Ramanathan Speech Disciplinary Cases General Procedure Part-2

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Disciplinary cases General Procedure Part-2

(continued from Part-1)

As specified in Part-1, charges have to be framed and the

accused has to be called on to submit his explanation to the
charges within a period twenty days or reasonable period.
It must be specifically mentioned that if the accused did not
submit his explanation within the time stipulated, further
reminders would not be issued and it would be construed
that he had nothing to state and action would be proceeded
further on the merit of the case. He should be informed
to submit the served copy of the charge memo duly signed
with date. He must also be informed that an oral inquiry
would be conducted on charges reputed by him. A
questionnaire form must be enclosed with the charge memo
and he should be informed to resubmit it along with his
explanation duly noting in it whether he desires oral inquiry
or personal hearing or he requires both. The disciplinary
authority has to fill in the questionnaire form the names of
persons to be inquired during the oral inquiry whom were
inquired already during the preliminary investigation in the
absence of the accused; and also names of persons whom
were already inquired during the preliminary investigation
in the presence of the accused. The accused has to submit
the questionnaire form duly noting names of other persons if
any to be inquired.
( To be continued in Part-3)

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