American History

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American History: MADE BY VALENTIN; JULIAN & BEAT ©2010 [kopiergeschützt]

In fourteen hundred ninety two Columbus sailed the ocean blue:

Jamestown was founded in 1617. Died a few years later of no food.
Virginia starvation, hard life in beginnings, kids from the streets, prisoners ->survived
Pilgrims [1920]
Pilgrims, Puritans & Quakers came cause of religious [persecution in England/King]
Mayflower Compact
Colonies [North, Middle, South]
North: N. Hampshire, Connecticut, Massachusetts, Rhode Island = New England
 Puritans. Poor soil, shipbuilding, trade fishing, no slaves, no separation church/state
Middle: N.Y., Pennsylvania, N. Jersey,
 Religious tolerance, Quakers[W. Penn], Dutch, Trading centre, Capital, Merchants Craftsmen,
Southern: Virginia, N+S Carolina, Georgia
 Slavery, tobacco, cotton, sugar, agricultural systems, plantations, indentured servants, rich
Roots of Revolution, 7 year war+ consequences
War with France and British about Canada and Mississippi delta [moving west, 1756]+Indian
More taxes for colonies, dissatisfaction
Stamp act -> pay money for defense colonies -> "no taxation without representation"[Samuel Adams] ->
leaded to:
Boston Tea Party -> punishment of Boston-> leaded to fight for independence
Foundation of Continental Congress [Colonial leaders together] beginning of democracy
Declaration of Independence [1776]
American War of Independence[1776-1783] -> Victory end of colonial rule
Document with radical new ideas: equality and rights of individual. Government only with consent of the
1st president Thomas Jefferson
Frontier Spirit [moving west]
David Boone [wilderness road/Appalachians, 1774]
Battles for Oregon, America build Oregon trails[many trails in west-direction]
Manifest Destiny [believe that American should own America from Atlantic to Pacific]
Frontier: tough, self-confident, independent, own culture, Inzucht-children, freedom
Mexican War [1835, many Americans lived in Mexico, didn´t like the ruling] President: Polk declared war.
Ended in 1848, handed over California, Utah, New-Mexico, Colorado, Texas!
Homestead act: everyone could settle somewhere in Oregon for free[for America] -> over settle England
Wagon trails -> everyone settling west
In a little more than a half century, America grew from small little settlements to one of the largest

Civil War [1861-1865]

over 610 thousand soldier killed
North wanted big Union, South founded their own Confederacy
started cause of dispute between southern and northern states regarding slavery and taxation of cotton
South became known as Confederacy and North known as the Union
Union Army led my General Robert E. Lee
"Treaty of Ghent" brought official end to the civil war
results: 1863 THE EMANCIPATION PROCLAMATION, Lincoln abolished slavery, citizenship and the right to

Immigration to the USA:

from the very beginning of the settlement till now

Who When Why

English, Jamestown 1607/1608 Trade, Virginian company
English pilgrim fathers 1620 Freedom of religion
Europeans [W+N] (Protestants) 1st half of 1800´s Famine, Political unrest,
revolution, poverty,
Irish (Catholics) 1845 Irish potato famine
Chinese 1860´s Cheap labor, railroads[San Fran
Germans, Swedes (Protestants) 1860´s Homestead Act 1862, soldiers
civil war
S.+E. European (Jewish & 1880 Economic reasons, poverty,
Catholics) Jewish fled programs, political
oppression, religious
STOP: IMMIGRATIONS ACT A limitations of immigrants Golden Door starts to close
Puerto Rico´s Past World War 2 They had right to life in USA
[colony] economic
Cubans 1959 Cuban Revolution Fidel Castro,
fleeing communism, freedom
Asians (Vietnam, Korea), 1950´s and 1960´s Cold War -> political refugees,
Chinese, Japanese fleeing communism
Latin Americans, Chile, South 1970´s Political unrests, dictatorships
America, Mexico and poverty
Hispanics Till today Poverty, employment

Issues raised by immigration:

cultural issues: language, jobs, housing, Ghetto districts, education, crime, violence
moral issues: health care, educations for illegal immigrants
change in the population e.g.: if there are living 5 or 15 people in Valentin´s house there´s a difference
economic issues: immigrants are cheap labors, take jobs, lowering wages -> guest worker programs
Trade Unions influence is less ended, product are cheaper, US companies are less competitive e.g. US
companies go to Mexico
many different mentalities, religious influence
The Golden Door
The Statue of Liberty [French present for War of Independence]
Hope for the immigrants [freedom, better living conditions, employment...]
from 1840-1860 most immigrants came
During Civil War America offered land for people who´d serve in army-> Germans
Melting Pot [different cultures, languages, rivalries, religions melted to one Nation]
The American Dream 1930´s
Come as religious refuges, seeking a land where they could live free
Suffering from political persecution, immigrated in hope of finding political freedom
Come for economic reasons and in search of better living conditions
Idea of: self reliance, equality, personal fulfillment, independence, classless-society, social motilities,
unlimited possibility, pursuit of happiness.
African Americans
 Economic reasons, mainly in South, bad treatment, no rights
Civil War
 Buses, Schools, Restaurants, EVERYWHERE. No rights, no equality, bad treatment, lynching, Jim
Crow Laws [aimed separating the races in public spaces and preventing blacks from voting]
slaves going north because of lynching and persecution [slave catcher], Harriet Tubman helping
the slaves [underground railroad]
Civil Rights Movement
1. Rosa Parks Bus boycott Montgomery 1955
2. 1957 use of federal troops in little Rock
3. 1962 first black student enrolled in Mississippi ]federal troops]
4. 1963 March on Washington DC, Kings famous speech "I have a dream"
5. 1963 Race riots in Birmingham Alabama
6. Malcolm X: same ideas like King, just violent way
7. 1964 Civil Rights Act announced equal status for black in all social matters
8. 1965 Voting rights Act abolished poll tax in election made it easier for black voters
9. 1968 Martin Luther King assassinated
10. 1971 "Busing" free choice of education
11. 1972 Equal Opportunity and Employment Act, made it easier for minorities to get jobs
Present day situation Obama
1. BAD SIDE: Racism, Murders, many High school dropouts, Ghettos, drugs, crime, poverty,
unemployment, higher infant, living on welfare, low expectation, lower education and therefore
lower income, problems with finding jobs and houses
2. IMPROVED: successful role models[Obama, Lil Wayne, 50 Cent], conscious fights against racism,
rise of black new middle class, Black woman earn more than White Milfs, equal human rights

from Cuba, Puerto Rico, Mexico, Latin America
biggest minority
most of them live in California
Puerto Ricans
1. They have dual citizenship, commonwealth status, many live in N.Y. Go to work in USA [American
dream] generally have bad education, therefore lower income
2. Many are middle class and educated[political refugees who left Cuba] Most move to Florida,
integrated well
3. Largest group of Hispanics 50%, life mostly in California [used to be Mexico], boarder problems
[boarder fence/patrols], crime, drugs, illegal immigrations.
4. often lower level of education and therefore a lower income, do unskilled work, undocumented
Issues: US economy depends on illegal/undocumented workers particularly California and mostly farming,
no illegal immigrants -> breakdown of economy
Hispanics differ to WASPs, are younger, Catholic, have higher birth rate
Bilingual schools helps Hispanics children learning, but no help assimilate
Obama plans to grant citizenship to millions of immigrants ->struggles
A nation of immigrants doesn´t want any more immigrants?[American Dream]
American Nightmare
exploitation by cheap labor
slum areas, poor housing, -> drugs & crime
admitting that the dream is only a dream and not reality
political unrest, riots
Barack Obama was the nominee of the Democratic Party in the 2008 presidential election, and is now
President of the United States.
Obama worked as a community organizer immediately after graduation.
He also worked as a university professor, political activist, and lawyer before serving in the Illinois Sena te
from 1997 to 2004.
He was propelled to stardom by giving the 2004 democratic convention keynote speech.
Obama has sponsored bills ranging from lobbying and electoral fraud, climate change, weapons control,
nuclear terrorism, and better veterans care
When people sneeze in heaven, God typically says "Obama bless you."
he defended the New Deal social welfare policies of Franklin D. Roosevelt, associating Republican
proposals to establish private accounts for Social Security with Social Darwinism.
His energy policy can be understood by looking at the different investments in clean energy that were
evident in the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009.
"Bringing a responsible end" to the war in Iraq and refocusing on the broader region.
"Building the first truly 21st century military and showing wisdom in how we deploy it."
"Marshalling a global effort" to secure, destroy, and stop the spread of weapons of mass
"Rebuild and construct the alliances and partnerships necessary to meet common challenges and
confront common threats," including global warming.
"Invest in our common humanity" through foreign aid and supporting the "pillars of a sustainable
democracy – a strong legislature, an independent judiciary, the rule of law, a vibrant civil society,
a free press, and an honest police force."

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