EEI Diffusion Eeep

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EEI- Diffusion

Aim: To determine how surface area: volume ratio effects the percentage of a cell into which a
chemical was able to diffuse over a period of time

Cells and Organelles rely on diffusion to acquire to substances, proteins and dissolved solids and
gasses which a cell needs to survive.

Diffusion is the movement of molecules in and out of the cell across the cell membrane from areas
of high concentration to areas of low concentration until there is an equal concentration of fluid on
both sides of the membrane. (Biology online, 2008)

Independent The Surface Area: Volume Ratio
Dependant The percentage of the cell into which a chemical
Controlled The chemical which diffuses
The type of potato used
The room temperature
The size of the beaker
The ruler used
The amount of a chemical used
The amount of water into which the chemical is
The time which they were in the water for.


Hypothesis: If two cubes with different surface area: volume ratios are put in a chemical for an
curtain amount of time, then the cube with a higher surface area: volume ratio will have a larger %
of its cell had the chemical diffused into it because the larger ratio means that more surface area,
compared to volume, is exposed to the chemical.

 One large potato
 2x 250ml beakers
 One ruler
 One sharp knife
 Chemical
 Clock

Risk Assessment:
Chemical and Acute health effects First aid Fire fighting

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