11-Memo Style16

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Kathy Fox

From: Kathy Fox

Sent: Tuesday, December 07, 2010 3:37 PM
To: jepepjr@aol.com
Cc: dmurphy@nurfc.org; BReece@nurfc.org; robinson.kb.1@pg.com; 594@ocfcsp.oasfc.local;
Tony Capaci; Chris Bruner
Subject: RE: A Question--Freedom Cdenter

Thank you.  We are preparing the guaranty document, which will then be reviewed by the Attorney General’s office.  
Once that is complete we will forward it to you. 
Kathleen M. Fox, FASLA
Executive Director
Ohio Cultural Facilities Commission
100 E. Broad Street, Suite 300
Columbus, OH 43215-3661

Vox: 614.752.2770
Fax: 614-752-2775
e-mail: kfox@culture.ohio.gov

visit our website: www.culture.ohio.gov

Building Culture in Ohio's Communities: The Ohio Cultural Facilities Commission, formerly the Ohio Arts & Sports Facilities Commission, oversees
capital improvement funds appropriated by the Ohio General Assembly and Governor for community cultural facility projects including non-profit
theaters, museums, historical sites and publicly owned professional sports venues. You are invited to visit www.culture.ohio.gov or call (614) 752-2770
for more information on the Commission or to learn how we can assist your cultural facility project.
From: jepepjr@aol.com [mailto:jepepjr@aol.com]
Sent: Sunday, December 05, 2010 10:28 AM
To: Kathy Fox
Cc: dmurphy@nurfc.org; BReece@nurfc.org; robinson.kb.1@pg.com; 594@ocfcsp.oasfc.local; Tony Capaci; Chris Bruner
Subject: Re: A Question--Freedom Cdenter


My home address is:

233 Oliver Road

Cincinnati, Ohio 45215

I anticipate no problem meeting your 1/7/2011 date.

I know Ben Reece is working hard on answering your and Tony's every request.

Best, John

-----Original Message-----
From: Kathy Fox <KFox@culture.ohio.gov>
To: jepepjr@aol.com
Cc: dmurphy@nurfc.org; BReece@nurfc.org; robinson.kb.1@pg.com; 594@ocfcsp.oasfc.local; Tony Capaci
<tcapaci@culture.ohio.gov>; Chris Bruner <cbruner@culture.ohio.gov>

Sent: Sun, Dec 5, 2010 7:39 am
Subject: RE: A Question--Freedom Cdenter

We are still in need of your address in order to prepare the guaranty document.  You previously replied with the two 
names that will go into the guaranty document (your legal name and your wife’s legal name), but not the address.  Once 
we have the address, we can prepare the guaranty document and send it to you with instructions for signature.  As to 
timing, it would be helpful if you could return the guaranty document by January 7, 2011.
Our staff is still working on the financial analysis that will be part of our staff report to the Commission, and we did 
receive the month by month cash flow that had been requested.  Tony Capaci sent several follow up questions this 
week, the answers for which I do not believe have been received yet from NURFC staff;  I  will check in with Tony Capaci 
on this on Monday.  As mentioned previously, the analysis may illustrate that, even if the Commission approves release 
of the funds requested by the Freedom Center, there may be insufficient cash flow for the facility to remain in operation 
until federalization.  We would then need a plan from the Freedom Center, approved by the Freedom Center board, 
detailing how the Freedom Center will remain a going concern.  
The financial analysis is the critical path activity for keeping the Freedom Center’s request on track for the February 8 
agenda, and timely responses from the Freedom Center to our staff’s follow up questions will be most helpful because 
the financial analysis is an iterative process.  
Thank you,
Kathleen M. Fox, FASLA
Executive Director
Ohio Cultural Facilities Commission
100 E. Broad Street, Suite 300
Columbus, OH 43215-3661

Vox: 614.752.2770
Fax: 614-752-2775
e-mail: kfox@culture.ohio.gov

visit our website: www.culture.ohio.gov

Building Culture in Ohio's Communities: The Ohio Cultural Facilities Commission, formerly the Ohio Arts & Sports Facilities Commission, oversees
capital improvement funds appropriated by the Ohio General Assembly and Governor for community cultural facility projects including non-profit
theaters, museums, historical sites and publicly owned professional sports venues. You are invited to visit www.culture.ohio.gov or call (614) 752-2770
for more information on the Commission or to learn how we can assist your cultural facility project.
From: jepepjr@aol.com [mailto:jepepjr@aol.com]
Sent: Saturday, December 04, 2010 4:50 AM
To: Kathy Fox
Cc: dmurphy@nurfc.org; BReece@nurfc.org; robinson.kb.1@pg.com
Subject: A Question--Freedom Cdenter


I wonder when you would expect to be sending me the papers you will want me to fill out to guarantee the funds now
being held in escrow. Also I will appreciate when you will need to have the signed documents back in order to ensure this
goes on your February agenda.



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