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The territorial sea is a belt of coastal waters, under full jurisdiction of coastal state

1958 Conv. Ter. Sea & Contg. Zone = Breadth first addressed. The outer limit of the territorial sea
is the line every point of which is at a distance from the nearest point of the baseline equal to the
breadth of the territorial sea. LOS= 12n. mi. Current US claim= 12n mi.
SHELF ’45 Truman: no breadth, depth 600ft/100fathoms, ’58 Convention: Shelf= Seabed
& subsoil (depth of 200meters/600ft) or adjacent to the coast outside where you can exploit
resources. Changed from fathoms to meters & added exploitability. Breadth indeterminate based
upon TECHNOLOGY. ’73 LOST: Regardless of physical shelf = 200n mi. claim. No longer 200
meters- Breadth 200n. Mi from baseline of territorial sea or beyond that to 350n mi. if there is an
elongation of the physical shelf.
Disputes between adjacent and opposite states are subject to equitable principles/division.
Special circumstances include but are not limited to; Islands, shelves, boundaries affecting natural
resources. North Sea Continental shelf case dealt with negotiations. “States must come to
agreements with themselves.” ie. Oil in Arabian Gulf. S. Arabi v. Iran S. Arabia found oil in
Iran, Iran never signed original treaty. Treaties renegotiated to divide known oil resources
currently in place- ratified. Oil proceeds were split between two states.
Technology has curved exploitability in the role as it pertains to the law of the sea. Technology
has resulted in increased control over coastal fishing in the territorial seas. The High Seas was
originally considered an unlimited resource of fishing; technology has contributed to controlling
the fish(ing) stock.
Total jurisdiction-jurisdiction in its totality TERRITORIAL SEA. Partial jurisdiction-functional
jurisdiction CONTIGOUS ZONE. No jurisdiction-beyond the limits of national jurisdiction
COMMON HERITAGE OF MANKIND. Jurisdiction in contiguous zone: Immigration,
sanitation, customs, fiscal.

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