Facebook: Nabil Assyazali Narzym Rusydan

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There are some reasons facebook sell like hot potatoes to
Internet users.

1. Upload unlimited photos.

Facebook is the most popular website for uploading photos. Not
only can users upload unlimited photos, you can also add tags and
put comments on your friends' photos. With tagging, you'll know
when your friends or your contacts add a picture of you in their
album. Sharing memorabilia has never been this fun and easy.
2. Be 'in the know'.
Do you want to know what your friends are doing without using
instant messaging softwares like Yahoo! Messenger or MSN? With
Facebook's STATUS feature, you can see what your friends are up
to without having to ask them - which can definitely save a lot of
time and effort. This also works vice versa because Facebook users
can also update their friends on what they are up to.
3. Interact with friends through games and other applications.
Facebook changed the way people use applications for social
networking websites. Applications like games and tests (Poker, Trivia
Games, Get-to- know-yourself tests, "What does your birthday
mean?" test, "Are you Normal?" test, etc) are being used to encourage
more social interaction through the Internet. You don't have to meet
each other face to face to be able to play cityville,mafia wars and
4. FB expend the outreach between citizen and ministers ,student and
school administration.
FB make an easier, faster and cheaper way for a citizen to complaint
to the heads of various ministries since nowadays most of the
ministers have FB account. Moreover there are a lot of government
agencies FB pages can JOIN by the public.
positive effect
 Places that you can Share and Solve Problem
 School administration can share information and keep
students up to date on campus issues
 Meet people with similar interests at your university
 Facebook is a great opportunity for businesses to
make their products known.
Negative effect
 Privacy Blow Up:

Facebook is a social networking website so many people use it to

connect with lots of people. In those people, many people can be their
identified people but surely some people may be totally new for them.
Users can not keep any information private due to any of the people can
get their personal information

 Does not Care about His/Her Surroundings:

If someone is previously addicted to Facebook, then the possibility is that

he/she would not care about his/her surroundings. This person only care
about his/her world. Facebook users check their Facebook profile to see
who has written on their wall, commented on their photos or
commented on their status.this activity takes them away from spending
time with friends and family.
 Bad for Health:

Obesity is among the negative effects of Facebook. If people will

sit in front of the monitor all the time and will eat snacks then
their physical activities will reduce and certainly they will be fatter.

 Reduce the Time for Study:

Facebook attract people by allowing them to do time pass with

their family, friends, and relatives, whole time. Students also
browse Facebook after coming from school and this way, they
reduce the time for their study.
 Less Social Interaction:

People make a lot of friends in Facebook and interact with them at

internet. But in the real world, they have no time to interact with
others. Actually, people spend most of their time with the internet
and the result is they are reducing their social skills, communication
skills as well as verbal skills.

 Possibility of Conflict:

Many immature people create stupid status, upload embarrassing

picture and many other ridiculous actions. By these actions,
definitely conflicts can be set up with others

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