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Project Detail
National Underground Railroad Freedom Center
Status: Active Last Updated: 10/25/2007 3:25:00PM

Section 1: Contact Information

Facility Name: National Underground Railroad Freedom Center

Preferred Name: National Underground Railroad Freedom Center

Primary Contact: George Turk

Telephone: (513) 333-3756

Fax Number: (513) 333-3772

Section 2: Determining Need

Mission: The mission of the National Underground Railroad Freedom Center is to reveal
stories about freedom's heroes, from the era of the Underground Railroad to
contemporary times, challenging and inspiring everyone to take courageous
steps for freedom today.

Activities: We anchor our mission in the history of the United States and in particular
the stories of the Underground Railroad which bring to life, in an extraordinary
way, the denial of freedom which slavery represented, but also the heroism,
of those who overcame it through the timeless values of courage,
cooperation and perservance. The Freedom Center also reveals that the
fight for freedom involves all of us. We hope that visitors will be informed and
inspired by what they experience at the Freedom Center to consider how we
can live and interact with one another to make the world a better place.

We carry out our mission both within the walls of the Freedom Center and
outside our walls-- in school classrooms, via the web, and Freedom Stations
across the nation.

Project Intent: The Freedom Center is a convening place which welcomes and brings
together individuals and organizations to communicate, celebrate and nurture
activities and behaviors that advance the cause of freedom and help us lead
a more rational civic life. Examples include diversity training, our "Major
Voices" Speaker Series, and hosting our International Freedom Conductor and
"Everyday Freedom Heroes" Awards.

Steps: The project serves educational, cultural and economic needs. The Freedom
Center is not a traditional history museum, but one of conscience and
reflection. This unique approach seeks to move beyond simply explaining the
historic experiences of the past to using them as metaphors and a
springboard to encourage dialogue and reflection. The ultimate goal of the
Frredom Center is to promote racial and ethnic healing. Economically, the
Freedom Center is the centerpiece for the redevelopment of the Cincinnati
riverfront with the Paul Brown Stadium to the west and the Reds Ballpark to
the east.

10/26/2007 Ohio Cultural Facilities Commission, 20 East Broad St., Suite 200 Page 1 of 6
Columbus, Ohio 43215-3416, tel: (614) 752-2770, fax: (614) 752-2775

Project Detail
National Underground Railroad Freedom Center
Status: Active Last Updated: 10/25/2007 3:25:00PM

Direction: The Board of Directors has approved project budgets in the past and now
operating budgets. The $110 million capital campaign was co-chaired by John
Pepper and Andrew Young. The current $10 million Bridge To The Future
campaign from the private sector is chaired by John Pepper. Government
support in the capital and operating arenas is critical to the financial success
of the National Underground Railroad Freedom Center.
To date the city and county have been partners with the Freedom Center in
appropriating multi-millions torwards the Museum Facility. From the private
sector the Freedom Center has received significant contributions from local
corporations, foundations and individuals, not only for the museum facility
itself, but for numerous educational programs and public pograms as well as
the funding of admissions for local and regional school children attendance.
Section 3: Evidence of Sufficient Local Support

Local Matching
Resources: $1,000,000.00

Consisting of:

Cash on Hand:

Funds Already Expended

on Project:

Irrevocable Written

Documented in Kind Contributions

(up to 50%)

Operating Endowment

Private Contributions $1,000,000.00

County Government

City Government

Federal Government

Site Valuation


Community Support: Corporations, foundations, individuals as well as city and county

government. Also part of the Chamber of Commerce legislative
Priority Review Committee for Capital Expenditures for Area.

Community/Audience: Public, school children, tourist and groups. Have visitors from almost
all states and several countries.

Community Benefits Community benefits on a quality basis as described in mission

statement as well as the programs and events described herein.
Community and state benefits as outlined in Economic Impact
Study-2005 Issued by Economics Center for Education & Research in
May 2006 which supports a $45.2 million
economic impact for the area.

10/26/2007 Ohio Cultural Facilities Commission, 20 East Broad St., Suite 200 Page 2 of 6
Columbus, Ohio 43215-3416, tel: (614) 752-2770, fax: (614) 752-2775

Project Detail
National Underground Railroad Freedom Center
Status: Active Last Updated: 10/25/2007 3:25:00PM

Community Preview: No

Public Document: No

Market: Annual Employees

Current 165,000 68

After 1st Yr 257,000 92

Section 4: Project Funding Sources Summary

Funding Source: Anticipate + Confirm = Total

State Funding $850,000.00 $14,894,000.00 $15,744,000.00

Cash on Hand $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

Private Contributions $3,800,000.00 $63,000,000.00 $66,800,000.00

County Governmen $0.00 $3,000,000.00 $3,000,000.00

City Government $0.00 $3,000,000.00 $3,000,000.00

Federal Government $0.00 $22,200,000.00 $22,200,000.00

Other $3,100,000.00 $3,900,000.00 $7,000,000.00

Total Funding $7,750,000.00 $109,994,000.00 $117,744,000.00

10/26/2007 Ohio Cultural Facilities Commission, 20 East Broad St., Suite 200 Page 3 of 6
Columbus, Ohio 43215-3416, tel: (614) 752-2770, fax: (614) 752-2775

Project Detail
National Underground Railroad Freedom Center
Status: Active Last Updated: 10/25/2007 3:25:00PM

Section 5: Project Cost Summary

Hard Costs:

Construction Costs: $46,500,000.00

Contingency Funds: $0.00

Site Improvements: $0.00

Fixture/Furnishings/Equipment: $2,800,000.00

Exhibits: $17,700,000.00

Other: $0.00

Subtotals: $67,000,000.00

Soft Costs and Administrative and Professional Fees:

Architect/Engineering Fees: $8,300,000.00

Permits: $100,000.00

Surveys and Reports: $400,000.00

Utilities: $400,000.00

Boarding Feeds: $0.00

Insurance: $500,000.00

Operation Equipment: $0.00

Architectural Program/
Program Consultant

Construction Manager/
Project Manager

Owner's Representative Fees $800,000.00

Accounting and
Administrative Costs $0.00

Legal Fees $0.00

Title Work $100,000.00

Other $34,644,000.00

Subtotals: $50,744,000.00

Total Project Costs: $117,744,000.00

Cost Summary Basis: Final Construction Cost

Organization/Contact: Project Manager-Richard Buller

Telephone: 5133337512

10/26/2007 Ohio Cultural Facilities Commission, 20 East Broad St., Suite 200 Page 4 of 6
Columbus, Ohio 43215-3416, tel: (614) 752-2770, fax: (614) 752-2775

Project Detail
National Underground Railroad Freedom Center
Status: Active Last Updated: 10/25/2007 3:25:00PM

Section 6: Project Impact On Operation

Progress Suspension Date:

Suspension Percentage (%): 0

Estimated Payroll Costs: $0.00

Forgone Revenues: $0.00

Opening/Re-Opening Date:

Progress Resumption Date:

Staff Hours Spent: 0

Section 7: Project Schedule

Fundraising Start Date: 12/1995

Fundraising End Date: 12/2004

Pledged Funds: 12/2004

Site Acquisition: 00/0000

Design Completion: 10/2002

Bid Awards: 01/2002

Ground Breaking: 08/2002

Construction Completion: 08/2004

Grand Opening: 08/2004

Section 8: Construction Administration

Designer Qualification:



Years of Experiences:

Construction Hours:

Average Hours per Week:

Staff Hours:

Admin Qualification:



Years of Experience:

Construction Hours:

Average Hours per Week:

Staff Hours:

Sponsor Qualification:

10/26/2007 Ohio Cultural Facilities Commission, 20 East Broad St., Suite 200 Page 5 of 6
Columbus, Ohio 43215-3416, tel: (614) 752-2770, fax: (614) 752-2775

Project Detail
National Underground Railroad Freedom Center
Status: Active Last Updated: 10/25/2007 3:25:00PM



Years of Experience:

Construction Hours:

Average Hours per Week:

Staff Hours:
Section 9: Post Project Assessment

Project's Success: We assess financial (revenues, expenses etc) and operational

measurements (attendance, use of facility, members etc.) on
a monthly basis. In addition we have visitor client satisfaction
surveys that are completed. The surveys cover opinions on
staff, facility, exhibit experience etc. To date the Freedom
Center has experienced strong overall favorable results from
these surveys. Furthermoe, Gfk Custom Research North
America has recently completed and in depth phone interview
research project which also reflects a high satisfaction of
visitors (98%), likely to very likely revisiting the Freedom
Center (84%) and very to somewhat likely to recommend the
Freedom Center to others (92%). Research conducted by
NKU showed that guests visiting the FC rated both the value
and overall satisfaction of their visit experience higher than
guests visiting any other major venue in the region, including
sports and cultural institutions.

Public Exposure: The Freedom Center has a marketing plan that calls for both
hard dollar expenditures as well as significant "in kind"
contributions from various media components.

Maintenance Support: By maintaining breakeven on-going operating results from

operations as well as the establishment of an endowment
beginning in 2008. Also, as is true with all museums capital
campaigns to support new improvements may be required.
Section 10: Americans With Disability

ADA Complaint: Yes

If No, Why:

Section 11: Environmental Studies

Phase 1 Environmental Study: Yes

Phase 2 Environmental Study: Yes

Section 12: National Registry

Does this qualify: No

Is it on the National Register? No

If yes to either, submit materials to OHPO (address) and copy the Commission on any correspondence.

10/26/2007 Ohio Cultural Facilities Commission, 20 East Broad St., Suite 200 Page 6 of 6
Columbus, Ohio 43215-3416, tel: (614) 752-2770, fax: (614) 752-2775

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