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Frozen Food vs.

Fresh Food

Q) How often do you buy frozen food?



(c) Monthly

Q) Why do you think people prefer to purchase frozen foods?

A) Convenience

B) Taste

C) Quality

D) Price

E) Healthy

F) Other

Q) When you think of frozen food which company comes to your mind?

A) K & N

B) Menu

C) Mon Salwa

D) Dawn

Q) Are you aware of the harmful effects of consuming frozen food?

A) Preservatives

B) High calories
C) High sodium levels (salt)

D) Trans Fat

Q) Which items do you prefer to buy as frozen?

A) Meat
B) Chicken
C) Beef
D) Paratha
E) Deli Line
F) Others _________________

Q) What is the amount that you and your family spend in buying food items? (PLEASE TICK)

 1000-1500
 1500-2000
 2000-2500
 2500-3000
 3000-3500
 3500-4000
 4000-5000
 More than 5000

Q) Where do you mostly like to shop your most groceries from? (PLEASE TICK)

 Agha’s Store
 Naheed Store
 Imtiaz Store
 Other ____________

Q) Which of the following do you purchase in monthly groceries (PLEASE TICK)

 K&N frozen chicken

 Dawn frozen parathas
 Sausages
 Semi cooked frozen items of K&N, Menu, Super Fresh Etc

Q) What prompted you to buy frozen food?

A) Advertisements

B) Word of mouth
C) Accessibility at super stores

D) Other

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