary
” A 2007 report by the state-run National Commission for Enterprises in the Unorganized Sector
(NCEUS) found that 25% of Indians, or 236 million people, lived on less than 20 rupees per day
with most working in "informal labor sector with no job or social security, living in abject
poverty."(Ref: Wikipedia: This figure has been variously reported as either "2 dollars per day" or
"0.5 dollars per day". The former figure comes from the PPP conversion rate, while the latter
comes from the official exchange rate. Also note that this figure does not contradict the NSS
derived figure, which uses calorie consumption as the basis for its poverty line. It just uses a
more inclusive poverty line)
With the second largest population in the world there is a huge pressure on economy and
ensuring a basic standard of living becomes a mammoth task. With a large percentage of
illiterate unemployed youth this manifests...
India's Reservation Policy In Higher Education Institutions
India’s Reservation Policy in Higher Education Institutions
The term “Reservation” has been doing the rounds within the Indian media circuit of late owing
to the government decision to implement 27% quota for the OBCs in the educational institutions
of higher learning. Time has come to study the significance of this matter and see its
consequences on the country in the future.
When our country achieved independence, a large section of the society was leading a miserable
life. They had been exploited for ages and the false beliefs in the society at that time further
worsened their condition. The government of that day introduced the concept of reservations so
that there would be equal progress of all sections of the society. Over the years, the condition of
the people of reserved categories has improved at a fast rate while that of the middle class,
general or open category people has remained more or less the same. After nearly 60 years of
independence now, general category people have started to feel that they are being subjugated
and that the odds have been stacked against them. At a time like this, the government’s decision
to bring out legislation to implement a 27% quota for OBCs adds further fuel to the fire.
There are a large number of failings in the reasons publicized by the government for
implementing this decision. Firstly, the government has rooted its decision in a survey conducted
by the Britishers prior to Independence, on the percentage of the OBCs in the population. The
reserved category candidates occupy nearly 52% of the government jobs today. Then what is the
immediate need to increase the quotas? Though the government would not agree to it, most
people feel that this is just another way of wooing the voters.
The above stated move by the government brought out the students, resident doctors and even
the faculty members of AIIMS and many other hospitals to protest against the government. None
of us would hesitate to say that these doctors...

Role Of Higher Educational Institutions In Corporate Social

Higher educational institutions in India have been contributing to the knowledge base of our
country. They have been enrolling students at the rate of 10 percent in the year 2007.
Privatization of these institutions has brought in a host of issues to tackle such as poor quality,
high fees and regulatory bottlenecks. These issued have resulted in the erosion of quality in
education. Moreover, the products of these institutions have not been contributing to the welfare
of the Indian society.
Education at the college or university level represents higher education in India. Higher
education in India has expanded many folds since independence. There are 400 Universities,
18064 colleges, 5 lakh teachers and 112 lakh students today. Enrolment ratio in higher in India
was 10 percent in 2007.
Globalization has brought about a spectacular growth in higher education. India is becoming
a genuine knowledge society, knowledge economy and aiming to be a global super power. This
has all happened because of the growth of education in the public sector and participation of
private sector. According to the Planning Commission reports, in the period 2002 ' 2007, the
share of private institutions in higher education increased from a third to over half of all
enrolment and this trend is expected to continue into the future. Most private institutions offer
education in a few disciplines like engineering, medicine and management. They amount...
Higher Education Reform in India: Prospects and Challenges
The system of higher education now existing in India was originally
Implanted by the British rulers in the mid-19th century to serve the colonial
Economic, political and administrative interests, and in particular, to
Consolidate and maintain their dominance in the country. It was inherited by
The state managers after independence (in 1947) as a colonial legacy, and
Been expanded phenomenally during the last five decades. The massive
of higher education in India consists of 214 (198 state and 16 central)
Universities, 38 institutions ‘deemed-to-be universities,’ 11 institutes of
importance, 9,703 colleges, and 887 polytechnics. The system now employs
321,000 teachers and caters to 6,755,000 students.
Critical appraisals undertaken by the governmental committees and
independent academicians have highlighted the crisis confronting the
‘over-production of “educated” persons; increasing educated unemployment;
weakening of student motivation; increasing unrest and indiscipline on the
campuses; frequent collapse of administration; deterioration of standards;
above all, the demoralizing effect of the irrelevance and purposelessness of
of what is being done.’ While the politicians and policy makers have often
spoken about the need for radical reconstruction of the system, what has
achieved in reality is only moderate reformism.

The conventional university system in India, confronting as it is a

systemic crisis, has proved itself to be incapable of introducing any
educational innovation or effectively implementing any educational reform.
Given the mounting pressure for increasing accessibility and
the trend in the universities is toward reducing everything to
the lowest common denominator or leveling down quality rather than raising
The Indian university system is extraordinarily rigid and pronouncedly
resistant to change: The impetus to change does not come from within the
system. When experiments or innovations are introduced from outside, they
resisted; if enforced, they are ritualized. The fate of such innovations as the
merit promotion scheme, faculty-improvement program, vocationalization of
courses, semesterization of courses, curriculum-development centers,
self-appraisal report, college-development council, academic-staff college
refresher and orientation courses are too well known. It is indeed ironic that
higher education, which is expected to function as an agency of change,
itself be resistant to it.
The void created by the paralysis and drift of the conventional
university system is being filled by private entrepreneurial initiatives. Thus,
significant educational innovations and experiments are currently taking
in institutions outside the university orbit and in the private sector. In view of
the rapid expansion of and increasing variety in knowledge and skills, there
enormous scope for educational innovations and initiatives. The private
institutions have been more responsive to the demands of the economy and
industry and the changing employment scenario. They have also shown their
ability to match relevance with flexibility both in costs and regulation. This
does not, however, mean that all private institutions are necessarily good.
of them are brazenly commercial establishments out to swindle gullible
looking for better-quality education at affordable prices. As in any
operation in a market economy, such establishments get exposed.
Privatization of higher education is apparently a fledgling but welcome
trend: Higher education requires it to maintain creativity, adaptability and
quality. The economic trail of liberalization and globalization demands it.
Considering the chronic paucity of resources, gradually unburdening itself of
the additional responsibility for higher education may be advisable for the
government. Instead, it could better utilize the scarce resources for realizing
the goal of universalization of elementary education and for improving the
quality of school education.
Privatization of higher education, however, is not without social costs.
In a polity such as India’s, where structured inequalities have been
privatization is sure to reinforce existing inequalities and to foster
tendencies. This requires the social supervision of the private sector and
effective measures for offsetting imbalances resulting from unequal
capacities of the population. Thus, we again confront a dilemma:
how do we advance equality without sacrificing quality? Practically, how do
control the private sector without curbing its creativity and initiative? That is
the challenge in higher education at the beginning of the new millennium.

Children lining up for school in Kochi.

The National Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT) is the apex body for
curriculum related matters for school education in India.[22] The NCERT provides support and
technical assistance to a number of schools in India and oversees many aspects of enforcement of
education policies.[23] In India, the various curriculum bodies governing school education system
The state government boards, in which the majority of Indian children are
• The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) board.
• The Council for the Indian School Certificate Examinations (ICSE) board.
• The National Institute of Open Schooling (NIOS) board.
• International schools affiliated to the International Baccalaureate Programme
and/or the Cambridge International Examinations.
• Islamic Madrasah schools, whose boards are controlled by local state
governments, or autonomous, or affiliated with Darul Uloom Deoband.
• Autonomous schools like Woodstock School, Auroville, Patha Bhavan and
Ananda Marga Gurukula.
. Challenges
• Huge demand supply gap – not just in terms of number of seats available but more so in
terms of seats available in institutions who offer quality education Eg. 290000
applications received for CAT – 2008, entrance exam for admissions to IIMs – only
1700 get admission – only 1 out of every 170 students who take CAT will make it to the
IIMs. Number of applicants went up by 28% in 2008.
○ IIT-JEE – > 3.95 applicants in 2009 competing for ~7000 seats – average 56
students competing for 1 seat.
○ About 2 lakh students compete for the 77 seats available at AIIMS – a premier
medical education institution in India
○ 9,500 seats in National Institutes of Technology (NIT) invited more than two lakh
(if you factor in seat reservations, the students in “open” category face much stiffer
competition than indicated above)
• India has birth rate of 25 million per year – developed countries have 1/3rd of students
going to college. If India were to meet the same standard, it will need 8-9 million
graduate seats in college and it has only 4.5 million today.
• Regulatory framework – antiquated, “not for profit” requirement to set up educational
institutions – major obstacle in attracting serious players and investments
• There is huge obsession with capacity creation – but emphasis should be much more on
quality – how is it that we can create quality capacity?
• Parents only treat engineering, medicine as only choices for graduation – they are unable
to appreciate attractiveness of new specialized industry oriented programs that are
launched in the country
• India has a very large number of talented students but many of these feel dejected for not
making it to IITs and IIMs due to lack of capacity – they end up going abroad for
Reforms:our education system tends to churn out people who are good at
certain skills, but not necessarily efficient at problem solving or, doing out-of-
the-box lateral thinking. He felt that the reforms should bring about a broad-
based education that combines liberal arts with technology and science. He
also emphasised the need of a facilitative eco-system that encourages
transparency, private investment and autonomy.
He talked about the interlink of the three Es: education, employability, and
employment. He felt that the time for reform in education in India is now. And
at this juncture, if public money was made available for both private and
public delivery, there would be a lot of genetic diversity in business models
such as: increased classroom experimentation, increased adoption of
technology in classrooms, and more employability. He added that, today, the
regulatory system in education, employment and employability, encourages
the production of dwarfs. But the need is to encourage the production of
babies. Also, one should be able to regulate the incompetence, which one
observes sometimes in private education or the lack of performance
management that is observed in the public sector. The real debate is not of
private versus public or foreign versus Indian — but about a good college or a
bad college.

The Quality teaching and involvement of the Teaching faculty and their
accountability should be mandatory for the development of quality education.
For the appointment of the Teachers should not be stick to the principle of
NET/SLET/PhD qualification.There should not be permanent incumbancy of
teaching staff and extraordinary people should be called for teaching jobs.
Most of the Teaching faculty runs after getting more financial benefit rarely
there are devoted teachers in College and University now a days.The
appointment in Higher Education should be based on merit not on

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