Reflection Constructivism

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Reflection constructivism

We have talked about constructivism and supporters of it(Piaget, Bruner).

Constructivists say that everybody is responsible for their own learning process
and learning occurs by experiences. Piaget divided the learning process into
certain stages that each has special features. And all these stages affect each
others because if one cant be completed successfully the child probably will
have difficulty in the other stages. Bruner says that the learning process is as
important as the product. İn other word ‘’ learn how to learn’’ is his motto. In
addition, ıt is higly important to create optimum conditions for students. We
should take care of their needs and shouldn’t ignore that they are whole person.

I think, everything is clear enoug to cover it.

I believe that ı will make use of this information. How? I should be aware
of the stages of my students and taking into consiteration this ı can give proper
examples. They are shouldn’t be forced to understand abstract things before its
time. Also , Bruner’s categorization can guide us which teaching theory or
approach we will use. In constructivisim students are not passive, so as a teacher
ı should make them engage in the activities that they can learn by experiencing.
Activities that we use should be balanced. I mean they shouldnt be too abstract
or too simple. But we can use i+1 technique to make their level higher.
All in all, ı believe that my pockets are not empty after this class. 

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