What Have You Learnt About Technologies From The Process of Constructing This Product?

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Question 6: by Lydia Noakes

What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this

After the research and planning building up to our final piece we learnt a huge lot about technologies
and the process in which we film our opening. We firstly did our preliminary task to practice for our
opening of the film and to get used to certain filming rules like the 180 line rule. We filmed the
preliminary task on a digital camera held in place with a tripod we were able to this because of the
proliferation of technology.

-Here is a printed screen shot of our preliminary task on Youtube.

We also edited our clip on a program on the apple Mac computers as technology has proliferated that
much it’s easy for us to do. Because of this it’s possible for us to film our own film and edit it whilst it
is still is good quality and looks professional, which is an advantage for us as years ago it was harder
to produce for individual film makers to film without big film companies
Because of proliferation we were able to use our mobile phones to take photos for our storyboard,
which we then uploaded onto the social networking site Facebook, which took a matter of seconds
and then saved them on to the computer, ready to annotate on Microsoft word.

We also found it easy to communicate with our fellow characters in our film as we would just sent
them an email asking them for their timetable trying to allocate each scene and which section of
filming we were to do with what characters and what day.
-Here is a print screened shot of me emailing Charlie finding out his frees and
him emailing me back a screen shot of his timetable.

We have relied on the 3 social networking site twitter Facebook and Youtube.

We used Facebook mainly to ask for feedback on our final product and sharing the link around to try
and get viewers on Youtube this was a advantage to us as it’s a popular sit for teenagers so we were
able to ask our target audience on what they thought of out film giving both positive and negative
comments as they are more likely to relate to the characters and story.
-Here is a screen shot of Katie’s Facebook where she has posted our video asking
people to give us feedback.

We also used twitter to

get as many followers as we possibly could we successfully got 24 overall as we asked people in
person and twittered asking for everyone to follow.

-Here is a print screened shot of my twitter asking people to follow our blog.

Youtube was a huge resource for our final outcome as most of the research for the storyline and
music came from Youtube as we were able to view many beginnings of films and search for music
under the genre we needed, although we were not allowed to use to music from Youtube we looked
for ideas and tried to match the music we are using now to the rocky theme tune as much as we
could, we also had to do this for the song ‘I don’t care’ by fallout boy. We have also recently
uploaded our final product ‘individuality’ on Youtube to try and get views and feedback we have done
this by emailing and using Facebook to contact our friends telling them to view our video and give

-Here is a print screened shot of our film beginning on Youtube.

We were able to edit our film as we went a long quickly and affectively, doing each scene by scene
adding sound effects, cuts and special effects this helped our film to run smoothly and enabled us to
edit out any outtakes we didn’t need we edited our film on the program imovie on the apple Mac
computer which enabled us to add background music and for example the ambient sound of the
phone ringing, this helped our product look more professional.
We created a blog before we started our video which was much like a diary and step by step leading
up to the final product, we were to put all our research, script, story board and any clips of films on
to this blog which is an easy way to not only display our final product but all the ground work for it
we did this by embedding any clips from Youtube or using links to other filming sites to back up our
film idea, we would clearly not of been able to do this without the proliferation of technology as all
our research, thoughts and processes are shown clearly and in the rite order on one page starting
from the very foundation points going through to the research and ending up with final clip of the
beginning of our film

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