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Classificatin of Advertising

• Objective:
• • You will get to understand the different
types of advertisements.
• • You will be able to differentiate the different
types of advertisements
• • Based on the types you will also understand
the message strategy along with the
objectives to be followed
Classification of Advertising
Target Geographic
Medium Purpose
Audience Area

• Advertising can be classified by target

audience, geographic area, medium,
and purpose.
Classification of Advertising
Target Geographic
Medium Purpose
Audience Area

 Consumer advertising: Aimed at people who buy

the product for their own or someone else’s
personal use.
 Business advertising: Aimed at people who buy
or specify goods and services for use in business:
 Industrial
 Trade
 Professional
 Agricultural (farm)
Consumer advertising
 Product or brand knowledge coupled with a
clear positioning, derived from a well thought
out marketing strategy, is essential to every
successful advertising program. The other
elements in good product advertising are
packaging, trademark, and such other physical
and psychic attributes of the product like taste,
color, texture, aroma, style and design. The
saleabilty influence of these product attributes
is to be analyzed before incorporating them in
the advertising messages through various
Product advertising
 Product advertising is of 3 types, namely:
 • Pioneering or Informative advertising :
 Attempt is made to stimulate the primary
demand of the product category rather than a
specific brand. For example the advertisement
Malaysia Tourism, with their pictorous TV
commercial and the slogan ‘Malaysia - Truly
Asia’. Here the product category is introduced
first, educative in intent and it appeals to the
consumer’s rational as well as to his emotional
Product advertising
 • Competitive or Persuasive advertising:
selective demand of a specific product brand is
stimulated.The product is established in the
market and has reached the growth or maturity
stage of the PLC. Very competitive to market
forces. Two types:
 􀂾 Direct type, where it seeks to stimulate
immediate buying action.
 􀂾 Indirect type, here the benefit of the product
is emphasized in the anticipation of the buying.
Consumer advertising
• • Retentive or Reminder oriented: The
product is now having a firm footing in the
market place. Its sales may start to decline at a
later point. The buyer must be reminded
about the product to sustain his loyalty. It is a
soft sell approach where the buyer is judged
to continue the usage of the product. The
essence here is to keep the brand name in
front of the eye of the viewer. Used at both
the maturity as well as the declining stage.
Consumer advertising
• following points should be taken into
• 1. Most of them are in competitive field and
engaged in advertising.
• 2. Non-durables are frequently bought.
• 3. Non-durables are appliances, which serve
for a long period of time.
• 4. Both rational as well as emotional appeals
are used.
5. Use of celebrity endorsement is
6. Major chunk of advertising
Industrial Advertising
• 2. Elaborate buying process is involved.
• 3. Main objectives of this class is to Inform, get
Orders, to stimulate queries, to empanel the
marketer’s name on the buyer’s panel of sources.
• 4. Trade journals and lay press are the most
sought after media vehicles.
• 5. Seeks to build the corporate image.
• 6. Rational appeal is used here. The copy gives
facts and figures.
• Used to promote products to resellers
encouraging to stock the product.
• Manufacturers communicate the profitability
of stocking their product.
• Follows it up by offering trade incentives.
• Prime shelf location
• Display advertising
• Pushing product through high mark-up
• Directed at manifacturers for promoting
machinery, equipment, raw material,
consumables etc.
• Small-sized, specialised segment.
• Advertisements contain specifications
• Manufacturers of consumer durables show special interest in dealer
• Helps identify dealers in geographic region
• Dealers put a ds in local newspapers under their name

• Material often provided by manufacturers & guidelines for T.V. & print
• Ensures message is in line with brand management
• Cost is shared between manufacture & dealer
Classification of Advertising
Target Geographic
Medium Purpose
Audience Area

Local (retail) advertising: Advertising by businesses

whose customers come from only one city or local
trading area.
Regional advertising: Advertising for products sold in
one area or region, but not the whole country.
National advertising: Advertising aimed at customers
in several regions of the country.
International advertising: Advertising directed at
foreign markets.
Retail advertising
Global Advertising
“The world is smaller than you think”, so goes the
advertisement for the British Airways. We are living in a global
village and now we are not just catering to the local
environment but to a total global environment. So let me tell
you what is global advertising.
“It is any paid form of non personal presentation and promotion of
Ideas, Goods or Services by an identified global sponsor of a
product to a global customer.”

The objectives are as under:

􀂾 To keep the world wide
corporate image
􀂾 To reduce production and
creative costs
􀂾 To avoid message confusion in
international areas of media
STAR network may rule the skies with its saas­bahu potboilers
and sports, yet it has not been able to dislodge regional players like Sun
TV in Tamil Nadu and Eenadu network in Andhra Pradesh

Cultural and societal diversities are held responsible for the growing clout
of regional brands. The national players often lose touch with aspirations
at the grassroots level, allowing local players to sneak in and deliver a
telling marketing punch

The success of regional brands with an earthy appeal also

reflects the growing confidence of the Indian consumer and a
significant drop in the Indian inferiority complex related to
English and all things phoren
Classification of Advertising
Target Geographic
Medium Purpose
Audience Area

Print advertising: Newspaper, magazine.

Broadcast (electronic) advertising: Radio, TV.
Out-of-home advertising: Outdoor, transit.
Direct-mail advertising: Advertising sent
through the mail.
Classification of Advertising
Target Geographic
Medium Purpose
Audience Area

Product advertising: Intended to promote goods

and services.
Nonproduct (corporate or institutional)
advertising: Intended to promote firm’s mission
or philosophy rather than a product.
Commercial advertising: Intended to promote
goods, services, or ideas with the expectancy of
making a profit.
Classification of Advertising
Target Geographic
Medium Purpose
Audience Area

Noncommercial advertising: Sponsored by or

for a charitable institution, civic group, or religious
or political organization.
Action advertising: Intended to bring about
immediate action on the part of the reader.
Awareness advertising: Intended to build the
image of a product or familiarity with the product’s
name and package.
Political Advertising
1. Political advertising includes communications
supporting or opposing a candidate for nomination or
election to either a public office or an office of a
political party (including county and precinct chairs).
2. Political advertising includes communications
supporting or opposing an officeholder, a political
party, or a measure (a ballot proposition
• Manufacturers of consumer durables show special interest in dealer
• Helps identify dealers in geographic region
• Dealers put a ds in local newspapers under their name

• Material often provided by manufacturers & guidelines for T.V. & print
• Ensures message is in line with brand management
• Cost is shared between manufacture & dealer

• Aimed at people who are not direct

• Professionals such as doctors, architects,
engineers, medical consultants often make
final purchase on behalf of the final client
• Media used are professional journals, direct

• Extension of public relations functions & does

not promote any specific product or service
• Brand building through various mediums
• Corporate communication reaches several
audience such as employees, customers,
stakeholders, channel members

• Many products are bought as a part of

ingredient in other products.
• Ex.—Teflon (Du Pont ), Pentium ( Intel ), Dolby
• Advertisements are arranged under sub-heads
that describe the class of goods / needs that
ad seeks to satisfy.
• Provides community market place for goods,
services, opportunities of every type ex–
coaching, employment, matrimonial, business
opportunity etc.
• Displayed in small text type
• Substantial source of revenue for newspapers
Important Research Findings
• 1. Advertising elasticities are higher for durables than
• 2. Price promotion elasticities are up to 20 times greater than
advertising elasticities.
• 3. Advertising elasticities are greater early in the product life
cycle and for established brands.
• 4. The first exposures to advertising are most important to
short-term sales.
• 5. Price advertising increases price sensitivity, whereas
nonprice advertising decreases price sensitivity.
Ethical and Legal Issues
• Is advertising manipulative?
• Is advertising deceptive or misleading?
• How does advertising affect children?
• Is advertising intrusive?
• Cause-related advertising
• Advertising harmful products

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