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Kim King

October 19, 2009

Stories from the Headlines Poem

A veil of darkness fell over the Western World

Death of six million human lives taken without a qualm.
The Final Solution involved not just Jews,
But Jehovah’s Witnesses, homosexuals,
Anyone who was against the State’s ideology.
Triangles and stars marking all distinctly:
Jews in yellow stars, the Star of David;
Jehovah’s Witnesses in purple triangles;
Homosexuals in pink;
Criminals in green tri’s;
All marked and catalogued awaiting impending death.

Will no one say a word?

Will no one speak against these atrocities?

Finally a day of dread comes as an end draws near

Desperation commences the death marches
Trying to erase the present continuing the black veil
Trying to keep the arms in SS hands
Trying to use these lives as leverage to continue the Nazi way
Marching on in the cold, dark night
Die in the March or
Collapse and die at gun point
The choice was clear:
Live to tell the tale or
Die in God’s grace.


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