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Thad Viers Announces New Legislative Chief of Staff


Contact: Thad T. Viers (843)457-8021

Myrtle Beach— Republican State Representative Thad Viers (District 68) announced
today the addition of Jill Kelso as his new District Chief of Staff.

Viers, a Conservative Republican currently serving in his fifth term in the South Carolina
House of Representatives, said today “It is a pleasure to announce the addition of Jill
Kelso to my legislative staff. Jill will be joining me on April 15 as my District Chief of
Staff to assist me in constituent services, legislative research and policy initiatives. I
have created this position, without the use of taxpayer dollars, to ensure the needs of my
constituents are met in a more accessible manner than ever before.”

Viers continued “Jill’s Conservative credentials, her dedication to the people of South
Carolina, her knowledge of government policy and programs, and her proven ability to
work tirelessly on behalf of the people of South Carolina made this an ideal fit for
District 68.”

Kelso, the Republican nominee for the State house of Representatives in 2008, currently
serves as the Governors appointee from the First Congressional District on the South
Carolina Education Television Commission. She has also serves on the South Carolina
Republican Party Executive Committee and the Georgetown County Republican Party
Executive Committee. Kelso was the appointee for the SC Speaker of the House to The
South Carolina First Steps Evaluation Committee in 2009/2010 and she served as the
Grand Strand Co-Chair for Nikki Haley for Governor in 2010. She has been a local
business owner and is the mother of two. Kelso holds a BA in English from the
University of Pittsburgh.


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