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“Definitely the scariest film you’ll see this

This quote is from the top selling film
magazine in Britain therefore it is well
respected and reliable. I made the word
‘scariest’ bold to make it stand out and
emphasize how scary this film is which
will draw an audience in as they want to
be as scared as possible.
“Truly terrifying- you won’t want to be
home alone ever again!”
This quote is from the magazine I
created the front cover for, thereby
creating synergy in my ancillary texts.
I chose to put a person on my poster
instead of an object or location because
the audience (especially the target
audience) will be able to relate to her as
she is a normal teenage girl. I came up
with the idea for Alex to be posed like this
because when we were editing our
footage, I happened to pause it as Alex is
outside in the darkness, fearfully looking
around. By recreating a moment from our
trailer as a still image for my poster, it
keeps the synergy throughout my texts.
Also, Alex is the main character in our film
and the character seen most in our trailer,
so she was the perfect person to feature
on the poster because from my research I
Credits & Release Date
found that the majority feature the main
We chose to release the film on the same
character, whether victim or villain.
date as the date in the email in our teaser
trailer which is 13.05.2011, and it’s also
Tagline Friday the 13th, a dreaded date for the
It’s coming for you… superstitious. I wanted the date to really
I chose a simple, creepy tagline. It gives the stand out so I made it blood red to stand out
sense of something catching up with you, like amongst the grey credits.
time is running out, which relates well with I found a professional looking font for my
the title deadline. The use of the word ‘you’ credits so now my poster looks like
makes it personal, therefore making the authentic.
audience feel disconcerted. Also I chose to
use the word ‘it’ because it suggests the Fonts
unknown and poses a question in the I only used 2 different fonts on my poster
audience’s mind- what is it? As the villain is (apart from credits) because there is
barely seen in the trailer, it leaves it up to the quite a lot of writing so I didn’t want to
viewer’s imagination, which can run wild overwhelm the page and distract from
causing fear and excitement. the important elements.

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