Lesson Plan

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8th Grade English Tobias Seiple

Lesson Plan Title: Expository & Grammar- Self Instruction

Concept / Topic To Teach: Understanding Patterns of Organization R2.7
Subject Verb Agreement LC1.4
Standards Addressed: R2.7 Comprehension & Analysis of Text
Evaluate the unity, coherence, logic, & structure of a text
LC1.4 Edit written manuscripts to insure that correct grammar is
General Goal(s): To have students use technical directions to independently
understand, explain, and apply solutions to academic challenges.

Specific Objectives: To understand Subject/Verb Agreement by comprehension, and

application of instructional text.

Required Materials: a) Language Network Book

b) Paper
c) Pencil
Step-By-Step Procedures:
1) Teacher leads students through a review of Patterns of Organization and how that
2) applies to Instructional Text.
3) Students get into 4 person groups
3) Students work together to complete lesson
1 a) Students discuss problems
2 b) Demonstrate knowledge through taking turns giving answers
3 c) Check for understanding through comparing answer
4 4) Teacher walks floor checking progress & assisting stuck groups
8th Grade English Tobias Seiple

Plan For Independent Practice:

Closure (Reflect Anticipatory Set):

Assessment Based On Objectives:

Adaptations (For Students With Learning Disabilities):

Extensions (For Gifted Students):

Possible Connections To Other Subjects:

8th Grade English Tobias Seiple

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