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Reference Interview using the Jahoda Model

Students were doing a research assignment on Medieval Era subjects.   

Step 1: Receive Query

I am looking for a book on clothing?

Step 2: Message Selection

Wanted Key Word(s): Looking (searching)

Given Key Words: Clothing

Step 3: Query Negotiation

Q) Are you looking for a particular style of clothing? A) Yes

Q) What style of clothing are you looking for? A) Medieval Times

Q) Are you wanting to research clothing on Medieval times or how to design Medieval Times clothing? A) I
am researching clothing that was worn during the Medieval times period. 

Step 4: Select Category of Answer-Providing Tool/Rationale

Non-fiction Print Source: The tools in this category provide information for research purposes. A non-fiction
source lists facts, history and dates.

Step 5: Select Specific Title of Answer-Providing Tool/Rationale

Steele, P. (2005). A History of Fashion and Costume: The Medieval World, Volume 2. New York, NY: Facts
on File. I chose this book for the patron because it was the most current book available on Medieval Fashion.  

Step 6: Search Strategy

We looked for this book in the 300 section of the library. When the book was found I thumbed through it to
determine whether the book had what the patron needed. As I thumbed through it I showed her the countries
that it detailed; mainly Europe, Africa and Asia, and the America’s. As she looked at the pages with me she
found that the book provided European dress during the Medieval times.  

Step 7: Translation of Language of the Answer-Providing Tool into Language of the Query

Perfect Match

Step 8: Patron Satisfaction

The patron was satisfied with the answer.

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