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Running head: Student-Centered Classroom Management System 1

Student-Centered Classroom Management

Molly Cypert

Educ 5143

August 1, 2010
Running head: Student-Centered Classroom Management System 2

Section I:

According to Harry Wong, “Teachers universally say they go into teaching

to make a difference, you more than make a difference. You ARE the

difference,” {2009 p. 8). This student centered classroom management plan is

designed to promote an active learning environment that enhances students

education and enriches their lives. Teachers universally make a different, but

they need an effective classroom management plan that is based on teacher

responsibilities student responsibilities, incentives, intervention techniques,

effective classroom procedures and specific classroom arrangements. This will

be my student centered classroom management plan that I implement in my

teaching career. It is designed to make me an effective teacher and support my

philosophy of student-centered learning. It is based on a variety of discipline

techniques and teaching strategies that will allow me to facilitate an effective

learning environment and promote active learning. It will help me model

appropriate behavior and motivate my students to succeed. This student-

centered management plan will help me implement life-long learning tools my

students will need to reach their goals.

Student classroom management belief statement

I believe the teacher should model success and appropriate behavior for

the students. I will lead by example and strive to motivate the students to the
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best of their ability. To accomplish this, I will establish high expectations for my

students at the beginning of the year and encourage them to achieve these goals

throughout the school year. I believe all students can learn and I am responsible

for providing the students with a positive and enriching learning environment. My

classroom management will be consistent and the students will understand what

is expected of them. I will offer my students incentives to work hard on their

assignments and create a classroom environment that is organized and

promotes active learning. Cooperative learning, student centered learning, and

teacher-directed instruction will be a part of my curriculum. I believe teachers

should practice a combination of relationship-listening, confronting-contracting,

and rules-consequences for effective classroom discipline. Positive and negative

reinforcement will be a part of my classroom management. I believe I am

responsible for providing my students with a high-quality education and will make

every effort to motivate my students to succeed.

Commitment to ethical principles statement

I will present and conduct myself in an ethical and professional manner. I

will be familiar with Chapter 37 in the Texas Education Code and the Code of

Ethics for Texas Educators, which will enable me to appropriately exercise due

diligence over students, keep students from being exposed to intentional

embarrassment or disparagement, and keep student information confidential

unless disclosure serves a compelling professional purpose or is required by law.

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Before I am hired by a school district, I will review my contract carefully and

completely understand the school districts policies on student privacy, philosophy

on education, and discipline procedures. I will also understand how schools are

funded and make sure the funds are used adequately to enhance the student’s

education. I will make certain the school district exercises due diligence over

students in a legal and ethical manner. Exercising appropriate due diligence

over my students will be a top priority because it enables me to protect my

students from unreasonable harm, embarrassment, and avoidable discrepancies

in the educational system. I will keep all student records confidential and not

share information with either students or teachers unless extenuating

circumstances grounded in law make it imperative to do so. This will protect my

students from being exposed to intentional embarrassment or disparagement. I

will not disclose any information of any kind if a student confides in me about a

personal issue, unless it is required by law. For example, if the student confides

in me about being abused, I must report the issue because it is my job to protect

the student, regardless of embarrassment or disparagement. However, if the

student has done poorly on an assignment or doesn’t understand what we are

learning, I will keep the information confidential and not share the information

with other students or colleagues. Part of protecting students from intentional

embarrassment or disparagement is being a positive role model in society. I will

only portray myself in a positive light and not contribute to any embarrassment

my students may feel about me if I am conducting myself in an unprofessional

manner. The Code of Ethics for Texas Educators ensures my students’

Running head: Student-Centered Classroom Management System 5

information will be confidential unless disclosure serves a compelling

professional purpose or is required by law. I will follow the enforceable standards

in the Code of Ethics for Texas Educators to insure my students’ information is

kept confidential and their privacy is protected by all outside parties. This

includes, but is not limited to; keeping student’s record private and not discussing

the personal information with anyone, not discussing my students with other

colleagues, keeping student’s academic achievements confidential, and not

revealing any personal heath problems the student may have. If I am required by

law to break my student’s confidentiality, I will do my best to ensure the student is

respected and present any information required in an extremely professional

manner and only share the information with necessary parties. Exercising due

diligence, protecting student confidentiality, and keeping students from being

exposed to intentional embarrassment are ethical and legal standards that I will

strongly enforce in my teaching career.

Teacher Responsibilities

My teacher responsibilities will be consistently followed and incorporated

in my classroom on a daily basis. I will establish rules and consequences at the

beginning of the year to enforce high expectations and standards for my students

to follow. It is my responsibility to motivate my students to achieve top standards

and succeed. I will be compassionate, empathetic and respectful towards my

students and other endeavors related to school. Some of my teaching

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responsibilities will be influenced by a teacher effectiveness training model. I will

be responsible for using “I” messages with my students, which will allow me to

explain why their behavior is effecting others. Door openers or questioning

techniques that are thought-provoking, teaching self-control, and providing

students with multiple opportunities to voice their opinions or discuss their

feelings will be part of my responsibility as their teacher and implemented in my

classroom. Another teaching responsibility that was influenced by a teacher

effectiveness training model will include being an active and critical listener

towards my student’s behaviors and feelings. This will help establish trust and a

good relationship with my students. Love and logic approaches will also be

utilized in my teaching responsibilities. I will be responsible for being respectful

of the choices my students decide to make and never disciplining with threats.

Addressing students’ behavior with a positive attitude and relating to their

feelings in an understanding or caring manner will be my responsibility. I will also

praise and reward my students for good behavior on an as needed basis. There

will also be some assertive discipline techniques that I will be responsible for

implementing in my classroom. My students will be given direct commands and

corrective feedback that is supportive and redirects their behavior. Warnings and

consequences will be established, which is consistent with assertive discipline

techniques and a factor in my teaching responsibilities. It is extremely important

for me to redirect any misbehavior to keep a smooth and productive classroom. I

am responsible for monitoring and evaluating students work or collaborating with

other teachers to insure my students receive the best type of instruction that
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meets their need and enhances their education. My teaching responsibilities will

help establish a good relationship and cater to my students’ individual needs.

Above all, I will model appropriate behavior and be an active motivator in my

students’ education. My teaching responsibilities that I facilitate in my classroom

will increase my students’ chance for success and enhance their education. It

will help them reach academic goals and support my goal of becoming and

effective teacher.

Student Responsibilities

There will be many student responsibilities that will be expected of my

students. The student responsibilities will be influenced by different types of

behavior models that support assertive discipline, teacher effectiveness training,

and disciplining with dignity techniques. Students are responsible for

understanding classroom procedures, rules, and consequences, which should be

consistently followed and accepted. My students are expected to be responsible

and in control of their actions. They should take ownerships for some disruptions

in class and follow directions the first time they are given. Active listening and

critical listening skills should be implemented by my students. They will be

expected not to waste anytime during class and encourage each other to

maximize their learning potential. My students will be responsible for practicing

problem-solving skills and self-discipline techniques in their education and social

behaviors. They should model appropriate behavior for me and their peers. All
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of my students will be responsible for being respectful and empathetic towards

others. They should be supportive of each others individual needs and express

appropriate feelings. Punctuality, staying on-task, and talking only at the

appropriate times will be a student responsibility and an important part of

instruction. My students should also make efforts to pay attention and focus in

class because their student responsibilities are for their benefit and help support

my teaching techniques. When students accept all of their responsibilities it will

maximize their learning potential and facilitate active learning in a positive

environment. Their responsibilities are crucial in their learning experience and

will establish life-long skills needed for their growth and development.


Student incentives will be used for a variety of reasons and will vary

depending on each student. The incentives will be developed to help motivate

students to reach high classroom expectations and academic achievements in

school. They will be school-wide and used throughout their education. The

following are some incentives that will be implemented in my classroom:

• Individual rewards based on student’s interests

• Positive reinforcement and acknowledgement of good behavior

• Praise (daily)
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• Positive notes home (random)

• Movie and popcorn party (class reward)

• Lunch with the teacher

Each of these rewards will be important to implement and will depend on each

students behavior. Individual rewards that are based on student’s interests are a

love and logic approach that will teach students to make choices based on their

own likes and dislikes. For example, one student may choose to pick a baseball

card from the classroom treasure box verses gel pens. Positive reinforcement

and acknowledgement of good behavior will be given to every student and a daily

part of their education. It will teach the students that sometimes the reward is

just acknowledgement for a good deed and not an actually prize. Daily praise

will be given to each student to build trust and boost their self-esteem. Positive

notes home will be an incentive that is given randomly, depending on each

student. It will help communicate with parents and establish a good relationship

with them, while recognizing student achievements. It will be a great incentive

for students who are emotional disturbed and need the extra attention or

personal gratification. Movie and popcorn parties will be classroom incentives

and rewards. They will be allowed once every six weeks and will depend on the

behavior as a class. This will encourage students to work together as a team to

achieve a classroom goal. Lunch with the teacher will also be in incentive I will

use with my students. They will be allowed to pick one friend and eat lunch with

me in the classroom. It will help me to get to my students on a more personal

level and develop an understanding of their personal background. Students may

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also be given various other rewards throughout the school year, which can be

chosen by the student or as a class. For example, students can vote on a pizza

party or to have lunch outside. Individually, students may choose to receive a

first in line coupon, pass to use colored chalk, extra computer time, or another

special activity of their choice. My incentives will be motivational techniques that

will help create a positive learning environment and increase students drive for

learning. They will be rewarded for good behavior and encouraged to

continually model appropriate behavior. Overall, incentives will be utilized in my

classroom to provide my students with self-gratification and a sense of



I will implement many different types of intervention techniques. Each

intervention will depend on the individual need of each student. The following

are some intervention techniques that I will implement with my students to

improve their classroom behavior:

• Individual Behavior Intervention Plan (BIP) – This type of intervention will

be an assertive discipline technique. Students will create individual action

plans and they will answer:

o What’s the problem?

o What’s causing the problem?

o What plan will you use to solve the problem?

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They will be expected to sign their action plan and follow the plan. This

will encourage students to accept responsibility for their behavior and

motivate them to change their behavior based on ownership skills. This

technique will teach students self-discipline and problem-solving skills.

• “Who Squad” letters – This is an assertive discipline technique and will

be utilized for my emotional disturbed or violent students. It will help

protect all of my students and support me in my classroom discipline

procedures. One student may take the who squad letter to the office and

administrators will know how to handle the situation.

• Choices – This intervention technique will help students feel in control of

their behavior and teach them to make the appropriate choices. They will

feel less threatened if I allow the student to make a choice for their

behavior and will be inclined to listen if they feel respected.

• Speak individually with students to address behavior problems – This

technique will help me determine what is causing the students behavior

problem and will help me establish a possible solution. It will provide the

student with a chance to express their feelings or opinion and open the

door for an opportunity to discuss and serious issues.

• Parent conferences- This important technique will keep communication

Running head: Student-Centered Classroom Management System 12

lines open with parents or legal guardians. I will be able to communicate

any extra help the student may need at home and work with the parents

on discipline techniques for their student. This will also be used as a time

to communicate good behavior and positive attributes about their child.

• Communicate with principals, school counselors, and appropriate

administrators or social services- This is an important intervention

technique that will support my discipline procedures. This love and logic

approach will help me communicate with the appropriate administrators if I

feel it will benefit the student.

• Eye contact or the “evil” eye and “Let’s talk about this later”- This

intervention technique will be a love and logic approach and will teach

students to behave based on others feelings or needs.

• Use active and critical listening skills – These skills are based on teacher

effectiveness training and will be used as intervention techniques in my

class. Students will be able to use their active and critical listening skills to

redirect their behavior without me having to stop class to implement

consequences. They will not need me to take action for their misbehavior

because it will fixed by them or while working with other students to solve

the problem.
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• “I” messages – This teacher effectiveness training intervention technique

will help explain why the behavior is problem. It teaches students self-

discipline and ownership for their misbehavior without teacher directed

consequences or actions.

• No-lose conflict resolution methods- Everyone will win with this

intervention technique. Students should be inspired to change their

behavior based on their personal desire to fix the situation. It is influenced

by personal feelings and value of others. It will also teach problem-solving


• Student strengths or weaknesses- This intervention technique will be

used based upon student’s individual behavioral strengths or weaknesses.

It will improve behavior problems and catered around each student’s

individual need. This type of intervention will depend on each student and

formed around them.

Referral Guidelines

My office referral procedures are standardized and implemented by all the

teachers and faculty in my school. This will create a well-organized student

discipline system and an effective classroom management plan for all teachers.
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My office referral procedures would be based on a tally system and each student

will have five chances and if they obtain five tally marks throughout the day, they

will be sent to the office and given an office referral.

•The first tally will be a verbal warning and 5 minutes of independent

physical activity at recess.

•The second tally will be 10 minutes of independent physical activity at


•The third tally will be a time-out with the teacher.

•The fourth tally will be a phone-call home.

•The fifth tally will be the office referral, phone call home, visit to the

principal and teacher-time out during recess.


It is important to weave personal, professional, and theoretical attributes into

the teacher because these factors effect how a person is perceived and correlate

with their personal philosophy of teaching. Teachers must possess strong

attributes that will make a positive impact in student’s lives and encourage active

learning. Our fictional teacher’s personal, professional, and theoretical attributes

will expand student’s knowledge and provide students with an enriching

education. The different attributes should demonstrate positive role-model

qualities and model appropriate behavior. This will allow our fictional teacher to
Running head: Student-Centered Classroom Management System 15

create a respectful learning environment that supports a discipline with dignity


We were able to correlate personal, professional and theoretical attributes

through effective teaching strategies and by creating a teacher with a unique

personal background. Our group created a teacher that incorporated her unique

abilities into a classroom and applied them to her teaching career. This helped

our group create a successful learning environment that facilitates active

learning. We were able to accomplish creating an effective teacher that

possessed qualities of leadership, confidence, and strong motivation. She has a

strong passion for teaching and strives to insure that her students achieve

success. Her passion for children is shown through her work experience,

teaching style, and education philosophies. Her personal interests and hobbies

prove she is goal-driven, ambitious, and lives an active lifestyle. For example,

Ms. Applebee enjoys photography, working out, reading and sailing. She will be

able to apply these skills in the classroom and communicate to students the

importance of having goals and ambitions in life. This will help her connect with

students and motivate them to learn. Her work experience proves she is

qualified and dedicated to her career because she has taught or volunteered in

various teaching settings. This work experience has helped her develop the

skills necessary to be an effective educator. Our fictional teacher, Ms. Applebee

understands the importance of applying different teaching strategies in the

classroom. We were able to accomplish active learning techniques through

cooperative learning, student-centered learning and teacher-directed instruction.

Running head: Student-Centered Classroom Management System 16

This professional attribute helps students achieve success and promotes high

expectations. Connecting personal, professional, and theoretical attributes

enabled our group to establish a teacher that is highly motivated and leads by


Our three attributes helped establish high expectations and create an active

learning environment. The different attributes help shape an effective teacher

and incorporated a variety of instructional strategies to facilitate student

achievements. Her personal goals supported her ambitious and positive role-

model qualities. Ms. Applebee’s professional attributes enabled her to be an

effective educator and empowered her with knowledge that created a successful

classroom. Her experience in suburban districts, urban districts, special needs

camps, and in general education classrooms has expanded her classroom

knowledge. It has helped shape her perception of learning, different teaching

strategies and educational goals. This diverse work experience enabled her to

create a classroom environment that supports diversity and caters to individual

student needs. Theoretically, Ms. Applebee has all the necessary skills that

allow her to take on the role of a facilitator and design a classroom based upon

student centered instruction. Each attribute plays a significant role in a students

learning process and in our fictional teacher’s career. In general, the personal,

professional, and theoretical attributes should compliment each other to create

an effective educator with valuable teaching qualities.

I believe that I hold similar classroom management beliefs, concepts, and

teaching strategies with our fictional teacher. I am goal-driven, highly motivated,

Running head: Student-Centered Classroom Management System 17

and have a passion for children. I believe teaching means helping all students

recognize their unique abilities and personal goals. You should always model

appropriate behavior and treat students with dignity and respect. Teachers are

responsible for creating a supportive learning environment that is thought-

provoking and challenging. I believe, incorporating a variety of teaching

strategies in the classroom that will provide students with multiple learning

opportunities and encourage academic success. For example, cooperative

learning, student-centered instruction, and teacher-directed instruction are

concepts applied by our fictional teacher and strategies that I will incorporate into

my classroom. My career related work experience is similar to our fictional

teacher. I have worked in various after-school programs and substitute taught for

a year. It has taught me the importance of establishing a classroom that

supports diversity and supports the belief of establishing good relationships with

you’re students. I also have similar beliefs about disciplining students and

believe in a love and logic behavior approach. My rules and consequences will

be the same and implemented at the beginning of the year. Students should be

respected, empathetic, and given choices for individual behavior. Our fictional

teacher supports these values and they are effective techniques for disciplining

with dignity. The action plan created by Harry Wong that is apart of Ms.

Applebee’s interventions will be implemented in my classroom. It will establish a

good social contract and teach important behavior skills. It will reinforce

responsibility, problem-solving, and self-discipline skills. I support a classroom

that follows a discipline with dignity student-behavior management model, but I

Running head: Student-Centered Classroom Management System 18

will also include assertive discipline and teacher effectiveness training techniques

in my classroom. In my opinion, it is important that students understand

corrective actions will follow if directions are not followed. They should

understand their limitations and the consequences for bad behavior. I believe

assertive discipline teaches this concept the best because there are systematic

warnings and supportive feedback for student behavior. A behavior tally system

with supportive and corrective feedback will be included in my student behavior

management plan, which supports my belief in assertive discipline. Teacher

effectiveness training will be implemented in my classroom to reinforce self-

discipline, ownership and problem-solving skills. This discipline plan will cater

towards some of my emotionally disturbed students. In my opinion, the main

reason for implementing this behavior plan in my classroom will be to teach the

students that you will not always receive a reward for positive behavior. It will

establish self-motivation techniques and encourage students to learn for ones

self and not for alternative reasons. Overall, I strongly agree with our fictional

teacher’s behavior strategies, classroom management techniques, and the other

concepts that are consistent with the love and logic approach.

This assignment affected the way I view teaching in a variety of ways. It

helped me realize the importance of disciplining with love and logic, the

importance of working together, and the magnitude a diverse work experience

can have on my teaching career. Cooperative learning and working together is

crucial in student’s learning environment, but it is also important for teachers to

collaborate with other teachers. This will model appropriate behavior and
Running head: Student-Centered Classroom Management System 19

facilitate an effective learning environment. This assignment affected the way I

view my work experience. I realized that a diverse work experience will help me

become more cultured and knowledgeable in my teaching career. I will be able

to apply better teaching strategies and be more effective if I have different types

of work experience. I also realized that one discipline plan is not the best

approach for an effective classroom. The discipline with dignity approach is a

great behavior management concept, but it is more effective if you implement a

variety of student behavior plans in a classroom. This assignment affected my

perception of teaching in a positive way. It taught me that teaching students

does not end in the classroom. Teaching is a continuous process and it is my

responsibility to help my students reach their goals and recognize their individual

abilities. This can be hobbies and interests that are not related to school or

individual learning differences that affect each student differently. Overall, it is

my job to teach students the skills necessary to maximize their potential and be

an active facilitator in their education.


Wong, H. K., & Wong, R. T. (2009). The First Days of School: How to Be an Effective

Teacher (4 ed.). Mountain View, CA: Harry K. Wong Publications.

Section Two:
Running head: Student-Centered Classroom Management System 20

The Classroom Architect Classroom Layout: Classroom Organization

My classroom will be arranged in a way that will allow me to easily monitor

the students during all the lessons. I will have five groups of four desks and one

outlier desk that will be for my student who is distracted easily. I will have one

circular table which will be utilized in my classroom for small group instruction

and cooperative learning groups. On the right side of my room, next to the

circular table I will have three computers. This will be for learning centers and

incorporating technology in my classroom. My desk and phone will be located in

the back right corner of my room. This allows me to see my entire room and

work efficiently. I will have small bookshelves on the back wall. The shelves will

have trays where students will turn in homework and the shelves will organize my

literacy library. This back wall is full of windows and brightens my room. In the

back corner of my room near my desk I will have all of my filing records. These

are important filing cabinets that store student’s records and work. It needs to be

kept confidential, which is why it’s behind my desk. The outlier desk is next to

my desk because this will help the student stay on task. The rest of the five

groups of four desks will be located in the center of the room. I will also have an

area in the back left corner of my room that will be used for learning centers or a

quiet area for the children to read. My projector board will be on my left wall in

the center. This allows every student to be able to see the board easily. I will

also have white board on my wall near the circular table. This whiteboard will be

an area where students can see homework assignments or special information.

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The pencil sharpener and other storage cabinets will be near the entrance to my

classroom. The storage cabinets will hold classroom supplies and games. The

front of the room a convenient place for the cabinets and pencil sharpener,

because the students will be able to grab their supplies or sharpen their pencils

as soon as they enter the room. I will have three trash cans throughout my room.

They will be placed by the doors, the circular table and near my desk. Overall, I

feel this is an excellent room arrangement. It allows me to maximize instruction

time and make use of every corner in my room.

Running head: Student-Centered Classroom Management System 22

Classroom rules and procedures are necessary for effective classroom

management and an essential part of students learning environment. The

following rules and procedures will be implemented in my classroom on daily


Classroom Rules:

1. Follow directions the first time they are given and thereafter.

2. Raise your hand and wait for permission to speak.

3. Stay in your seat unless you have permission to do otherwise.

4. Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself.

5. RESPECT yourself and others!

My classroom procedures will be:

• Use of Room: Learning Centers

It is important to follow this procedure because we need to keep

class running smoothly.

1. Follow the appropriate instructions and safety procedures.

2. If it is group work, make sure you work together and use 6-

inch voices.

3. Listen for the verbal announcement of five minutes left

before switching centers.

4. When you hear the timer, stop what you are doing and clean

up your area.

5. Gather your materials and stand quietly by your center.

6. Listen for teacher instruction.

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• Use of School Areas: Cafeteria/Lunch

It is important to follow these procedures because we need to

demonstrate proper lunch etiquette.

1. Stand quietly in the lunch line.

2. Follow correct cafeteria flow from serving counter to table

and from table to trash to exit.

3. Talk quietly in the lunchroom, unless you hear otherwise.

4. Practice good manners.

5. Throw away all trash in your area before leaving.

6. Treat EVERYONE with respect in the cafeteria.

• Beginning the School Day/Starting class: "Warm-ups" being

class work:

We need to follow this procedure because it is important to start our

day smoothly and get started as soon as we enter the room.

1. Enter the room quietly.

2. Put your things away.

3. Quietly begin working on the bell work assignment on your


4. Work until you finish or the teacher has asked you to stop.

5. If you finish early, remain quietly in your seat and read a

book or write in your journal.

• Ending the School Day/Class Dismissal Expected student

behavior upon class dismissal:

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If is important to follow this procedure because it is important to

keep our classroom clean and safe.

1. Pick up trash around your desk and gather materials for your


2. Push in your chair and stand quietly to signal you are ready

to go.

3. Remain standing behind your chair, until instructed to line up

to go to your lockers.

4. Go to your locker quietly, and then line up in the hallway.

5. When the dismissal bell rings, remain in an orderly line and

quiet until I dismiss you.

• Instruction/Whole-Class Activities/Seat-work Asking for

assistance with class work:

It is important to follow this procedure because we need to keep

class running smoothly.

1. Sit quietly at your desk.

2. Place your "Please help/Please keep working" sign on your


3. If I am instructing, write your question down.

4. If I am working with another student or speaking to another

teacher, write your question down or skip that question and

move on to the next one.

5. Please continue working.

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• Small-Group Activities: Expected behavior of student in small groups.

It is important to follow this procedure because it is important to be

respectful of our classmates and collaborate effectively.

1. Treat everyone with respect.

2. Be an active listener and actively involved.

3. If you have a question, ask your group for help first.

4. Help each other when asked.

5. You may ask the teacher for help when the group agrees on

the same question.

6. Have one group member place their "Please help!/Please

keep working" sign on the desk.

• Student Work/Assignments: Where to turn in assignments:

It is important to follow this procedure because it is important to turn

in papers in an orderly fashion.

1. Make sure your name and class number is on the top of your


2. Work completed in class should be placed neatly, in the

middle of the group table.

3. One student will be assigned the job of collecting the papers

from each desk and placing them in the finished work

Running head: Student-Centered Classroom Management System 26

4. Homework should be turned in before the tardy bell rings, in

the appropriate tray.

5. Late work is not accepted.

Overall, classroom rules and procedures should be designed to keep a smooth

running classroom that promotes active learning. It should be based on positive

reinforcement techniques that cater to classroom instruction. They should be

aligned with the schools goals and implemented on a daily basis. Classroom

rules and procedures create an organized learning environment and establish

consistency. These rules and procedures will promote high expectations and

support me in becoming an effective teacher and motivator for my students.

SCMS Matrix


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