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DAO noes Ta ATTA HRPM A yIET A APELOR UZATE BACKGROUND “The work “Waste Water Treatment Plant Operator's Book” addresses specially the operating staff in the municipal sewerage-treatment systems, Constiuting a revised and enlarged edition of a previous work The work presents indicators, analyses, criteria, and other practical Glements with a brie theoretical substantiation, resulting from multiple bservations and experiments, which would allow an optimam technical-economic tilization ofthe eyuipment and the buildings of te teatment plant, providing that the designed performances are ensured, "Also presented is the way in which the overall operation-maintenance activity is organized for the various components ofthe ueatment plant, including the lab stivity. These elements are necessary for the management of the sewerage- treaiment systems. “The work comes out in a very favoroble moment when stress i laid on the cxvircnmenial pretoction activity. In this respect it can represent an extremely ‘efi Instrument through the numerous practical data it offers in improving the {reaiment plants opecation, as 2 method of wate resources quality protection. "The great number of treatment plants in our countty which are sill ‘operated below ther performances, the want of tecnical works ia field, make this ‘work "Waste Water Trestment Plant Operator's Book" a wseful and necessary one, Prof. dr. ing. Vladimir Rojanschi OPERATORULUI DIN STATH DE Dr. ing, Theodor Ognean CARTEA EPURARE A APELOR UZATE oe EDITURA TEHNICK Bucuresti, 1997 Copyright © 1997, Edita Teh "Toate drepturile asupra acestei edit sunt rezervateeditu. ‘Adresa: EDITURA TEHNICA Plaja Pesci Libere, 1 3 Bucurest, Reman Coa 71341 Redactor: ing. Adina Negoita ‘Tehnoredacter: Nicoleta Negoigd (Calegere gi tehnoredactare computerizat: ing. Cristiana Chiriac ‘Coperta: Simona Dumitresen Machete usta: Cristina Bac Bun de tiper: 18.09.1997, Coli de tipar: 18,28 Cz, 628.16.03 ISBN, 973-31-1060-4 ‘Tipat SEMIN PREFATA tn anu 1989 Eira Telia pubtica luerarea , Carta operatorat din Stojit de. tratare si epurare 0 opelor” Epuizarea rapid a acesteie. precum fi sollte repeute de a freediait ax dovedit necesutes $f wiliatea anor aufel de rt. Pe de aiid port, perionda care a trecat « condus la ngresnarea actviilor de explowtare a lucrdrilor hicroedilitere (apd-canal), th condpile tn care volunal invesitllor seu al lucrivilor de ttrepinere ~ reporapl 3a redas considerabil Cu ad mei mat, cbuneree unor efciente sporite ale echipa- ‘mentelor, inealoilor sau constractilr de taiare ~ epurare depinde de price perea, profesionalisml operatorlor. Acest profesionalism se obtine printr-o exporienf2Indlungate, dr i prin recaplarea de informapi privind nile reelizdri {im domentu, prn adaplarea éxpleaarit ta nole condi n care sunt obligate sa fumctionese inctlopile CConsiderenele. mensionace enterlor ow condes la iniativa Edu Tehnice sia astrilor de a rerdte herorea amin, desigur inr-> concepte revit 9 complet Aste in 1996 a eptrut wn prim volum al lucriri, inital -Cartea operatoruni din stop de tratare a apelor", a prof. dr. ng. Vladimir Rojansh ‘Prezentalucrarecompleteaza tematic cu problemele spcifice cu care se conprnts operator din statile de epurae a apelor ‘Faft de pina edie, werarea cuprinde not captoe, din care menpondin céteva: Epurarca teriani, Devinfcfia apelor uzate: Misurarea debitelor: Explostarea canalcrltr. Se raspunde axel une sere mult mei largh de pre- ccupari a lcritonilr din damental conalisdrilor — epurdrilepelor wale “Autor malpunesctucrtorlor din doen gospodirieicomunele pentre aprecierile favorabile privind elaborares si editarea acester cdr, colegiler dn ICIM pentra sages 3 propenerile cat “Muljumir speciale sunt adresate Comitetului Najionl al Productoritor i Distrinitorilr de Apa din Romania (CNPDAR) $1 Asociatei Profesionole #1 Patronale a Lucrttorlor din Gospodarie Comunala (APPLGC) care eu icerajat Haprinit rect aporite este ler

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