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Group band Sheila on 7 always stay in my heart. Sheila on 7 is my life , is my

eyes, is my hands, is my heart, and is my love. Sheila on 7 always stay in my brain. Sheila on
7 is group band it’s so very good.i like it ! sheila on 7 giving shooting a new song album for
the fans with title of “SEPHIA BERLAYAR”. Group band sheila on7 there is five personnel,
that is : Duta (vokal , Adam (bass) , Brian (drum) and Eross (guitar).Duta is my love, Brian is
my smile , Adam is my star, and eross is my life. We have face it’s so cute, making me very
liked.And we attraction in stage is very beatiful and ver so perfect, and to make me faal in
love .I hope sheila on 7 always make happy the fans(sheila gank), and i hope sheila on 7
always number one in my heart.I once dreaming if we come to my house, ooh.......... i’am
very very happy and make me sad, but only dream!  . I’am always faithful wait new song
album althought almost tired, but it doest not matter to me.because we is my idola, because
we is my champion, and we is my lovely. And now I want to meet them.

Sheila on 7 pobud made me learn how to sing properly correct, because I often listen
to their songs. I also often write on facebook, my twitter and my e_mail write their song were
a lot of love.iam very pleased.I now try to loyal listening pobud their song. So be my pride to
be one of fans, because each island there are associations which called Sheila gank, which
function to provide information about developments Sheila on 7.

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