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Snd Bot 2 was made by sandin, it is free, but if you want to see even better bot

or this one but more developed,

help me by donnating few bucks on PayPal ;)
You will find link on my main page: or direct link
Some of hotkeys that are not displayed:
F4 = it will filter global chat (so you can see only whisper, guild, party chat.
.. usefull for Server1 market)
F5 = it will toggle filter chat to off
F6 = will send "/request off" to the game
F7 = will send "/request on" to the game
F5 = (only if PVP tool is active = will hold CTRL (for PVP) only if PVP tool is
activated (in the Options TAB)
Shift+F7 = set coordinate for drop items by current mouse position
Shift+F8 = set auto party coordinate by current mouse position
- You can change all of these hotkeys in the \Data\Hotkeys.ini file
- You can also add new hotkeys for instant dropping items, repairing, or closing
bot (if something goes wrong).
-Right click on xpadder.exe file
-click on "run as administrator"
-you are ready to go ;) (if you don't do this then the bot won't work in MU wind

About GENERAL TAB (Resolution, play mode, sounds, file destination, starting gam
You can setup your: Resolution, Mu folder, window mode, sound/music opt, and fas
t start GMO - without browser.
For fast GMO starting (without browser) you need to know your Str-ID which is nu
meric and it represent your username and you need to setup destination of MU.exe
If you don't know what your str-id is, follow this steps:
- Start your internet browser
- login to GMO (webzen) page
- click start game on webzen's page
- wait for Mu Auto Update window (launcher)
- then click Get StrID button on the bot (while MU Auto Update window is still w
- click Save Pair button to save username and it's str-id for next use.
From now on all you have to do is select your username from drop-down menu, and
press Start MU button and MU will run.
If you check "AutoClick Start Game @ Launcher" bot will click "GAME START" butto
n when it becomes available on mu update window.
This requires latest webzen starter, you can get it from:
And delete all other webzen starters from your ADD/REMOVE PROGRAMS before you in
stall this one.

About OPTIONS TAB (Drop items, AutoRepair, AutoParty, Isolate Jewel sound, PK to
You can set Auto repair items and it's interval (in minutes). If you want only s
pecific items to be repaired, edit \Data\SndBot2.ini file, "[Misc]" section, key
: "Repair items", and remove ones you don't want to be repaired. The numbers sta
nds for: 1-Helm, 2-Wings, 3-Weapon, 4-Armor, 5-Shield, 6-Gloves, 7-Pants, 8-Boot
s, 9-Pendant, 10-Left Ring, 11-Right Ring (must be separated with ";" example: 1
;2;3;5;6;8). If you wanna repair Horse as well, you can select that checkbox in
the DL BOT tab.
Setup Auto Party, set the interval (in seconds), and the side from your characte
r to ask for party. If you select Manual frop drop down menu, you must setup aut
oparty position, in order to do that move your mouse to desired location and pre
ss Shift+F8
Setup Drop items, set it's interval (in minutes), and click Drop Items setup but
In there you will be able to select which boxes of your inventory to drop down.
If the box does not have ANY item it will not be clicked - otherwise bot will mo
ve your character to the drop spot. You can set the color detection tolerance if
the bot still thinks that the empty spot is an "item" by increasing value: "Dro
pColorTolerance", section "[Misc]" of the \Data\SndBot2.ini file.
If you have LAG with detecting colors, you can set your own delay by editting: \
Data\SndBot2.ini file, "[Misc]" section, key: "DetectPixelDelay", and please not
e that the delay is in miliseconds (1sec/1000), so if you wanna delay for 1 seco
nd you set it to 1000.
If the bot is not clicking into right positions, move your mouse to the center o
f the first field in your inventory and press Shift+F6 to save position of your
inventory. If you repositioned your inventory by accident, go to \Data\SndBot2.i
ni file, section "[MISC]", and delete keys "Drop start X" and "Drop start Y". Yo
u can also set your bot to Check if the item is taken (for PC's that have lag, a
nd sometimes they may "miss to pickup item", and then left click and move your p
layer), with file \Data\SndBot2.ini, section "[MISC]", key "DropCheckIfItemIsInH
and", set to "1" to activate, or "0" disable this option. You can also set your
bot to perform main skill after each item is dropped with \Data\SndBot2.ini file
, "[Options]" section, key "Use Skill While Drop", and set to "1" to activate or
"0" to disable this feature. Bot is set to ignore Large mana potions, so it won
't drop them, more details in the main INI file.
If you are having issues with opening inventory (bot is constantly opening and c
losing inventory without dropping) then disable "Detect inventory" in additional
The bot will detect if item can't be dropped so it won't check the same spot twi
ce, until you press F10 (stop the bot) and reset dropping memory.
You can also set the bot to send F6 before it does inventory drop, cause if some
one added you as friend it may cause some issues, and sending F6 will send that
"add friend" window to background...
You can setup drop fields randomly by inputting percentage and clicking Fill Ran
Or you can click FILL ALL to clear or select all fields.
Finaly you choose drop side from your character (if you set to Manual then you m
ust setup drop position, in order to do that, move your mouse to desired drop lo
cation and press Shift+F7)
Isolate Jewel sound means that when you click this button, you will hear ONLY JE
WEL DROP SOUND IN GAME, and no other sound, you can easily restore the original
state by clicking in the same button.
You must setup MU destination in the General TAB in order to use this operation.
IF you check "Pause bot if chat window is open" then if your bot is working, and
you want to chat, and you press ENTER for whisper/chat window, the bot will pau
se itself until you close chat/whisper.
Click PK Tool button to activate PK tool:
When PK tool is activate you can press F5 and bot will hit and hold down CTRL bu
In order for bot to release CTRL key, press F5 again (or CTRL+F5 or just left CT
In the Options TAB you'll also find a button named "Additional Setup", it will g
ive you more power over BOT, like drinking HP pots when your HP is low, or selec
ting which items u want to repair, etc...
Most of the operations are easy to understand, but if you don't understand then
please don't change anything.
You can also change the hotkeys in the Additional Setup.
If your bot is missing clicks, or doesn't activate right skill then you need to
increase Keybaord keys delay or Mouse clicks delay. What does delays means? Thos
e represent length of each click, so if a mouse click delay is 180, it means tha
t bot will hold mouse button for 180 milliseconds (0.18 seconds), if this is too
short, and windows doesn't dettect the click then you need to increase the clic
king delay.


Setup directions you want your elf to shoot, and select "change direction" type.
If set by order it will go around your character (1st spot is the one on the ri
And if you select Random, bot will randomly change directions (but only to the c
hecked ones), and it will not repeat same position until all positions were poin
You can reduce or increase the range of mouse movement by clicking the "R" butto
n in the mouse movement section.
When selected any of BUFF options, your AE will buff herself every ~50 sec. or y
ou can change this by editting \Data\SndBot2.ini file, section "[AE Bot]", key "
Buff interval" (in seconds).
Infinite arrow will occur, if selected, every 10 minutes + ~5 sec. to refill you
r AG and MANA for activation of that skill (or you can change this by editting \
Data\SndBot2.ini file, section "[AE Bot]", key "Infinite arrow delay" (in second
If selected Multi+Weapon, your AE will mix multishot skill (lvl220) and main wea
pon skill every 1~3 seconds (randomly chosed seconds by bot)
If mouse movements are too far or too close to your character you can adjust thi
s by editting: \Data\SndBot2.ini file, section "[AE Bot]", key "Movement reduct
ion" (in pixels) (add + or - in front of a number to increase/decrease distance)


Select which members you wish to get buff, and which buff you want them to get.
Set the buff delays, Regular and Free heal delay.
Your EE will buff each of your members every "Regular" buff delay (in seconds)
Your EE will Heal each of your members every "Free heal" byff delay (in seconds)
You have 2 new buff types: Super and Free buff.
Free heal means that your EE will heal selected member while waiting for Regular
time delay to pass.
Super heal means that selected member will be healed after buffing each of selec
ted members.
DP stands for "disposition", if it is checked then the bot will not buff member'
s location in PT, but his recoreder coordinates. (To recorde coordinate, point y
our mouse to a location and press Hotkey Shift+F1 or Shift+F2, or... for each of
You can also setup your EE to send defense buff to the position for autoparty by
editing \Data\SndBot2.ini file, section: "[EE Bot]", key: "DefBuffAPspot", and
set value 1 to buff, and 0 not buff autoparty spot.


You can choose 2 types of SM AFK: Regular bot (hitting skills, but if main skill
interval = 0 then holding down skill), or NOVA bot (holding nova skill for sele
cted amount of time)
Select interval for hitting skill right of Main AFK SKILL (can be set to decimal
place for more percise hitting).
Add additional skills to cast and their time interval (in seconds), so you can s
et Evil Spirit as Main AFK SKILL and Soul barrier every ~90 seconds as skll#2, D
ecay as skill#3 every 10 seconds, etc...
If NOVA is selected, you need to setup Monster Spawn Time (in seconds). That's t
he time it requires for monster to show up after you killed it (usefull only if
you can kill monsters in 1 hit, test by inputting 5,2, and go to LostTower2, use
imp if you can't kill from 1 NOVA hit)
Adittional skills work for both, Nova and regular AFK.


Same as SM bot, you can setup your main afk skill + 3 additional skills and thei
r time intervals (in seconds, if main afk skill interval = 0 then holding instea
d of clicking button).
When BK tab is selected you have the ability to perform COMBO by holding middle
mouse button (scroll).
For combo change your skills hotkeys and clicking times where 0 = 1,5 sec delay
and 99 = 0 sec delay, higher number = faster.
Your BK may miss combo if you hold middle button and your character is far from
monster, or when filling up MANA.
You can decrease delay time between combos by editing "\Data\Sndbot2.ini" file,
section "[BK bot]", key "Combo delay" (in ms).


Select your mouse movement like it is displayed on the pictures, and mouse movem
ent speed.
You can reduce or increase the range of mouse movement by clicking the "R" butto
n in the mouse movement section.
Also like SM and BK bot, you can have adittional 3 skills and their time interva
ls in seconds.
You can check "Repair horse" in order to repair horse when repairing other items
if you have checked Auto Repair in the Options TAB.
If your DL is moving while hitting that means that mouse movements are too far f
rom your character, you can adjust this by editting: \Data\SndBot2.ini file, sec
tion "[DL Bot]", key "Movement reduction" (in pixels) (add + or - in front of a
number to increase/decrease distance).

About Macro BOT TAB:

First set the Macro type: Send text OR Alt+number
Send text = it will send ENTER to the game, then type in text, then send ENTER a
gain, like you normaly do for whisper/chatting.
Alt+number = it will send Alt+number (0 ~ 10) but in order to make this function
al you must type macro in game for that specific number.
For example press enter as you normally do for chatting, then type: /7 #S>Items
where "7" = macro number and "#S>Items" is text you wish to display (# makes it
last longer but it will not be displayed in game).

About Timer TAB:

You can add as many items you wish to the timer, all of them are easy to underst
and, simply press ADD button and select option, times you wish that option to re
peat itself, and time interval to repeat that option (you can also set infinite)
Some of operations have more setups, like for example Say > Other, it gives you
ability to type something else that is not in the list.
You can also edit selected timer option, by selecting timer option and clicking
EDIT button, or you can Delete option by clicking DELETE button.
Check options you wish to use, and click Start button, or Stop button to stop ti

About Chat TAB:

New Snd Bot gives you ability to chat with other Snd Bot users, share your exper
ience with them, or aranging party over Snd Chat.
Type in your nickname, and press Start CHAT program button, then the program wil
l show, and all you need to do is hit CONNECT in order to connect to SND CHAT se
You can chat will all users online in the GLOBAL room, but you can open private
room by double clicking on any name in the list, or selecting name on the list,
and clicking Private chat button, or Right click > Private chat.
Close private chat, by selecting private chat tab, and hitting Close Tab button.

About Disconnect TAB (Server setup, account setup, disconnect logger and counter
It will allow you to reconnect if you get Disconnected while playing with your B
OT. This operation requires your username AND PASSWORD, so please USE ON YOUR OW
I Don't want people to blame me if they get hacked for using some other program,
but you cant be hacked using snd bot, at least not from me.
Ok, if you are OK with this, we may proceed. Select username from drop down menu
(which you got in the GENERAL tab, and if you didn't read: About General TAB se
ction in this ReadMe file),
type in your password for that username, and click Save pair button in order to
save password for that username.
Click Bot and Server setup button:
Choose your BOT type, Character order number, Realm and Server. If you want to u
se this bot for Private servers edit file: \Data\ServerIP.ini to set your server
's IP address
Press Start checking for DC button in order to start or STOP button in order to
stop checking for disconnection.
If you have MU window starter, bot will start checking for DC, if NOT bot will c
onnect itself to the selected server with selected character and start selected
bot type.
If you get DC it will be displayed in the Counter section since last time you st
arted BOT. But if you want to see more detal information press Bot and Server se
tup button, and hit View LOG button (if you have checked Save LOG checkbox).
Please note that DC checking occurs every 10 seconds or less, but you can increa
se/decrease this by editting: \Data\ServerIP.ini file, section "[Options]", key
"Check Delay" (in seconds), but min 10 second is recommended (if set to less tha
n 10 sec. bot may get detect disconnection even if there is none.)
For users who use DIAL-UP connection, go to Control Panel > Internet Options, TA
B: Connections and check "Dial whenever a network connection is not present". Fi
nish with OK button.

Some of BOTs features you need to know:

You can set the hotkey to detect colors (OPTIONS tab > Additional Setup > Change
hotkeys), open your inventory and click the hotkey, you will get color of first
selected item in your inventory.
The bot is set to drink HP pots if HP drops bellow 33% (by default), to change t
his options and values edit \Data\SndBot2.ini file, "[Misc]" section, Keys: "Dri
nk HP" 1 for ON, 0 for Off, "Drink HP when HP% is" percentage of your HP (10 min
, 90 max), "HP Pots hotkey" can be {Q}, {W}, {E}, {R}.
If you DON'T want your bot to trap mouse, then change: \Data\SndBot2.ini file, s
ection "[Misc]", Key: "Capture Mouse" to "0", or "1" if you DP want your bot to
trap mouse so cursor will not move if someone move your mouse while bot is worki
Each of more complicated operations hold question mark icon, click on it to get
more info about that operation.
Checking for connection requires pixel color checking, so you must run MU in win
dow mode.
Drop will check to see if selected field is empty, if it's not then bot will dro
p item, if it is, bot will skip so it does not move your char. Exc. and Jewel it
ems cannot be dropped, so you're safe.
but you can edit file : \Data\SndBot2.ini, section "[Misc]", key "ColorDetectDro
p" to 0 if you dont want it to check if field is empty.
You can also change keys: "KeyboardDelay", "MouseDelay", "MainClickDelay", "Repa
irDropClickDelay", "AfterEnterBreak", values are in milisecconds (1sec/1000). If
you have problems with dropping items for example, when it lags, bot misses cli
ck, then edit key "RepairDropClickDelay", set to higher number (higher number =
longer click = less chance to "miss" click).
If your clicks or hits are too slow, you can adjust above keys to lower numbers
(lower number = faster), but if numbers are too low, then bot may MISS (and not
click) some of keys.
If you have a multimedia keyboard you can set the hotkeys like Volume UP, or Pla
y, or Next, Pause, Previous, Stop, etc... as hotkeys to function with bot (read
all hotkeys in HotkeysList.txt file inside DATA dir).

usefull tips:
- Use SM/BK bot and uncheck all skills (if SM then regular bot type) - then the
bot will only send SPACE and pickup items (usefull for CC).
- You can use some skills as hotkeys to drink potions if you set "Q", "W", "E"..
. instead of skill number.
- You can use EE bot for AGi SMs to give absorb to PT members, example: set time
r to switch to EE bot every 1min+30sec, and switch to SM bot every 1min+40sec, t
hat way your SM will perform his skills and every 90 seconds will give absorb to
PT members.
- If you wanna buff someone that is not in your PT, select BK or SM bot, set the
skills, main skill as HEAL, and the adittional 2 as Def and DMg buffs, aim at t
he char you wanna buff and activate bot with F11.
- You can use one of DL skills as raven skill (now you can set ingame raven skil
l as normal skill, not shift+skill like in the season2).
- Type: /filter qwertyuiop - in game in market server, and you will be able
to see system, alliance, guild, party and whisper messages (like it was F2 in s
- you can start bot with link: xpadder.exe /dc15 - where 15 is delay in seco
nds. It means that bot will click Start checking for DC button 15 seconds from i
t's launching. Usefull to setup in your STARTUP for windows.
- You can also use this link: xpadder.exe /v - which is usefull only for
running MU in VirtualBox. You cant capture pixelcolors in VirtualBox, so this li
nk bypass checking pixels.

If you DON'T play Global Mu Online:

You don't need StrID if you are NOT GMO player, just type in any number you like
or leave blank.
You can change file: \Data\ServerIP.ini to setup your own server IP addresses if
you wanna use Other then GMO servers, or you can use the Additional Setup butto
n in the Options tab, make sure you UNCHECK the "I AM Global Mu Online player".
Edit value "GMO Server=1" to "GMO Server=0" (then when you use Start Mu button,
or Disconnect option, the bot will run game from Destination input in the Genera
l tab instead of using webzen starter that is required for GMO).
You may also change values "Have launcher" and "Have GG" to 1 or 0 if your serve
r has/not launcher (MU Auto Update Window) or GameGuard protection.
If you don't know your server's IP address, connect to your server, run command
promt (START > RUN > type: cmd > OK), type: netstat -n and search for IP that
has port like 55900X (where X can be 0~9)
Don't change "Helheim", "Midgard" or "Valhalla" from \Data\ServerIP.ini file, us
e them in this order: Valhalla is the first clicking realm, Helheim is second, M
idgard is Third (your server most likely doesn't have more than 3 realms, so you
can use thisone instead of yours).
But you must edit your server's IP address and port (which you can get via comma
nd promt and command: netstat -n)
Contact me on my mail:
or my MSN hotmail:

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