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Recreating yourself simply means reinventing yourself. Sometimes we get so used to doing things in a
particular way till we don’t have the control over it anymore. It just runs on autopilot then we start
getting bored and tired of getting the same results; then what do we do?

You have to reinvent yourself. You have to write out what you do daily and then note some things you
want to change and the new things you want to do to add spice to your life. We can become real control
freaks to others and want immediate changes in our spouse and children but change has to start with
you. That is the only way you can see real and lasting changes in your relationships. We demand changes
in others as if we have the right to do so. We point a finger at others; while the rest points at us. It’s
easy to see fault in others and then ignore the fault you have. To effect a real lasting change in your
relationship. Start with you, and improve on yourself so much that your spouse notices and when he or
she does; she would effect similar changes in his or her life too.

A movie I love seeing is Fireproof. The film stars a couple who were near divorce and were about signing
the papers. When the father of the husband sent his son a book containing self change rules to be
effected in forty days. This he grudgingly started implementing; but when the days started reading and
the changes didn’t come from deep within, the marriage almost collapsed. This was because the wife
saw that the husband didn’t really change and was still watching porno sites online. He had to cry out to
God for change and his love. He accepted him as his Lord and Saviour. From then on, he put his heart
into it and change, lasting changes, occurred in his life. When his wife saw the changes that has occurred
in her husband, she couldn’t dispute them like before and when she saw it was for real. She immediately
wanted the changes herself and the whole relationship was reborn. They got married again and this
time; they took their love to a whole new level. For more info, check the link: fireproof my love.

The moral of the movie is this: you cant give what you don’t have. Change! Real change!! Comes from
God. When you have Him in your life; you can effect changes based on His love in you. So accept Him
today and let the changes within you begin to inspire changes in others especially your spouse.

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