Imperial Armour 5 - Renegades and Heretics: Army List Update FAQ

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Imperial Armour 5 - Renegades and Heretics

Army List Update FAQ – Modified 8th December 2010

Q1 - Regarding the Combined Squad rule for the Company Command

Squad and the HQ Heavy Weapon Squads - may I combine both troop types
to put them together as one big HQ choice? The same question applies for
the Heavy Weapon Platoon, and the Renegade Militia Platoon?
You may combine all the elements of any given unit selection but you may
not, however, form a Combined Squad made up of a Renegade Company
Command squad and three Sabre Platforms for example.

Q2 – If I form a Combined Squad from my full-strength Infantry Platoon,

how do I determine their random leadership?
Simply assume the Combined Squad is a single unit, and roll normally to
determine its’ collective Leadership – this can mean that your entire army
is Ld5, so Combine with caution…

Q3 - Is it correct that Renegades may now only take up to 40 Workers per

Rabble instead of the maximum 50 per Rabble listed in IA5 – is this a typo?
No, it’s not a typo – the Workers Rabble may contain between 20 and 40

Q4 - Is the Ld of 6 for the Workers Rabble correct? IA5 lists them as having
Again, yes - the update totally replaces any previous version of the squad.

Q5 - In the Renegade Command HQ - the Champion has only WS 3

whereas the same option in a Milita Platoon has WS4… is this correct?
Oops, well spotted. This is a typo – the Militia Champion in the HQ squad
should have the same profile as the Platoon Command squad equivalent.

Q6 - Can the Champion or Exalted Champion from the Command squad

have carapace armour?
Yes, they can – the wargear list should read:

• The Champion may take any of the following:

- Melta bombs…………………………………………5 points
- Carapace armour…………………………………...5 points
- Refractor field………………………………………15 points
Q7 - Why is there no option for a Veteran in the Command HQ squad while
there is the option to upgrade a Renegade to a Veteran in the Platoon
Oops, a typo once again… You may upgrade any Renegade in the
Company Command squad to be a Veteran for 6 points per model using
the same profile provided in the Militia Command squad.

Q8 - Do I make the D6 roll to determine the Rogue Psykers’ power at the

start of the game or the start of each turn?
Roll once for each Psyker at the start of the game.

Q9 - The Advisors rules state that a Psyker may be attached to a Command

Squad – is this an HQ Command squad or a Platoon Command squad?
You may attach a Rogue Psyker to any Command Squad listed in the
army list.

Q10 - Are Quad Launchers and Heavy Mortars available to the Renegades
and Heretics army list?
No – this version of the Renegade list represents the heretic followers of
Cardinal Xaphan as they were armed and equipped at the very start of the
Siege of Vraks, so they do not have access to the same specialist siege
equipment deployed by the Death Korps.

Q11 - Do you roll the D6 for an entire Ogryn Berserker Squads’ attacks, or
once for each Ogryn?
Roll once for each Ogryn, then apply any charge benefits etc.

Q12 – The Minefield rules seem quite contradictory, and I was wondering
about how the following situation would be resolved - an enemy unit moves
over the minefield in the first turn and finish their movement outside the
minefield area. When do I determine if the minefield is real and when do I
roll for damage, given that I haven’t had a Shooting phase yet?
We recommend that you replace the boxout on page 167 with the
following, corrected and updated, rules text:

The minefield is made up of 6 minefield markers, each on a 40mm base. These are
deployed alongside the Renegade force, and can be placed anywhere on the battlefield
outside the enemy deployment zone. Mines can never be held in reserve, and must always
be deployed on the tabletop at the start of the game.
As soon as a unit (friend or foe) moves within 2’’ of a Minefield Marker, roll a D6. On the
roll of a 1, the marker is a dud – the mines are faulty, or have been defused by forward
sappers prior to the battle. On a 2+, however, centre the 5’’ template on the marker. The
area defined now counts as Dangerous Terrain for the rest of the game.

Alternatively, in larger games, we recommend that you use the Minefields

Stratagem presented in Warhammer 40,000: Apocalypse.
Q13 - Do troops that remain stationary in minefields still roll for damage?
No, only units that move should roll for damage as per the rules for
Dangerous Terrain in the Warhammer 40,000 Rulebook.

Q14 - Can you clarify exactly how the Artillery Strike rules work?
Yes – you should roll for the availability of the Strike when rolling for
reserves at the start of each of your player turns. When it becomes
available, the ‘spotter’ may select any point on the tabletop within the
models’ line of sight as the target for the strike. This may be an enemy
unit, or simply a point on the tabletop.
The Artillery Strike then lands on this point in each subsequent Renegade
shooting phase, and scatters as described in the update.

Q15 – Can I use units from the Servants of Slaughter and/or Servants of
Decay lists in IA6 and 7 with this army list?
Each Renegade army list represents a different type of force, at different
times during the Siege of Vraks so in standard games of Warhammer
40,000 you should not mix lists. The different forces do fight alongside
each other, however, so in Apocalypse games you can freely choose from all
the Renegade lists, and we will be publishing updates for these in the
coming weeks and months.

Q16 – Can I still field Renegade Macharius tanks, or the Malcador

variants with my Renegade army list?
These units are perhaps best used in larger games, using the Apocalypse
rules. However, there is nothing to stop you fielding such units as long as
your opponent is aware of the capability of super-heavies. As these units
are potentially able to unbalance a game quite dramatically, it’s only fair
to make sure your erstwhile opponent is familiar with them.

Q17 – The Chimera and Chaos Rhino profiles listed in the Dedicated
Transport sections don’t mention anything about their fire points. Is this
No – but well spotted. Refer to Codex: Imperial Guard and Codex: Chaos
Space Marines respectively for details.

Q18 – Do the wounds caused by the Ogryn Berserker Squad’s On Slaught

special rule allow armour saves and/or the use of the Feel No Pain ability?
This is a typo – the boxout should read:

Berserker Attack
When an Ogryn Berserker attacks in close combat roll a D6. This is his number of attacks
that turn. Roll again each time the Berserker fights. The Ogryn Berserker still gains +1
attack for assaulting.

On 'Slaught
The drugs in the Berserker’s system are as likely to kill him as the enemy. After the
Berserker has finished making his attacks, make a D6 roll to see if he survives the drugs.
If the number rolled is equal to or greater than the number of attacks rolled, the
Berserker suffers no ill-effects. If the roll is less than the number of attacks made then he
takes the number of wounds equal to the difference. Armour saves and subsequent Feel
No Pain rolls may be taken as normal. If enough wounds are suffered, after armour saves
etc, to kill the Berserker remove him from play as a casualty. For example, if the
Berserker made five attacks and rolled a 3 he would suffer 2 wounds against which he
could take both his armour save and Feel No Pain test if required. Do not make this roll
on turns when the squad is not engaged in close combat.

Q19 – What happened to Arkos the Faithless? Can he still be used as an

HQ choice in the Renegade army?
Oops… the HQ section of the update should contain the following unit

Q20 – The Dreadclaw rules are confusing. It both deploys using the rules
for a Drop Pod but enters play like an aircraft – what does this actually
Oops… Ignore the paragraph stating that it enters play like an aircraft.
The rule should read as follows:

Deploying the Dreadclaw

The Dreadclaw and any unit assigned to be transported by it will always begin the game
in Reserve. When the Dreadclaw becomes available from Reserve, it is deployed using the
Drop Pod rules, and in subsequent turns may use the Flyer Hover Mode rules as
presented in the Warhammer 40,000 Apocalypse rules and the Apocalypse rules index
sections of various Imperial Armour books.

Difficult Ground
A Dreadclaw is immobilised if it lands in difficult ground.

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