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This book is dedi ceded

AVlu Paque':tt.'e Tf7MlI'l,k.s JiJ1'(" £If£;' fi',ee l~ga~ c~rlti'lice;., 'YO:!l :}c ,r:}[!~ best,!

It all began 75, million years ago ...

h - II - '11- III dl

.1 ~ ~

T __ ere wos an intergnloclic onen nner norneo





Xenu had qU1ilf:,e., ~hle problem] ,A~II of fthJie, 7',6 plane'~s he centro II~ed were over-popu l,a'~led! av',erolgi ng '1 78 b~[~1 ion peopl e per pi onel !






Then, 'wIth the help of ,thie' evi

. r .

pS"'~;c'" h' :0··· .. : trisi«

':-', "-, .,1'.. , ~ '-' ";

hie: caUe:d in fr'iJlli'on,s lof: people l'OI!'" "income fn

11"'·-'11 I .:,: .' '.: 1(: X

inspections" I, ~.

- d

_ _ _ (i , I III! • (I!

... but they were insteod 9 ven iniecfions o]

~, - * <Ii' t - f: -III - h II d I ~-

0, parmyzmg mix ure 0 Oleo ,.01 an- glycol'l

Tl'[,.· e~ I IJI'n- rn n -;:".'·1 0'-" U'~ p'-:"e=' '0- 'p-" [IIID. 'W···: e re 10- o ·d-· e-=- d- I on ,"_ "I eo p o c""'e-=-' p= 11 .... 11I"ii e 'C_tl

11., 1"""".,.il'lii;Ii'l!.;;· .'. ~I '.... w' -":'" '. ...,., .. _.'. U ll,UI ;;II: .'._'.". Y~II. "~

~h-a't looked like DC-as" except that ~hey had roc:klet motors and could flY' 300 h'gh~ y,eO!lfS in '9 'were'; s,

The' unconscious people were stacked oround '~he boses o'f: vo~colnoes ..

'T'h· 9''',n' -H"·-Ib.-o· '·m .. · .. ibs 'we,"'lre':,

. .... .. ~ ". • :" .. ,I '.' ."_' '_, ~ . "

I d into the

owerec III '1,1," "I'~:'

'V:' '-[0' }C'IO'"" n oe -'S

"'.: ",,' ~ : •. '.' • " ",I • ri' !Ii i

,AI III ,of '~h,e ;he':to'f~S [seuls] nili" t-'h·,c d a .... d' -p·£ii ..... ·p~·I~a

vf 'Y,_ I.~_~p~ ' .. .1 .. :_..;-v:_ ... ~~~

'were bi own about by th ": n~IIIr.IDnr winds,

~ ~ ~ ~I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ _. _ ~ ~ ..• ~ Il

"In order 10 get rid of these wondering fhe'tans,r ~ e'f'9ctred 'petioli e~e'Ctrlonic beam]'s ~n whi'ch to ensnare ,them], .. ,11

,X'enu end ,the renegICl,de~s croptunad the thletlons ond

pla"',c':'le'd,- Ilh'e,"m:,-' in '10' boxe ~

. .,._.::: ~I '," III" II.. . ... x.:... ~~ ' .. ,


The boxes of t~etans were shipped


to ulg'-' e·:' - cinem -:'0-": S:

'.. .....' ... ~ ~ I. . . " ,jiJ

I.' ".

T'lh~' -. t- h-" . -'. t- .. -. '~' .. '~' .~ '. -'. '. t, d-' .' - .. ' . ~ , . . .'~'. ,t - h· "I~. .~.

""·e· .... , ... 'I~' ·,0···· n S·,:, spen .. r ,0'· Y-:.:/S·,'··· W···'··:·IO··· C" I n g~

~ ... , . ~<. - ,. . ' .:: .:.. . ...' , ~ . ::'. '.' ':,: .'.' '.' . '.' ~,.:.. ~ ~.:...

~ ~ ~ III!' - I 3'" D:" - - t- ~ ~ .. _!I!I t-

".' '.' ..... , . '.' ..... '.' . '. . ". 'I . ". .

'SlpeC,IIC_- : .•... m,OI,o,n p!le. ures'l

'These Bllms llii'mpllcnted,/t idees of Chds,t'i'an'liy} JudaIsm, lslorn, end I o I 'the' , lies Into the, thet!cns.", cOin -u,sing thelm.,

As '~h·e the'ta,n.s le:h ¥he CWln1e1ma I "'he-"y' Ilb"e-'g-' 0'- n 10-" cluster ""0- g- -e-,th'e-'r-

II - ,-- I', ,,_' ,'I ',_,' 11:- ,:; -,,' 11- " -.- ' ','

- - _, '_,_ ,,_. ,'-'.' - - - _, II .. ' .. - - .. '-, - - .. - I

belilev~\ng ~h,ey were orNE


The heron clusters ilnh,olbi ed the few' li'vi'ng bodies 'holt, 'were II eft, .. s our oncesto ~:S~

~ ~

,Me'onw'h'illel' Xenu wos filnl,olHy overthrown by the toyoll Officers ...

~ ~ .,and Ilock'ed law'cry' i'n a mountein,

········1· d·! be .. - - f~' .' ' .. "., ·f:·' I~dl .. IIL ... _.·.~' -.- 'C·. -,··d

seene I Y 101 'Ore,!€! U&JIII.' trnct I,S powere

by 01 n e'lterrn a I b atltery., It 'j s there tih CI ~ Xen u rem a m n s to. 'hh i: s very dOl)'.

A ... ,)11 ~ ..... , !I!o~lm"e'; g- ,;a;c;: 0':'"

t"i;~ I (l, ,;;[Iy IV __ 1_ _ • :~ -~.;!! .. __ ~. ~ '.

C'· '·-1'" .' JI IV~ I,zahon& n se Clnel

,f.~_1 ~ -" _ liL '.,i:.L

rc i ... power ,S~lUI1".S", .,,'

ho mons m'ig n)ih:!: and [PO'PU late..,., .TV shews am Icn~atOO andl

""'ii'"i1.,.. ... e·~IIii:iid ~~I~ ~I~: jll~~'~ ii'=: ~

L- R<',O···· ';"n" . H'u'b.·,b·'··; ar ·'d···,·" .',

,~ ~ '. , "" - - " y, -

M.·ch 1.3'.1 1911:: ilafa'geth! RIQ,nald Hulbb,ord,


was, bairn in Tilden, Nebrosko.

fr- fr-I~-

mys ery, ccnon,

'. f~·

romcnce, 5([1111!!I' I,


Y'o, , 'U n C: me I ~

.. ," , IV I III

'T· h- e r~.It"",o 0·':-' r

,_ _ _ 'Ii w ~,~,,'Ii

Ih~'$; prOoe'&1 '~$, ~nQWn a & cl'aud;i ti n~(" . Cln!e' St:ienmlc 91 t,sti, Ithre l)'p rede~ca rft lis audril~d by' (] 3eoolrrdl ,5e~ento,l!o,gi~'s,tl ~nown 0:5

hit d· fJ' h' - - JIL. - IlL - halci F D'~ -.

't e' -'10 U l'tOr'" W·· (I; I S SIDimeWlna~ I~;li a 'fiec, 1111 1(: io 1111 O'.ljlolneUcs

(:I rnd 5(: ieifitology:, The :body l'h'e:toln:s, ,ote, IpermOlnen~~y' 'el~'in-"~ n"nolmd 'w,om the predecr' s Ibady 'ftn rouglh r'B'petHhi'i3: mfemory lreg,r'i!ssi,e I'D.

JalnUIGlry' 24" 1986:

A,Fter occomplishinq a[l~ ill ·-t h-[ e ._. e' ,...- -t t d10 '~nO "- 5,· :11' ou . 0.' II.

- -- - - - - - - - - - -- - I

~ -R" n depo .. hi .. bodv

L.,~:O' I I ~_ •.• Ir:.S '11:s.. D-, i

iJln J,onuary' of 197,S 1 wos 'w'fJrk'in!9I on miy' Hrs,'t fi III m in Durango,; M,exm co '" Tlh e,re~ 1 Ime~ an,es;,s 'wh,o ,gave m c ,~l'e~ bo o-Ik

' I.,... ~ln_; . _.:,' ,::'

D- ~ -"

,fonet,',cs. ' •. my co m'leer

'j mmedli cr!tely- '~ook o'H:

a n,d l~ ~Ialnded ,0 Ilead'ins Irol~e on the TV

h IFW':' 'C 1- - - I(B'-' - -k

s ow",,_,e come [['iClIC: •• ',

Kotterl, •• , ,.1 hOiVle been a success h~lll ector 'for more ,tJha:n MeM'~ years, ,and Scjento'logy hos plQJyed 10 Imol'jarr,ol~ e j' n ~hOJt, success ."

In 2005, the book "An IIlus,trated History of Scientolog~ by l. Rick Vodicka Qlppears, on The Iinternet ... ~I

'Th'i':s i(lrrogant; i'nfringing Ipiiec:e of: w\tu",k Is imnledlautely destJloyed b,y fihe ded icated lawyers, o'F I-he Ch ureh of Sc'i'enrtologrYj 'lblf1inlQI'i "gl petu:e ito i~he world C),nee· mOFe'~,

vork d

... _.. :.:,:. _.'_._' .:: ..... ':, ...

• L ,', .', .:: ',' :..... .: _. .. """ .... ~ , [ . : .... : ....•. ", .. r .. :: •

'" ..' .

Wor.s Cite ....

Chu reh of Scientology' Inmimational i~a.t' I.s Sc:'ientolo91'~ Bridge· Publ ications, los Angele:s,; 1998

TL- F" d f ~-- 'JL n H bL -rd A'- P" F'I 11

rEi net1, s 0 rwn . R.on u · Del, .:.. ~ , . ro I e

Bridge! Publications" los Angeles,; 199,5

II D' ., It Vi: I Gu" " 'd -L--k T th M" d'l OV'" D' It -. h B'

'ICIne-hcs - M.1,Sua" I €COO' io 'e' .1 n .,. " .', AI tc oray'

Enterta in ment:; ,2003

Heldal ~Lund, And recs '1IOperation Clambo ke ~ The Fight, AsCI i nst

th· . 'C"h .' h f s·: . '., .. 10·,·1""",,, .' -' '0"':- th·· 'N':, er·,l , .' '. . t·,

J ," • ,n I',· _,..,' " ,", '-1 I . ;', _ ",' . '-1

e. urc OCI€n. " 091 . "n €I" or WMV.XOO U. 00' f

Doc. '1 0, 2004,

,Rash ieigh~ Berry~ Roland "The ,Mnu LeaRet'

Operation Clambake, 'Yi'WW.xenu. nm'; Doc. '1 0, ,2004,

Thanks to Roger Gannet for all his help, 'Vernon T. Chapman. ,for the picture of, the Sci'entology' Scelebrity Scenter, and Peter Swirnrn 'for permanently bani'.shi'ng many body thetans,.

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