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Child abuse and child labor Jenna Miscavige Hill was featured on ABC Nightline on April 24, 2008. Jenna’s parents were Scientologists and she is the niece of David Miscavige, who now heads the church. In her interview, Jenna describes doing manual labor, such as hauling rocks, even in the blistering heat or freezing cold, when she was six years old. At twelve she joined Sea Org, Scientology's navy-styled inner clergy, where she worked seven days a week, as a minor, sometimes staying up all night, and only received a small allowance cach week. The sad fact is Jenna's story is not the only one. Countless others have been forced into similar conditions in the Sea Org. To read more stories of children in Scientology, please visit WWW.EXSCIENTOLOGYKIDS.COM. Question Scientology. Learn more at: WHYWEPROTEST.NET | XENU.NET | GOANONYMOUS.ORG Come protest with us! Disconnection How would you feel ifa family member never spoke to you again because of their religious views? That’s what Scientology's disconnection policy is all about. Scientologists are told they must “handle” anyone in their environment with negative or critical opinions of the Church of Scientology. If they can’t, they are told to break all communication with such people because it is harmful to their spiritual growth. This is not merely a suggestion, it is an ultimatum: disconnect from those people, or else you will be declared an enemy of the church and lose your chance at salvation for eternity. Many have been disconnected from parents, children, friends, relatives, and loved-ones because of Scientology's disconnection policy. Does this sound like a church to you? Question Scientology. Learn more at: WHYWEPROTEST.NET | XENU.NET | GOANONYMOUS.ORG Come protest with us! Lisa McPherson November 1995: Lisa McPherson, a public Scientologist in Clearwater, Florida, was taken to a hospital after a minor car accident for a psychiatric evaluation. Scientologists followed her and convinced the doctors to give her into their custody. They took her to the Fort Harrison Hotel, where she was then locked in a room for 17 days until she died. Notes taken by her caretakers during this period showed she clearly needed medical attention. After her death, she was driven to a hospital 45 minutes away in another county, where a Scientologist was on staff in the ER. She was horribly emaciated, severely dehydrated, and her body was covered in wounds consistent with bug bites. The church spent years battling criminal charges and Lisa’s family has yet to receive any compensation for her wrongful death. Question Scientology. Learn more at: WHY WEPROTEST.NET | XENU.NET | GOANONYMOUS.ORG Come protest with us! The Office of Special Affairs The Office of Special Affairs (OSA) is a department of Scientology responsible for legal affairs, public relations, investigations, and overseeing social reform programs. OSA is the successor to Scientology's Guardian's Office. OSA has a history of involvement in immoral, unethical, and illegal activities: targeting critics of Scientology for “dead agent” operations; bullying the IRS with lawsuits in order to obtain tax-exempt status as a religion; the cover-up of Lisa McPherson’s unusual death at the hands of Scientology. The original Guardian’s Office was behind Operation Snow White, the largest infiltration of the U.S. government in history, involving theft of government documents, illegal wiretapping, and various other forms of espionage. Question Scientology. Learn more at: XENU.NET | WHYWEPROTEST.NET | XENUTV.COM Come protest with us! SCIENTOLOGY is a cult, itis corrupt, sinister and dangerous Those are not just our words—they are the words of a senior UK Judge, Mr Justice Latey, quoted from a 1984 case. What are some of the signs of a cult? Totalitarian in control of ehaviour: Every action and structure of Scientology is covered by a ‘Policy Order, giving instructions on how to think and act, and cut off everything from ‘outside’. Members are instructed to either bring their friends and family into Scientology, or to ‘Disconnect’ from them, as they would be a bad influence. Most outside interests, activities and employment are given up to devote all possible time and energy ta the church's goals Ethical double standards _* Look up Scientology those who speak out against the cult may be dep ed by any means by any Scientologist without any discipline of the Scientologist. May be tricked, sued or lied to froyed. There are many reports of individuals lives have been destré speaking out, and many have been driven to suicide by this practice. $ practice of “Fair Game", where Iwo basic purposes: recruiting new members and fund-raising : L.Ron Hubbard summed this up in one simple quote: "Make money. Make more money. other people produce so as fo make more money." The ‘free stress test’ they offer is just a recruitment tool: however you answer the questions, Scientology will always be the ‘only solution’ that can help you - and try to sell you a book Innovative_and_exelusive: Scientologists believe their mission is to ‘clear the planet of problems. Tom Cruise perhaps summed this up in a TV interview when he said When yourre a Scientologist, and you drive by an accident, you know you have to do something about it, because you know you're the only one who can really help’. Its teachings are hidden even from its own members until they have progressed through (and spent thousands on) earlier levels of teaching - even though it has all been leaked and is available on the internet. Even South Park parodied the Xenu story, found in Scientology's “Operating Thetan 3° level course. : Any Scientologist who speaks out against the cult, or merely shows doubt or questions its teachings risks being sent fo the Rehabilitation Project Force - RPF - 3 prison-camp style punishment system where members are deprived of sleep, nutrition, kept in appalling conditions, sometimes for years ata time. Scientology fulfils all of these basic requirements of a cult, and many, many more. We agree fully with Mr Justice Latey... do you? PROTECT YOURSELF - INFORM YOURSELF www.whyaretheydead net — Then you will understand why we cannot remain silent Harassment Brainwashing, Crime and Government infiltration. ..We aren't bad, we just want to “help” you. “Using the stress tests machines for pleasure for half a century”

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