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What I learnt was that in Constructivism, individuals are seen as

active participants in learning process. Piaget is the dominant figure in
this view but Bruner is important,as well. According to Piaget people go
through many stages in learning process. Each stage has it's own
characteristics and our understanding of the world improves as we
pass stages. According to Bruner, the things we learn should serve
students in the future and they should have relevance to students' life.

What I had difficulty in figuring out was nothing. I'm familiar with
them from last year.

I suppose I need to focus more on Piaget's sateges. I know them

but not well enough.

I believe I may use Piaget's stages in my teaching. According to the

stage through which students are passing, I can organize my classes.
For example, ıf their abstract reasoning doesn't become possible, there
is no point in presenting the subject with abstract things. I should
make the subject as much concrete as possible for them to understand
it because with abstract things they can't understand it and they may
be confused. For instance, one day my friend said " Aklını başına
devşir." to her 5-year-old brother and then he bagen to cry saying
"What am I supposed to do? I didn't understand it." In order not to
make them confused, we should use materials by which students can
understand the message. When teaching tenses, I may make it
concrete in the same way as Rod BOLİTHO did last wednesday. Choose
three students and label them as past, present and future tense. For
Present Perfect Tense stand between Past and Present Tense and tell
students the differences.I know it's a holistic approach but I think it's a
good way of concreting the subject, as well. In my oppinion this is more
effective way.

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