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From the Organ Bench

Psalm 130
O Eternel! Je t’invoque des lieux profonds.
Seigneur! Ecoute ma voix;
Que tes oreilles soient attentives a la voix de mes supplications.
O Eternel! Si tu prends garde aux iniquites,
Seigneur! Qui est-ce qui subsistera?

Hopelessness. Extreme anxiety. Overwhelming fear. Overbearing angst.

Drowning in depression. Darkness. Loneliness. Surrounded by apprehension. The
cavernous blackness of the dark night of the soul. Images of despondency.
Abandoned. Forsaken. Trapped in a maze of uncontrollable circumstances: illness,
poverty, the wages of war, unemployment, abuse and neglect.

Listen. Do you hear the faint whimpering of a drenched child exposed to the cold
of winter? Do you hear the sobbing of a bruised woman? Do you hear racing breath
of a soldier in a foxhole?

Listen, O Lord. Do you hear the cry of the poor? Do you hear the cry of ghetto
violence? Do you hear the sirens wailing in the cover of night? Do you hear the
howls of torture?

Are you attentive to the silent voices of the brokenhearted? Voices, so silent and
shattered, beyond the ability to formulate even a syllable for help, let alone a
sophisticated supplication.

I cry out for your mercy. I am choking under the weight of my iniquity. I cannot
stand before your glory. Your goodness is to be admired and I am full of guilt. I am
a victim, paralyzed with an unforgiving heart. I am an addict, paralyzed by
attempts to self-medicate the pain of my existence. I am held captive by the
appearance of piety. I am the religious good-do-be so busy climbing the corporate
ladder of good works, I have lost sight of the fact that You own the ladder.
The ladder to Your heart is rung with the grace of forgiveness.

I hope.
I trust in Your word.
I wait.
My whole being waits.
I wait for You through the night;
Through every hour of the night.
I will wait for You with more anticipation
Than a night watchman waits for the relief of the day shift.
I will seek You with the same dedication as a soldier assigned to fire watch.

Your love for me is steadfast.

Your love saves me.
Your love satisfies my heart.
O Israel, hope in the LORD!
The Lord will redeem you
From all of your iniquities!

Delma Rouleau
5th Sunday of Lent
10 April 2011

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