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A Power Point Presentation on

•The research design is the master plan specifying the
methods and procedures for collecting and analyzing the
needed information.
•Three traditional categories of research design-:

•The choice of the most appropriate design depends largely

on the objectives of the research and how much is known
about the problem and these objectives.
• Exploratory research is a type of research
conducted for a problem that has not been
clearly defined.
• To gain background information about the
general nature of the research problem.
• The researcher does not know much about the
problem and needs additional information or
desires new or more recent information.
• A variety of methods are available to
conduct exploratory research:
• Secondary Data Analysis
• Experience Surveys
• Case Analysis
• Focus Groups
• Projective Techniques
• Internet (Google Alerts, Google Trends, RSS
• Describes the various characteristics of
the phenomenon being studied.
• Provide answers to questions of who,
what, where, when, and how?
• Two basic classifications:
• Cross-sectional studies
– Involve observation of all of a population, or a
representative subset(sample), at a defined time.
– Sample Surveys, Online Research Surveys
• Longitudinal studies
– A correlational research study that involves repeated
observations of the same items(sample) over long periods of
– Cohort Studies sample a cohort, (defined as a group
experiencing some event) in a selected time period, and
studying them at intervals through time(long term intervals).
– Panel Studies sample a panel, and the same panel is asked
to respond periodically, usually at regular intervals.
– Longitudinal data used for:
• Market tracking
• Brand-switching
• Attitude and image checks
• Causal Research explores the effect of
one thing on another and more
specifically, the effect of one variable on

• It involves the measuring of the CAUSE

and EFFECT Relationship between two
variables X and Y.
• There has to be proper recognition of the X and
Y variables and their nature, i.e. either being
Dependent variable, Independent variable or
Extraneous variable.

• Independent variables: those over which the researcher

has control and wishes to manipulate i.e. package size, ad
copy, price.
• Dependent variables: those over which the researcher has
little to no direct control, but has a strong interest in testing
i.e. sales, profit, market share.
• Extraneous variables: those that may effect a dependent
variable but are not independent variables.

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