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Do we need affordable housing in DC?

Is child care important for local workers?

Does everyone have a right to shelter?
Your city leaders don’t think so.
These programs and more are under attack.
Don’t sit by. Stand Up! Fight Back!
Two out of every three dollars cut Mayor Vince Gray's proposed budget come from
programs that support DC residents struggling with poverty, even though these
programs make up only one out of every four dollars in the entire budget. It doesn’t
have to be this way. Join us to learn about what’s happening and what you can do to
make sure your tax dollars are spent on the services our city needs.

Winning a Better Budget

Tuesday, April 12
Dinner – 5:30
Information & Action – 6:00 to 8:00 pm
Bread for the City, 1525 7th Street NW (Between P and Q, 2 blocks from Shaw/Howard.)

RSVP or request child care with Joni at or 202-587-0524.

Incomplete List of Cuts:

- Temporary Assistance for Needy Families - Interim Disability Assistance

- Alliance Healthcare Insurance
- Child Care Vouchers
- Homeless Services
- Affordable Housing

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