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,lUPER, PM· 6 " 0 PRO MAC'.4J.O.S:J.

'6 ~ 0 EAGER BEAVe~~a·~·



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- -

1Jet!ir:c.IlI~tO'rtl er"

T~aJrjk"YQ.I)I fl)~'rPurmasl~ .a.M~l!!lIr,::II;1fI pipPlu~ _ PIN) pali"o ~Ei ra1fb.JlI i!IJ nil imra.fme nalifeg i1; ".till tr rmhl e lj\ill.J wJtfI Y-li!aJS of !ilel'\li~e.

In ~~r'E!;;I mcia(1MI tM_t!i.dS't U!ie il!r~ ':i'Otir I~~:rr~. ~e CFEHT.o.}!'n~cd!al'flllkr~ YQtIre~II:Wflfl tl'le <t::iqp~Ei~ Gi Itr9' ElI'!J:T1'I3E ulilel' ~nl,!ii!ll Jjj!3to:rtl atkIm~lf1g to assemble r;,r 9Pergt'B' yoor u:nl~.

,A, iN'Q'TE Ie ,~.~1i'I~¥ .adiih1lo:nal I~UiJlatloo; '~If i'Jlijhl~1ill ar I:f:a.t1!LuliJat e-)lf.ll'!!:l.I1IH~ion~ ar ~Alf'II:J til step aesalp@,

A \~ll\IFlNI1NIG 'IlJ CAU1.&c:l1'ft LC'd~s ~ pFLWeQlu~e, wfii:.rjtr, ifl~M' UlllE[;9.rt~ arif '11'F1p.roo~f,I¥" ('..3111 rEi~lJlt In sqriOOs pe~ jnJI;lft1 'B'I odli3li'ft1a:~ to llfi8 Lm~ aJI'It:F/fJ!r 00tlh.

me 1:1' (:~VA!ElJil'~N~' -SYMBOl.} .~I""e!7.i l'1!l)tl~ t:nej: umlss:~lnslli\lc:nof1iS;.or PlOCfee(lure-S; are fnllD'l'tledi any ifJa,~ will \iltJlti the Wi!rra.flI !IDdl rre,Pa~~s 'tiJlI'~ el 1;iililf\$:ria ,e;.:~el;W9,.

IP~ p~JiliE:l!!l'a;r a~temlolil 'to tfi~ '~ p~U!fQIiiS_ fihery EiJ,elliMlttel1l {or~UT prot-e~J1;In ianli!J ~lii1ain; imIl!OOBli!0: tll-fOrmatha,;, "frnU ml1St Iffiow 'to.: s~felli !lJ~el'Eite YdI!lNattig111l b'I...,t,

Mectrl~o<r;1iI C!I1irJ!)tr;):r:at'iolfr ~r,~UI~ SM'ljIiiCl!~



~ lEG'eflill sVMBo:rn; ., . u , ,~ .' ~ 3-

1 ~1 lb:egBoo~ym00l8 . . . . • • • . . . .. .. 3

'2,'GE;NE~'AL. ~N F@FrliIIA1JJONI ••• 4

~j eenEtii!lldelTJt,ut~lof,]r ..• •• e- • '. 4

2-,2, 1$i~etlJ F ca'l1lre:JI ..,..... _ _ _ .. _. . 4


41 ASSEM BL:. 'I' lI)tsmUGJ,Ul!FN'S . . 12 of. , Spik~ I~aliatlon . • • _ _ , . ., • _ _ _ 1:2 (Qfiiliioosl E~Lrl~elfil).

#,-2 ~~:H3arts&w {ltiialwe,Mafr) ~.rnllie \1\s:temFl1)" _ _ _ . . . . _ _ _ _ .. . -. • 1'2

04-'3 ~h~~Bliil.rka l~e~t1\oaJ 'fBSil: . . . . • 14

:5, 'fUEIL JtND UUD1R:leA:iFlpN, _ 14

"6 ~PliRIl TI NG ~N~TRUG:rIQNtS . 15 ij.t !;'l'Iglne- Priij-$I:aR C:iIilsG~8 . . . .. _. _ _ . 15

iY2 Stanl I!!!\' I' . -

, .. . ., '. J;1:g' ~ng 119 • _ ....;. - .. _ t5

~T'il Stop fll'lglf'}£! ,,- - - - ~ ..... ' __ .,16 ~ ~Iil ~_ ~iJi_er:aUOml'if~ ; ..•• '17 i&5_QirrE;)wFJGOCif • . . , .. _ . _ :i 7' ~ 8j;eakii'!~rll1l,.III ItIBW EIqIII~e. -:' • . . . , • U:

"I Gienet>:am IDuf.lJll.g 11I)s1~~iC(Jlif,s ", . _"U)

1",,1 ,J)~nJl[;j;riiJll!i:trCutll.ifJl1lI 'fe-liI"Is. _...... j g


ji";.2 SafE;\y Fie.a~I!Il\rL!S . _ _ _ ~ .. .. .. _ _ _ .. 1 Q 7·:] F~I~ng _ _ _ .. ... _ _ _ ; . .. • • • 1i9 74 bijm~l~ •• , . . ." __ .. . . ... __ 21 1-5 B'IJD'kiIn!iJ. , - - - .. . . , . • . . • . .• ,~'I 7~ I6U~r[~ 1I'sfn~ SflMinQI'W.e- _... _ .. .. _ 21

a IMa'lm,eOitrlEII'C@ 'InsltucUam;; ..•. '22

&-\ #illrF,iitt."er . . .. ; . . • • • . ,', .. 22

a,-:2 S~rl!;: ~h!1g1 •••• .' • , . _ _ _ .. . ? • 22. a;,a; FOal' C~p ,.. - - _ . ., . .. _ _ ., . . . ~~ ;t1I-.'Ii ~us111Em"k fllmr: .".'. r- , _ _ _ _ .. ,. 28 .:8-.5' iQoollrIg Fins ;, - - _ .. .. . _ _ _ ., . . g::31 EI"& ISpeJ!k Arn:rs~e~ S~e~11II

lM'ufn~riEtmU;~ P'I;!I'rt ., ; ,; ••••. ~3;

a,-7 ~tBitli Bti8~euMi!ifrtt~n8ln~ . . _ _ _ _ . :M a:,..g Splro~!CImIDIfI'mtJl Cltrmi:br 9tl!l~ •. il5 8;.9 Am(!1li111atie OTIBii' ,Ad.lllIm~E!fit . , ,. _ _ _ 26 ar,~O Gi:OOe Ba.r Marlilt~r(an~ _.... ~ _ • 21

8;-11 i OnatE M'allh1snantEil . . __ - __ 2-8

8:',l2 St"Ol'I~ A C'ha.J1i SiaVI - - - - ; "29

$-'1:3 Rsl1ilu:J",a'1 P:roffl St(l{age __ , . _~'

9 'PIilEVlENllNE MAlWIJIiENAlNeE 3Q -9-1 'Pt.:evemiite Mallit1.'efraJTIc~ •• __ .. _ 30'

'~J;1glr:lID S.~rficeli.arg _ _ . . . • • • • • ,.aO 8,'flEl, ~1t1. Col11lJlnMlCln!;!: . _ _ _ _ .. . 'ca1 itU' all Cbailil MainlEn.aOO£r T'o~s ..., -~1 .Ji:Y~Qm lubl'teanls . . • '. . . . . .. _ _ _ . a;l! At~ssci~s,& RI;IJdI~met~ f,'a)l'ts' • L _ • $11



.. _





Y@'U1r Me~;U.lILe(i;~ !eJ~lainSaw il~' fWirrihs,heei wlt~ .ai, ~~:fe:ty lab:el Ia:e·at:~td '(lj((1j tile Ream" Handlf"e.IBoot 1~i)P'.'_. ThiS lab,1 alQhg ~YliUQ. t'tse. ·sate. tl'pret'a~lJItian.~ [$ I~ii)~ji n~li ng . ani Page 4; S'rl.oll:li~d De; ,!t::arefldllily before· a:U:empUiI1Ig to operate.·.Joull iL::llallD $aw.


. ' 1

l1li L:EGEN~:SYM80'l!S:~=----~

3 A·· 'd' I .... ~

• ~·.~QI·. ~r

lII)~e· cQn.tac.t


.4.. flla~:d saw p~ei1i~ W'llm~'ib~'~1i fUlllas..



, I









- - -

j , iG~)El1lI 2:.··~r~ln

a ®fu.l"'·EI~ ~~ (j~rd ~c~'I!IQ' IlJ;}lT.I:Ji:i!oIs

:5. Alpge~.Mr ~

6·. ~n@1 oflGG=

:II. 01 'TillnkOaw

~ ~~j:mHllitll~

~Si1W ~.MIJpi5'lfJ1ijrrt~ .... 1!l!. rgllJ'iitU'· QS\Sk!Jl< ~ £y,..:;re:t;

T 1 , f'dji-j ,. .!ulk Cf4i'

'1!2.. FIUlII"kIIIS":hg \Ni11!-j;~ >s.~. Ilk ilhr'k.;i~ ~~S'lllIf.llr~'

15.: SlAnar ~1!f' ltfi,iFIDnt·~

17. 1iMliI!J~ IL~1)1I!Krntib II!( 5.'91£11¥. -~,

1190 ~1l'lI1'k i'liflJ

:on r.'lMIelJ~ NoJrolw

I~cli'll:linji!l;l ~t3M:J1lJ1! lii1~

~~. ~iiJBf£!1i~"\h!J1I: $e!(f11J1t'I ShMrnt (a-t ~t 0I(!~'

25. CI~!ii Emkoc

26. G!li:IIn.~L1il . ;lr!. :!Iplk .

(Q~J &!JulplF1l'l:lj

3 CH,AIIN;~MlAKE l.!.'~\!i~' and,9IJ1ar,[I i"f:OW(ti$ tie 'P'p~F~~e,(a taifijl'.~nd!jn 11;J1'.!. ~,~nt it EiI~_Cf- 'flits ITJ;.tli!· ITisnaIll3: )!.iuiJe SiIlio' l!i:

T ,Jr.l!njUJ~b

ZtiI CI"I~J'N tm~1!1i Lrs"S s;Jt·eto;,l fet3lruw.d~i'.gnl3g '1:13 r~d~~~I3'P'M;l:ihi:fft1;,'· (If iJfl.~u1I)'· d:Ue' ta r.:i:g.;~8,* by £toppi:ng ~ mwill'1ij. .@Isin. !~ rnil~~IlIfEl:s_

2 !;.~W KICK!e~~J~ Ol'iAI NI help.;, frstlil.JC;.:l 1.n~l!;lEci Q~ th~ ~nmn~~ aof ki{;l';l'Nldi-Sig ~'.fl.r;an'tl.cVr Qne l'O .~Pt:(;hiil"f ii{c::;'i9nBf-i, .mspi,h 91uaQ es 'ilif;l ltii91 u:eFtil I i III k!':'"

i26e~lN CA:~Ci~. l'ea;UEB':5it:M;e>€lsliIg1l:F m "Il,[U'I"Y ilf:T ~N\f ,evant s~ cQsiin '0. eah ·OF dsraJlI:j: tilll'i'ng y~l"'aJtioo, lihe cBllJ;;her t!l; d~gigDetH'() inte1tlEu;ii'i1 ~fljpl3'i09 r*haiJil..


24 MI.JP.fU:A. 8~.iell1['J h?lfI.B jgiJ"i,"!,i'~~ ilta~d~ ,mt!jll!:omIQUsti'ble mtmJ3fl;)IS fr,om rJ;I~k:iIl!lH eqlnrt-<!(;'t ~n a hO't rniuffl:e;r,·

Z4; ~ftA,RK. 1';,1~~~SilJER: S{5ItEEN rtl;~afn~ ca~MIli ,Bmtl fiJCb,err fl:3mnm~ J[e pcaFl:itl~ Ove'r 0.6:2'8 I. fines,_, il'J~~e· from 6f1>;Jine g;d1!W .. );;i • ij;:w: •

'1ff1 &AFI2if'¥ 1iiUi;l\:iIER. pt~~nts. alt""irleDtal a~1~'a1!tD;n ~f tlitB' J8ng1rtl!!!. T 'Ql'jle Trilllgerr a c;8nn@'~ fJe ·!!£IJ.d:a~. 8jl'l&E!~ ~e1Y "Jrtimlf.!r is j:lJ8pre~$Bat

lm ~GjN IJ]UN1'$f,OP SVj!lT€J;j. lDilq11edifuel,y . '5'Wp. el!1;gliM wh~1'1 t(rl~~[L ~g'ni~roQ';' buiiltti must 1j:j"" ~!.itwd '~!JI ON IDQsmD.I"I 'IDl:o st a rt Oil' fast a Ii1 13 ll9.ijlil~.

=-------- ... -



,I SA,F:ET.¥ f'I~.l M 1;'[ ViI .rdc h meets. 8N"Sfsa;iety stan~a,ril"s =1t~' fJ,r~le~.:rf l('DU. from ,aJrnd defleG,t ra~ ~II1IQ Ob,~I~ctS.

~ .0.,20;,$ i 'tl~,~ JO I~~ ....... ''0'1'1 t4111 I ,,;I.JJ CStJnd~m.I"slll!.:c·~

C S,J,If,ETt¥ W'QI~K. S,I"I ees =

~ AhWI.(;I'f.I\<$ w~,a~ h~aill,¥' du:tf __ s aJ e f,y WWj;&-..3~!_f!1t"

bo®1s. -

1 I

t ,




.. oPE'rr4 f'U'Eti' (rAP Sb:eWL" to r.elease ,any pressu re w:n men m~y hav~ 'fo'r:n:l,etl ih F'iJlii1~ fat:lk. J

• T0 ~jR,EV~'NT ,PI'RE H'rAZAAll mQve' at ~rea6f 10 'feel (3 met; 15) from ~u!ejI'ilQ aJre8J>

be;fer,e s.tatrt,i n'lQ.' e . giine_' . .

• IF Fc1I1JEIl. f,I';\S SPIU.1~D 01"! unit file-Ge.r1.aln ",rtIU has lJesn (llrU~d c,~m()le:te!y bef~fe

stadi'ft~ it .

• 00 N1O\F C~\IIJSE A:S[p',I\:RK 0R SMIOK,E wiHi~e f1l!lreIiiVl'!iJt or wh~'le @.p.erraU~g the ~:n;ailn


,. no 'U)T: USE ,A;N~ 8m'ER R;I,~L than flhIat rraOQm mend'eo ito rolaftG.per:at&'s 'lpanuat • [~EIlP MlAiNDI:.!~ [)RhY~ OleaJlfll an;Gfl ~re.;e·Qf1ufi1J~ mixtlurM_

'" ,~~'W'A'VS RElFU E.~ IN ,S:,liFIE ~RIEA. ~way flf\Q.m i,Q rillUo,n ,sPU ro,QS or bp~r,) fla·me:., .' pO ""9)' SST ,A HIJ"]';SAW 'D~WNw~!erre nam~ble material ilsf pres~'nt

• DO Ntvf R E'FUI~11. ,A FI QJ !t!MA,IIN, :SA'W ~ ,;Ii1ItI~ow It to ~t}o I bahzrr'9i ,rei.ue I ttiI!!iJ.

• Cl"ilAIIN: BRAKE: fhe CHAI N B,RAIKE can be c'racllited or lbroken j,f earelessly ~Rd llmproperly in.sta.lh~d. FIQlllloW a,ss:emb,I'y i nstruetiens earstu ~Iy' w'hlsnever removing or ins.talUng chain brak!B.



maintenance of CH,Alhill BHA"KE, as liIx:· plained in the' Chain Brake Mawntenance. _S'El'ctiol"u in your manual, can rssutt ilnfalihtre' ,of the. crt,aiR brak,e' to fu nctlen p.rol!lcerly I if B,1 a!ll, :causing serious lP~rs,o'na.1 inj IHyw When all" ~Iva'tedl the G~AI N 13RAKlE slmps Q moving chain in afra,cti on of a see'f.:'md., It must be prQP~rl'Y' m,ai ntalned at aU tlmes, See CJ'~lijl"1l Saw Safety F'l!illtur,es In Safety Pre,cauriorl S~,cUon of th,is manual,

• CDOIL,llNIG Fll'NS:: A;lr liRlle't v,e,nts ,o;fUlle start,er Otl\l'(U and cyllindel' coollingf'ins must be kept ctesn Of the engi'ne wi II av-ertH3at d. uiri og cuUi 11'9 'operati ons, OV'IlHt:leat I ng ean ! a,ad to eng fne d,ama,Q9.

11 MUFFl!EJ~: It is ardviS,aJble af1~r f,lve hours orf ope~at1on to' ,removel clleJan and lnspent nil.uffilier compenertts. At t;l1e same tiim,e and carbon deposits shou~d be re,mevedh"om the ,e~l1,auSll".HJlrt.. Opetatinlill saw w:ith ,u~ilt'tY orfa.u Ity rnutnel!' can l~adbJ engi ne: damaigle.

Ii GIU~DE BAA:' Most§i'bllde bar (the r,ail,ed b'ar: wlhic,h supports aFlld calH'j,esthe StBW cham n) prob lsrns can be avoided fur a Iiong: time by merely keepiWJ§j1 ~. w'€lllmai'ntai-l1led saw Ghain. Incorrsot niillg anti'flO,rHILlr:nJiform €t~Uef and dej;:lth gauge settlings caUS'6 rnest guide' bar trOubles, p ri marUy u n'e-III'en 1l\',MH'wear. ,!\s the bar wears IJO'EHI'S,nly, it widell1'ls,Snd v;hain claUer" ri'vet ,po!IJ'pinm and diffiicuHy ~n . maki n~l $traJght cuts mray' resu lt,


S,afety IPrec8Ultiions 81

Failullelo ~lropell'ly m81iirlti1'in yaur chai,l'ili SIIW' c'an .I'IS,suU in.!iSleriQu·~ "e"·SOlnlall! i:lnjury, damage to the en,gIEn~B and"., r 'thel IJInU i,tself., f:a,u~lty operation and POOf an-the'·job IJlErlrf'or;. ,m·a.l1es.

.' SAW CH:AiliN: A loose or dull enatn ean r,e·$,ult in RJic:kt),i3!Ck, [see sa'fety preeau'~ions on kilckba!c It) a mJI can s~ i IP off' 'thiS gli(te' bar I"8.US tJlulrlngl operatlon. A diu 1111 can ,a.lso reeu It in sillowe'f cruttlrngl r"E!!s;u I t.i rIl'g in the use Orf eXOB'SS '~G'ir:O'e Irern operatnr andlead to engliine! d:amage ~ rom 0'V8 r hear-iii ng. A]:sO' e:GIr;I'(~i ~ tiiens that Sire often mistalka:1FI as ,enllJ',iIii119 IJrobh~ms BUG h ,BS engi ne rulillni'ng ro,u;9llhly and cuHing drrUclIitis!s a.lre onen caused by a dulllj, Iloose, er ,inc()r~ ree tty s harp,ened chal ~.

.' SAW CHAIIIN lNi',mlN'TlENAJNlCE= Yo,u runtt ,rs ,e'quipped wi~h ~Iow'·· saw chalin. T~l1h3i chain signifircaiotly rle,~uc:es llh'e dangler o'r chain sawldckbac:k while ffilaJntai n hng hig,11 cuttl n,g e:ff'ic.iElnc.y. CAUTI'ON: All s,aw 'chs,inl can kick back~

. wh i erh may n~s u I't 1 n severe persona.1 injiury to U'1,e saw operator orr bystanders. imllll'iOlper shraJlrpeningl ,and flli ng 'Qf this e h~li n wU lin crease ~ he dSIk; of 5ev~re' fil· jUlry due '[:0 kihlldoack. Study 'kic.kback s,alety p'rs:c:aut i 0 ns and i1JC1;ref:u IIV molill ow s-'tHl..rp9Inin,g lnatructlons in your

mal1liuaill.. .

• BAIR llUBIFUCA'TION: ,RUI:1f1ingl a saw

dry ,(wUhGui Iluli:)lfic:atiofll) or wi,tlli too Itttie 0111 wfl I fjlecreas's cuUin.g eiUciency, sherten s;aw chain IUs:! c,a,Llse raIP'~d' duH· inlg 0", chain" and exces,~iv€l, w'eat Qif bar from overheati rIl'g. Too ~ iUls oU is 'e'vldenced' by smoke or bar discoloration.

'Ii ,SPARK PLUG: The spa.r:k plug must be. kept free of oll and carbon delJ;.HJs;its and PHlj:'HiI'lri'Y gapped fOlr 'e"Ucienf st.arting. and operatlon ot the cnaln saw.

.. IMPA.·OPER STOR.AGE: Falling to sh~re a c 11 ai n s,a:w p rep e{lly can rEH3 u It in damage to t!te 'G'ElJi[),urator:, eau !i~nrg the' needl~es to' gum up, Gas leU in the tank. for, pml'on!;led pe·riods can ~,'e:,c,om'e stale, making s,ta.rtingcUffiii,cl,I,I't. Follow lilns,t.ruct.mons on S,tO'lfilr1gr IA ClI1a.i 11 Saw iin th'e Mal n1s'nance S,e'cimcHI of you r manual.

• FU I!L CAf':' The flj,el cap vent m ustbe keJpt Ohi'iS!:l1ed. The ven'teClI cap, p,rs'venrts bui Id~UR'of ,eit111l,e!r ,pnl;!$'SIU't"9 O'(V,aJCU urn in t he ~ank~ 8·011:111 cOMcHUorl5 wi II ,aff'E!c;t engine opera.tiel'T. If sap vent is not p II u'Q ge'Qf and p te ssu re orVB.C:U urn delileIOl;;H3,! 'Ilav,e, yQlUr MOGUlI lech ds\ah~lr serv'II,e,9 the saw ..

.' IFU E:l Fil'll'E'R:' The f;usl Ii lter must' be ~11Ii-' s ete\tII and reptacsd when needsd,

fi lter pl'ie'ven~s dirt from enteri n:gl t.l1e flls!lllirne to thec8JIr:f::mretflf. Wben d~rt Ibuilds upjin th'B, f.'ii,lt .. er it Cll'~S down the fll(,w of fUlet I f water .g ets" III n to· the gla!9 t,nk. the watsr wm _g,st i nte the' filtet and prevent: f:II'DW ot fuelll to earburster, FaJ lure t@i maintah'il ti Iter 021.1'1 resutt ,in poor ,Ps:rf·ormance o~f unit,

• AJR, Ftll..TIEIR:: Nlev··er operetea saw wiithiout a clean ,a,i~fillt~~'lilroperly liln~~aJ I .. ed" or dlust and d 1ft WI !.II be stJlcked Int10

( t1he engi ns and d:amage .it .. A d. irty a:ir filter (Ian rsau It in a Fou'glh ru nn:~fl.g en~,jne, making it: appe,ar UI,a~ .UU! ear-

burster needs ,adjustment .. Air tttter S,hDU I,d! alllWays be k!ept I;J:ll!ean and replaced as reqlu ~irl!d.

• S,pA.RK ARRES,TEIR: An tmpropert melntatned $i]p'afk arrester screen ,t'al cause engine pOw€r 1'06:8 andimplmps funeth;mi:Ii'I'Q ot the e:l<hall!s,t syst·em K .. ··e!ep_ JUilis screen ~lro'P'~rli'Y m. ai'ntaill'1e( at all tlmes. I napect and ch~,an ,af'te every 5 Mouna 0·' use, er mora freque!nt.l! as r'eq'II:JJ~redl.

• ~SPR.OCK,ETICILUTC:Hl'CLUTC:H D'RUM T.he s,r~H;ac.k~tl' clute. h. ,ancl_ CJI~~~et1 ,.d:n!Jnlil s,houlld be kept as 01'9'sn and fre'e 6' sa:WdUs't1 pnch depos,ii1s and debrist as J)DS5ilb~Ie1,. IfsiJiw:,d~s.t or debrla is- aUa~ ed to buHd U·~, t.~be;·clutch mft):dra~1 calJs:mg the chain to move wll1lle U1El Slaw is idling.

• CHAIIN SAW SE.RVICE: All chain sraw servl ce, othe If tiha,n ij~~em s li.s~,edi 1"11 tt'll! cperatnr's manual mal ntenanos wn .. struetlcns s,h(n.Jlldl be pelf'ormed by an a~1!J thi:::l,ri zed M,se U ~11'ooih ,sa rv it:~! riIIQ ,dea:ler,

(~F. o~ .. e:(ample .. ti·f 8!fI.· iiIFn.·. p~o.JJE!.r t.o. 0111 i.s, IU.Se~ to hold Ule' f~ywh,e'e'l rn order to

1l:1~love .~. he cl~utel1~ strulctu. r~l dlama\glEl to the fI~wheel could occur B,nd oou,l,q s,u bseque ntl ';I cause th€lflywh'ele~ t burst.)

• N'OTE: With proper eperation and rnsr n ternam;~ you r cnal n saw l a IJlower~ fu i w,acHj'-curttir'l'g to'ot, wi!ili p:roviidle you wUh years ,lof serv':r,c·e. In order tg make II:H~JIS)t ussot your invJ€lstmen.t:!, DEI G.elna:i'n to f.amilia.rize yo'!,HSeU with HIe GO'lA~ !'~f.!ts of the. en"t~re· manual ~1fJ;f,i(.~re, y(n~ ,a.ssembl.'e!, oper,ate' and maUl tal n :tQUri ,chahl: saw ..

Safety iPreC8u'tions III

• aUI! TO 'JIHE DAINIGER :af exh,aust fumes, never opelrate' chain s,aw lin a G:onf:ifil~ or p€Jlm~ly venN I ated a,~a.

.. K,E,EIP' WOR:K A,REA CLEAN! ChuHe:red work ar,'eas inY'ite acc;idents.

lit ALWAV~SBIESU,REOIFYOURFOO'T.NG, and Pi!"e·'P1,iiU'Il1 a -,sarfeu,il!:x:it from, a traning tlfee. -

• ,A. S,A,FIE RETAEA'TPATH s,hould be c.~eareCl bator,e' en'l{ cuts aT'EI started, The r,e!trea,~ IP,aUm shcu I~ ex1el1dl b,ackand Giial'Qona,Hy 10 t,he rear at Ja, 45 degr.a~ sngllf! f~iQm the' e,xpelGted Une of fall.

• Be:FOR,E FELUNG A TR,E'E €:,llear away any t\lll:i,staoies .. Remo've ail!iry Gil rt, . stsnss, loose bark, visi:bJ,e naliils, staIP,~es a!:nd wi,re' , from t1l'8'.1;} where felling cub ,are to be made.

r • 00' NIO' O'V'EIRREACH w,llen euttl ng, you eouie lose YCiHJir I~al,ano,e~

• INIEVE,R ATTE:MPTc'Utting procedores be~olrn:l your ,ea:pa,~ity er ek:plel\h~l'Ice,.

'. IKEe:p B,YSIA,N DERS, and ~nliimal8 out 01' work, area . .Alway's a.llQw ill s,3.fe dis~anc,e between yO'l!I' sind! olfler people ,and an lrrtals whl,e'JI o,~ratill"lg a 1Ch:,ain .,saw.

'.' ,~'O NOT' ,STAR" CUrT'INS until-y'o,ur work area is C: I,ea,f, a:lI1d !tou h,ave S'eClIlJ re ro.ot:ili'lg .. Operat,e -saw ,on I!UJlld, le'V,e'~ 'gmu'nd 'whenever p'oss,ibl,€l'.

i DO NO'l ATTENlIPT lOC!UT down it tree Gluri m'g hig:h or sl'1l'f'Ung winds .. Co not. Ell ~ on an i ey, s IOJi)eJ!, d uri ng snow sterms, Iralin €If otiltile~r l!lI;chre,r:s,e wreatner condiitions. 'You eeu Id ge,t ht!l,jured~, lose, your focti ng.

" ,DD' N,crr CUT AT N'IGHif,you need! ,gtClOd'

'v'isibiility. -

• D'O NIDI CUTA,BOVe: SHOULDER ,KEWGH'T" yo'U'.e;ouid lese 'G'oJ!itrol of the saw and :kiekbaek eoulcl cause yt~u to let hU' wftl:l the SeJW. Rea!tI KicldltrClk SaJely precautions.

• ALWAYS, SHUT OIFF THE ENGENE tle'h~re SieHl ng tf;;Je cha.j,nsaw' dQwn.

'. INEVE:R ILEAVI! CHAIN SAW u!l1attel1dl~

ed. - --


I - - -



~Q ACee~~a.~·p~j!; 31.'ror Splfl9 Klt.~"t II1U.ll1~r, Spl~ ,Bttlluy ~$ '.!.-'Dod g,ilpp~r·~ ;rnal (U1[>1Il:flt ~Is,. ~.~ in

.. I turclin!l l:u'uflmL [fi!lllf~' 11-

£, In~1t tliE 1!Sil irn:llS Ifill]- in . llltt!!!; in ~ iIllH'JiIN BM.Kit' 'hOOii~ 'l\mi Ill! l!tmg ~~1i:S En 1fiR du~iO:I. Ijj;lgcir,~:W.

it A~in. "f'Ib.~ld5115t t~I\:DI,1fig b.IIt:I~!IJ_l· tiS E'ilI lIa:!'eJiB: ,~.I~ I1i1tQ 1h!·IlHli!iIllI!liII!:ETh~l.!S~' lJ:m1g f~' ~Imal:mll:1 ~"'):1 mn:w~

4. S.~eiid~lhe IlrulD nl{! in 03. !~p wttti ltifi)rllfifp;t!~~ IIh~ lih!in jUlriliD?i[lm~1;I ~11lu::iI Uj3 £ij[O.. ~F\R\Jl\!IlIlK

5. 'J"i~lj~iJW tlll,~ I!J!~ tile' J:h!l!i~ iiw,a:r frmm Y-llru ~nd $Iid~ il ed~ew~e' a~l!~I'i~ iimd bl'i'lIin~ 'Ille ~rum ,a]~ ll}Mo IIIU! S'pr~iIlel.

,6. MiiI~~ HiP. cha 1m batk 8mdlDrn~ 'to m~k~ oSW'~ it.i~ ill IJrQ~er m~slil 1I'oI~,~ 1~'E1 $prtlt~el ama rn liJJ~ ~/;~h !:he bar YllllUll.

7. ~l!im~ 'I1l1! ~hi!irn cmfltBr link-s inm 11t~ blilf mro.O'ue a~ liIJ.~ wa~ ililJ,Y,.!! th"e boar. filemmv,e t,me ~laQ~ in ~he thiim Ii~ tlltll.img, title Iltllaim "ISII'.lioll adtllS~mllnt screw dmcJI'~:j~[!.lfi ~u~e' ill,

e, In~tall th!l bar pl{llt~CilOf pla'tl! !llfe1 Ibe ll'iIIr aDI Is wi~h lilt!!

Iliirlge lIwai\f flilm 'Ihe I Figure 91-

9. 'Malle li:~rtBin the CHAIN BRAKE:'iB~eris ~ulle~ baC'~!D I h~ dinrmamefrpmjl~lJiri. tRglIrtl11l.

10.1i'1&WII CI1AIH BFlAK~'" A,sl1lmbJy, b:!l, certainl bra ke b,lll!1d ,j,s, 1::0011~'~U! rV titlJe.d a re tllnd Out;;ldfl- of cIUl£J~ drum.

~J" r'flsr~1'r CHp\rN 8RA,KEN"l::!t<llin~n'9 nUJt~ finge:r tiglht

12. H~M tiw' M~e QJf .lJ1I~ bll,[' Itllllij~ tlLlm dum aqi~~li!jn~ SC:felll' ~rO~kll'ld5i~ ta inJ!!r,eiiS8 lilm ch!llin '~~~$i~~ . .IiIIWiiVc'~ rni3fm.lli~ ,~ smu.~liL a!1 file. wOIY arlll!mllhie bar" ifi'll y~~ I'~I"


lIie chill has·dm pm_pe! 't!msio:.R when, with 'Ihe lfar lockl!d,i!l tbe IIpJjurmonplIsiiiilll, iHllIU snug fit allllrlllllld, !lmll will pUll amlllnd tb~ bBllll'lI'SaV tw h~i!ll~l. No dnn~jJ .or IBg olillie' ~h~il1: 1" pellllliited.


i......o_~-=- ......... _::.._ ..

[ltlfrmg Ih Ilrll~~'in ~~ft~-lI, Ihe ohllim 'Wi[1 re~UrIe s~ecial alllflullIlI.

(iSEe SEftU1I8 .8 .~

E •

~L!JIrl~I~; FIS.llJlllE la t~rlf1lt;t chain 1.JfJi5iD~ isc irnJlmrl~1I1 till' ~Bnm rifle. II ~ C!ha.r~ i:s lall fm~se IIr roll' lrlllil. 11m bar, ~i1i1:i" ~nd ,saw bearin!J~ wiD W~<!' mille rllpilily.

19. While haldiftlil the nose of 'the 'oo.r 1iI.1l. t1~ten the • lJiain ilrak:e/(ilflde 'Bair retai mli\1 ruts: 5eC1!R1},.


Illwavs weal ~fGlXlll~l¥e mrll'\l!!f when h~flng c~A;rn.

- -


~ ICtilAiIN i£!IIJU~tME!CHANIC:AL tEST ....... _-~'3I.DTc._,ooin $~W is; ~uiPJie~ wilh Ii Co,AI N B'ilAKtihillrl re~Il~lliS'lhe jlll.5Sibillly of anMy dUB !i11 "~ic-Jib'.l~~:·1ih~ brilie ~s ~dlialedl il Irl',e.s·sw~~ is ~l!fIlfed Immi~sl tl'le br~k~ ~Blliel' wIno, 8i> in Ihe~lIl1tiil "~idbilll:k:' f~e lJ~eflil'! h!!dl$llrikeslfw iIl'Olet. W~en till! brake ISo llctuilled~ thB ~liiail1l ll1&~arnent SlifJlS ~br[jp~I~.


1~lJr~-Q.Ul qf lh!i CIiiAIN BB4K't'ls 'liI,lII!d!fcI (ihe plI$ij~ilily IIf im[IIfV jllile 10 "~ick~aok" milt ii[ ili8Mtlil provide tlla!ireUllrll !!lllrollfl;Cotilllll illiteii'd!d .t tns s~w is 'lij1:l:iflllllLlll'lessly.

W,IiI~~Bi~E!r- 1100 'CHAIN IBHAIl{E'iis illSt911'eiloA tlila ulliL ~he II!I'II~r meClliOlllism mu~ ~e ~e<sredl, This f'E!tt can iI~ petcfarm!ld withGLlI, ,s'tl!rtm~i lit!!' I!II,YiJ1le iii ilMlollowill~ maliIlllf:



W~e' either' reg;_ular grad,e 1:9l3deti 'Of regu'Jel' gradlel.llilI;~ed gElse'llne In ")!lour unit USB Cl~I¥ Olilfi 'lyP'!!'- Ciial'n iSaw·ruJil~ls a mlxtuM o.f 'I'l~Qlln{!lal'lcllubri()fl!!ln.g 0.11. TIUi ceW3ioua!.lil, of gaso1ln'l! 10 01 ~ veryllirlp~l1aint, Fc1r.-ow 1f1e ra1IQl!i· In tim's FuijJ Mlxt1.m~ l'atJle. MeClillaoi1 TW9 O¥cIe·CIiI~tom luibrlcartt.s rSliommMdep. If lIlotavag· pb1e, US9 all~ grad; iwc C¥c1'EI om lil a 00:1 rBifli;l,

[ijUiTiIO~1 ~ '\a1

eo NOT 'ldSE LEADJEC' OIFil UNLEAIrJED GJl,.SOUN~ ALTEFlf!JrATELV. Cli1al'l,giog"lIel tYPlls tllllli'f !l;fIl!Ise>

slIl1ieus 61 - 'dium,agiEl ,and void mai1ll!J;f.aI~1uI'\tMS

'lliiiiUil'IU'IIty. re,~rlJ J.iu grade l~ald;Qd giil5otiln;e 10 r:al,wO!)fS 'lise f'09t11i!'r !:ilrade IJllleadgJJ ii!.lel. !JISie onw Me W.p~-

Cl61 FUEL MI;)(1N'G TABlE ,_""..- .......... ..-

McCiullo~l'I ~D: 1 Ralie CYS1JCU'il L",bl1ic~l'Il

SAE Two-,cycJle ,a,i I :20.:1 Halie

!hi !J.B; Gar. HI.!.aal. 5" Uf.S. Gall.

U30l. 4SmllcQI 3;2 oz. 95m~ k:cf l&.OQI!C, 475ml ~C€'}

3,2 oz. 9'mllll:ic~ 6,4/ Oiil. HlIlml~ctll ~2.QI Oi!'. 9,S'Drnl icc~

1 liti'l~ G.a oz. ~'5m~ <[100,)1.1'01. 50f'l'lII,cC}

,5 Liter 4..3 02. ra5m!1oc) 8.'5 Cl!l-. ~iIn'l foe)

ZD Li~l!r 1J1' .IHI2. 5'lJJlml icc] :3'4,,0 o\L 1 ~mlm I tee'

'L T~e 'GI!lAIN Bl!h'l,lIfh dissQijiilijed ['llietooimJIi;ttO rna~el whm the br,iI'killll)'I'eT is~lIlled 6ack lind I!le~e.d. Prmli'tdea'f~B ollaiil teRsiol'1 rllIl!Dfne~t, ~~II ~1i~~ldbe i~e to' JIulI the ~Iilai~ 8ro~l'Im ~lIe lJ~r b¥ ltiall~. If19l1il~e 141.

2. fi!le C:HAU~ BRAIt is 8fi111il!llld [.tfie liillaill t~ slo,,~edll!!olb'lII till! bri'kie t.l~DriliJii ~~e fOJWa1c plJSur~" l(,!!U $~multl nOit lie abl~ w 'IrnI"ve ~h:e mh8ln b~ haJi~, I FjgllJll '15'.


'lite 'l'Giller' Slhculd ~'flap into ~h~ ~~!lam,ed U5irimn. Iff -il'r.ilJnig l'IIl'SiS'tlIn~e: 1$ f~l, or lh II'IIEr d~e~ nlJt mOflle il'll!O the f!lgBAe~

pnsitiolli; femm'lL! ~Ii!e usEntlV "lid la~hllhe ~lISf. -

~ MIXIN:a FUEL _....._,. ......... -....-_-

Mi;!l f1.U~l' I'm a ct;:mtiElim~~ I('Ulll:r,ippedi witl1 ,iii fle:x:ibll3 spout ilnd s~ralil'ler. four han o~Ule' g,';NflO,lill1e and 1111 o,f 1ltle oi! inlo tIn,e oom!lilier. C,OVfl~ the COP\lit,ail'leli' and !i,ilIa k,€!' vl'Qol~O'usJy"Aj:ld '~i1e. rest 'olf tile gaslllll'le <llna :sha~e aclil'ltlii'l'le.r vigorouslV to, t'holfe,uglhlhj\' mi>c fuel and oil II.

[ "A~T!(I~~ J 'W

'F,ue I addi~lii\!e5 'Olr s!p81Dia I s"t<lrlii 1"19 fluids :StHlulli1 !not be used beca..~Q seal5 and::ofl'l€ilf i"LibkiE'r c'ompcsiti,o~t'l P'iilUS, ma¥ be d am.e:g ed,

-A!WIiI''l''G rl!l"fill tlil' c!1 Elin 011 ~a:nk eEich time llieflli'ol tim! is Ire-fililed. We flBicommend IJs'il'lQ MeCJlilIl:Cl~1i'I GrtaiTl. B!lrSf'id Splm~ket·OH, whi-e'h c-e~!J.t<lil'ls additi~es, to, [edll e f~i~~i,e mI .all''!Il!l willa r and to «'I;Sls1: in 1lhel [lire\len~ion ()if pitch 01'1 the I:i~r and roB'in. J.f McCulloch Oli.1ein, Bar ,i~lin d SlProcl~let OUi il!: aJIiI'aH!lolle, U!I"O SAE :30 ~OI'NI(h;lIiti,,,,,e moWr eH.u tern peratums ,!lDOV!il 4Q deglrililes IF ~5 d'III)rees C, OInd SAE to nOi1Iadditive mo,tor Qiil at lower 1iemperatufeSI•

McCulloch ,ell Rin. e~r SAE 3>1) rill O:lo:r em SA~ 1 0 MO,tjllf em

aile:! S! Oi'l INan..ab r-aSli ... .e} (Nol'I,liiira:5ivE!i

40lFf5CJ alulA;BQVE

'-'OW~R, TE'MPEFI~'fU:flE;S


- -


- -

3, Bllllol!rl)ihin'l~e ,~ltai~ JiBS, ~mfJlltot Illn,iOJ1 ar:rd Ih'i! Ii~! it51iui~l~n 3',

the saw,

( SEE SiECTlIlIlN ,~. 2)

B!f~rl~ aue.",~tl~ ~ ilo .3,~~1~· toe engine:, l1i~tb~d1ii~alJ~ ~e$1 I h~

CMAIN ImIl,KE, h .

( SEll SECII0iN,¢-i: )

l Fiill t~~ futl 'tank w,itfi ~QlrfCt IUil mi~llIri!, Ele:l:e!~,aiI!lIlOIIO s~ill [uel on Iti nw andl. if '¥VII lfu,all'OW ~ail!lt\1J dr,~ o~1 IfuIJWI!;D'Ii4~ ltef~ne tlrlfll'mptillg I'll still'! ~f IIIl~Faile_

~IGruIFiE '~6, 2, FirJ Jhe ~IIBlm oll tarnk with Ih~ il"mu~ dtjjill Gij anm lliU!l1~ maJ1i111~1 oller lIil i$ ~ellJ allO~ lit bar, abo~e lhe lJaJ 1Nil1., {F.ig~""~.;;.e_H",,il.~ __ ~ _____

( S'EIE ,SECfIlfllilii 5i. 4)

~. II! ceHaiii tll~ 1:::H'IIUli B!HAMtill ~inng1li~e~ IlIrfo~e Sllifling Ihe' !lnil.


iii] ilOJ!lii _BIllP!t lu stillrt Of c~eratB "je' umilwM !lh:~ br~~~ e~!li3~lld {"haill fiS :S1fO~lied~ [Jrfnill allo:wtliii Img[(1 B 10 iille ~IJ! 1!lIllIDJIl!lfiillt.s of trm~wh:!ln:~fle:mr,liki~is ~R~B~ed,IDS !ihistemdu~jbuil'll~Jlcnel!'~ ~he ~,nrtkii. Dllalfug,

~ me Sf'ARt THE ENGiN~

'If'.aur Gl!iiarn Sa~ ~G eas.1J!'lt~Hftf'lll:i, Mowe'llm'. rmpmplI' U5E1 of the- iCholw carl' thfi' ,ill1~l!ila, maldl'll,) !lla!lftlng dJtnellil£.

I. P.I'8te 'thl! 5i~W ~MI crear, ii'r,m aM mn $Llrfac(!,

2. Mllilie ignilioi'VSlOP M'oIitth U,~w'il'fd~ 10 th~ "an' ~mSli~icm. rFigure 1~1.

·4" ille~J'~s<s dllll sllf!l~ Ui~mijjl wil~~ t~e ~1B111iiI 01 ,O~t Ii:~n~" Sq~ ~flroU!~ Irill,~~r ifmd ~wll bact ~b'(lnfe lat~h"l'li~h 1~unib; tRiillUl~e 20L

5", lietI!8s,iflIJimnlio' llill!lUJ. flm Ihml1l e is 1111111 IlllirtiOl~V 0llelll_ [Figure 211.



Nelilll1l a_IIO~~ par ¥II;I chaillltlo ,Cfll1~~~~ anvdlim~ ~urinm"tb~ lI.~I~n~ ~mCE<~~res"

6,. HollI 1~1l' ~BItI' !I,CWR 'rt,rmlf iJ1i IiIle '~J'IImt hand II! I NOT I: MAIN IIiRAKE le~er Ifu~l!Idl~WlrdllMlilllell hand Pla~e Villlr I'ighl h~o I' III Ibe "boOi ,loop" 'f!!rmell, ~iI' .Ill![ fi!ar h andre afld bouom liilmmd ~iFl9lur'B 2:2~,

"'1. Pwlilne n~m\r tllllldl~ ~miNl'I' ~lllil'llm~ leer illle--sl~rt~r ~lllJ],g:~, liIill'll ~i~e ~ ~i'I\O~m, rilpiil, ~rnd ShQr-r~Ii'I. AII~", lhe &~ar~er rmp~ 10 lei'l~ sl~wlv, Ne~Jr let tffie sma ri'i!J .rm~e S~BP 1l~l1:k rt~ml jlil! '~ttenrlejl posiMn, Re~e.all lI~hl 'the ~ngllll! iirSiX Jires.

~" ,l'1en, tihe' fJlrst flr~ (iiltiempl~ to staJilj" push

In the CI:1;4;1,Io;lj I!!;nobaOOll'lU~ Il'1eSlal'taf: Handle: TIle SJl:Qtnesrnould Btru'Ii.


II, 8ilt9nElIlli8ral~,mp~, lheUll'iIJr'llile Cloesilaot S'tart, riEMKI Ihe Inslnlclions- fh Fig!.! re' 21t!'tIUoo. R:~m~ Fc:n- ~oW'ad Engine"

9. Sq~eele the ~~no6{1~lni~mer sJ'imHJlv t~ rllilailse l!he dimulll" fB[IC~, -aFlowing ~he ,mt]rl1e' 19 r,-ctmn 6~ idljJ 'Spe!~_

m. ,f)oll'linwe to ~q,ueele .md releoll<St' lh'e IluoWe 1:~i~l!Ier I[S rilll uilil-li lIm'j] til e: ellgine is rmll'lillg MfIOlltlily WililItiill1 hesdlal'iui,

FIGU liE. 2!l

'I ~OTi:J

TIii~ !hroUte trimgliF jl'ilic9 an ,a~.IUilIliilble SQ@\' !~ ~1Iit tli~ $tartl~!I !mJ~ sp!ed. lit 1'Ia5 ,been ~~ fIlir best mSr!iirIDiiIilOO' lIy tile IkGlol)', SltliU!lld YOU !le;edto wadjllSI II, 111itiflillll Ii 'I:ll!OI::KWIS'E wi!! iii, cGtm I~e'nll ld!espeat1., ,Clifm'l'8ISeJ!!,. flljlllng II CQUIDm,CLOCtMIIISE will decI'Wsli t~e stmlUII rille speed. ~Fhll'U'r.a 2'3·)'

liliEM:itD'IIIIFdn fl.OOl:IED milliME

A 1I~~r !I!i11J1r11! WIll be"dlffloult tlu~rt FIIIIII bel!'!g anllfillieM:I1ilt!>ln iM IfllUflh"r'II!'" !iI!i!1I!niI !It'!!iilDt!.t lind/of ~e'aH1t!lli! tlI"~~m I!J ~!i!!'lI' ~IIl!llI~l!' ~lnQ f:!l1lOcd!i4

'1'10 R~.tI! F1'OO(foo 5rrgflwi

1. MO't'e tgnl!:lon ~on lei- "O,PF" IpGllmion,

2. flllmlWEiflp_Brk pt:llltl

2.~OW uw~!tIlilr.or ~5 to ,30 ffil'l1iiill~

J.:ClI!4h~M~p~P!!~!llUGI·~,M~~. !ilIIoa~ I_too a,z, II!!Ig.~_

4. R.!l'IIl!lftli ~PAitr plug'.

5. ~M'I~IlI~ItI"8, ~ W'tIIiI1 not 10

Mlr Gliit!il«itll~~mClflll. f~G UflE~.

~ 'm :lifilJI~ ENIiINE

1. 1I~le!l$8) Ihell~ol:lll!l~igger ,1I11~ aliBI!!' ~h!_ ~n9ine '0 r,eJUllIl to

idr~ sjltled. •

2. jiltl'lCie Ilh~'s~MI' nn al ~1a-a[,lilmlilld Hilt s~r\-Ili~~.

:1 IPIJU Ihl! ;'lUlr~er'hllmifllutJl! $1~w.IV altoill '15'10 liD em 16 il'lclil!'-sl

a e the iGfllJio~r'.lit!3p $w.i~m to, lhl! "!IT(iP"IPO!iliB~. 251.

W"H ift is IIIICel'JlIl ~!! "tbll ~lil tlW" lililpl¥ mo,. lQ igll,i!liiiinlls,1iI~ .lwitcb [II 1i~1I ·'STOIP'· pOli*ion.


Pe~li'ocli~,,~~ .Ihe CI1lAIh't SihAkE\bo~lil bltti!.s'ted wililel h~ ~nglll~ IS"Op'I!I1!<lin:gl.ll'ri's.Ii!1l11S ,!!'SIlSC:I8UV im:lfQrtaili \\!him the $a~v is IIIlM1 Or tvlt.s lois d amy s:enriwe! i~Yml~m 01 i~e C:HIII III BRAIi:E~

'JTe~i. !)lie' CI~lIl~ B'ilAKIE"',Jli,sSiEIIIIIIRIL.V <l!S f~I]ll'lII's:

1,. Piacune tIIw ~n I um fllarl ul,'liI'c.!.

_~ I .

2, ~IW(r~ f.he ~~nl~ct I1l'C~~Ufer u) 5f~11 the efiiQlll:fl.

3, lilaii~ 'lll:e Ui'lr t:r~ndhn lirml~ willI! n ~~ rl~hL "!lind,

4. lNutb tlir~ IeI'! ooml, bold l!he fl(ll111 l1an Ie lil(lit I:~f CIIlIAIH BA!A,I!IEle:nrllirmly.

~, .Sl~~e'll~e lliiB·tl'rrQ:lf~e f~igmef ~iii wJi;I~Jmli~~ ·1~rlOIi!!Je.A$ ,S~Gill ~~ lull, tlnrl~~Ue is 'r~;athed.. 1mm~rili.arl:ely aOlliY<ite the CHld.N BIlAIKlFle¥er.'l'tg!.!lre 261.

,I ~~I1JTloN: J

Adi'i~te t~e IllllillilN IBH:AIU"'SLOWUI' BndD,EIlJIRfR~TU'f.1l1l (;!~B.wIIQ,t;e~1J 'Ch!llill trom to~C:lI:lnQ iSU[1at~: don) lei Ihe' .SilW rill fDn'llmd.

6. rh~ ~~arm .i!lhlilild stllP BbiIlfTPJI~, WI~aJl U ~!filS, nilll~IIIS~ I:hlll Ihf.illtle tIi;mer imm!~iatel~.

WllIn liII~ C8iilliRil' BB'IA,Kt'l.Q~ c!sm al~~ij~te.~"imrtle~i<i1:li1v rfl~D~\5e the thraltle 'ui~~e.r '10 jiJe~,~l1IllIaillllU~I~tfue engUle.onhedludi.

lillie eh:ai" d,oes lII'mI Slop,lurn ~~lljhe ,eRmine and the,C:k to hI! SUfe iii!! CHIIN BRAiI!ri ~ pl'iipeiljri~'s:tall ed!. Il-Iliu! IIISiillillil!~f1 is conre~!. la~1re me ~~1111 to rcur t\I'IcCulloah de,al~f Iilr rmr~il'!1!r n,~llioer!i!e~~ ai' ihl!GII!AIN BR'JliK~ siS~ rnbh,

j . ~iiffi~:~i. j

IDO N IiIf I:IIIUJ 11,*~ S1«.W BY lH'E 'C"!A'IH 8RAK!rtEVER. 'The eMAil' BR'AKt'IB~!llr !h,rillllmua~dl p~~IIIIr:le!s, Ihp. be'S:1 1~~chl'c:IiDn a~rai'nsl ki"'~l:Iac~ w~e~, ~hIi' sawis hl~ <llllllhll"~lU~ the hiOilit IhBlJrdile.

~ ~R81JJIEJOIRA!DJ1IJSil'M'~'n Gillnlrl'll h)su~'l:ti:oll¥

tlirbunllJll'r ;aouu!>iffirelll i~ ~rili~,aillilla ihjDn~ ,"IU:etfSSIj! ~811 ~~mage 16 .. G'8'rbllre~mr andl I!II;i"ll.


Befwm& iiI. ~inmam, !l!:tll!sllll1enli" nta:~e' ~1I!I',e 'Ihe~rr filler'is lli!!l.i1. ViI!'"~o:ftei1 a din,!, ~ir III~e<I' wiml!fl~klllh~ ,el1~lme OD!rate as, IftiOUijh 11Ii~ mamllfef? I!'eeded, a!liu~lment. 9" S!!C,1ioll 1 - I'

1. CaM~ully lum thll'lrrw all~ hig~ $~ll~ m~ttr:rne ROill~r.l!$ cloe .. wi$'e liill~ nillsisl<l nueis l~nL OJI n~{t ~;r.i!f1' Ih~ me:lliIlgg 1~'~oOIi.g(h1 !If ~cw (t~m dal'fiilgl!' Ihen~l1'dl~ li~s "lTd! ~~eff ~at5, n~n c~tn ItmnoounllIl,r:lkrllk.wi!'lel e;lC'h needle 'I 'Iurn.

:2. SniBli'it!li! l~r~e ~lId j\~1 ,il Mlrm II~ ,al IlJw ~p~lI!,d.lf ~he en~in!' W!II~ 11101: i-dl~ wi~liolii 5l1'!opp'nm. Dlm !lIe idle spIed nltw d~lllt!MiSi8' 'unf,U it lJ1oe$ IIlh! ~Iir.r_jn mO'i'es wbile' Ih'Bc ~lImr me IS i1dliJl.m. IUfJm !Iii~ ~l1ele!tiI ~cr~w·'Go~nter·

~~ctikwilS! JU~m il SllljlS,.· .

9. A_c~elel.ale' IlLe e~~mu~~lt!nl tim~. !dj;u sllil1g lh81pw s~e~d lmilitu~e !I!t,Qdle to alnaiji1!s(j:loQ~h. rapid ~ ccalfl!iil~ij]jJ wiihml!t 'h-e;si't;jjiio~ 1!(~ill'tet,.111 ~hl1' Re~r[le ~t~lI1d ,in 'Iollilar. ~~D' ~nyine will h~it!l~I!! or l,al~'Br ""hs", II cCl!llIr:Jil~~.1I ne!dle is li!rmiCI Ollie 100' 13f;. I~ ~ngine WiD ,n tough i~d: sJ1110ke he!ivil~ JNhl<lI ~l!ltelefOlte~.

4, Ji,dju-st IJiflhign SI/eeil ~~~r!I~ for' Oe5t'pl!lWEr under Iliad. D!I Acl j,l!!I~e by Um sl~lJIId[ irm~:~' b, nIL!' !j'j!a~ Ute' sarw ~U!:s. Final ,'lIiQnoBIf1h~ ~i;gh sp.e'Hli Meedl, w;ill w!l:uallr·bII' airgun 'I IlIllh Ium OI!{!fI.

5.. Cl1!r!I,*- i.rll~ IIpl1-ratiOI1' ~Q'ar~, II i'fIar be ;ne<D1I!nil~~ 1lIl1e-iIIlIlws;t $limliJllI' fmr smoo.llli il!le 'Bf11C II cl:ellit,8rltOn !su ~~lJ.

hyll1e p~rfll Fm.alnl;l!Cfll d~ftrliTline~ by t~et!lII'UlIls~e~ ~~d 1~IISI!' ol Qpe riitiQii~der load. Tnil<f.elol!~ •. dll rn~i ~~l!S Illite' li!ar~ll~elor lor ma~rmulli ~O!;lIil ~e;~~.~:l: Iflilfis lilrelV to ~~I;ill in;a lelilll tomdllmll 'w,hiehl ura~c_~u~~ llmsTRB'

1'1. ClIlIlIHRnlJR, IIIlJUS:1iMEN'T T£SI~ A'ltl!il ihe tarburetm ~ ~Jji hell~ idj~5ted .• be' 'IQJloiiJIim~ .PlIDC.ild~I\!.s ~mgMl'd be per· IQ1lf)1ed~o leMUf'i !I!lj~.~~!!Il~,ru ruj!1,aa,y,:

A.. Wlln'I!h1l IIIibl118 Wid!! Iflp!llll. m~,k,ea ~e.'$'1Il;U. 1111 1I1I.llm I,f' ~lIe tarbll!ie DOf! ~ pnopllrl,y ,ildjus.e.d alldlh~ ~~ili II i'$ ~ f1!~ e'lI~ ~h~ill~,eOli:d, !ti~ ~;aiW WIll cut Ilrllic.i/lf. $I1'IO~IIt1~. ;ad W!~h mliilimum OjIer,aliif e~lun<

B.. If fhe engim: sD~mds itllu~b ,ann slows; IdlJii'i'm in U\e'liJIII. lum fine' tlllGI'I SP.E~O IMlX1UA'E rmm~ d~Al~wis6 sli~ndw 11[1 il];!l~~~e l:uUinm ~p!e<d and ~llmrn~~IIQ:r;S.

, '


C. 'ii the SII.W I'fasspe.ed bdl. l\'ltks Ipilwer to tOfl:tinus! a ~IlGr1J1 illl,t. Ulln Ui.'!1 !:fIG'" Sp~t![J Mi)i,'TUflE NEUl/LE 1:!lilJllter·tl:OGk'l!,lilSe $1igM~Y "0 illtllmilSe 1I1lrW1'.

r(~,uilo~Jti1 .

D- Nev~UlPflraterUie MWWilt'l f!le HJgl'l S~d Needle le9!- thalli QiNrl:fuU tum OI)J rrom-_ unless In hIgh area


All e~~iilie:s l!lIse IflBfIte,l ilsa"illl~u' iJf!!~cilies" Ibis is mile 10 tlie ",lill" .a;r 'ill!:S5I1XV~rID1 in U1e ,a'lnmSiPoIiDfe at Imgmer :aRiI!JG:esi.lhe IilliI1l (j~ p4'W:1!'f Iross iill ap~Joxjlli:a"I,ly J~ pel 1.OlUl Ju~ 131[1Il metlersl '01 lele'~.;rr!iQ"'. IJ'Il\.tlf li;~C1ot~. '~u!llli illS. t!IiI\]Iefatllre rlil'id hllflilldih'. wiD 1If11~'l IfilrWir o~tpwll alISQ.

tAl aUillud~ n~8Jrseall!'tel. 'il1W:(Iif$ be !UIE ljlial the low spelfd' mj.);I'IIre IImldw'l!i backed lliit ;1rlle&St Olili 111m ani! 'lie big.!! weed nii:tl(lflttlwle.i$liaekl!dc~tllit leas.tll6 tum. lllri!tl" Ileea~ a~t

desi!lIJiB'l,en "I~" a~d, "h'"

8!Stl' 1l~IiiSl~allt]a1l1, IO~PJl1@lifmMIiI,y !i,GOD fe!~ .\li!, III ml1'II btl 1i!"e'S.iar~ '10, adj~3i11~1 mi;!:ltlJff!n.l!ttt1as sL'igM~ b~[JYi' the! s.e<J. leursl mini~lIm: SClHillms<.


8reaJiilii1 irn-.Hr IlflYi' ~aw j!lt!JjAe ~s 'II[!Wimg[JI'I~IIl(, 1I!!111 VOlJr eiiigrne lilt Us fi,sl le'i'll niimJ,tes lilt rgne-~biidlliI'iJl~I"" lilt;rliil5le ;s~el!~ tq. ;.Il.1ll1't ItlllHnno'lr!le ill1~..rIJ];I fllll II h~w minlJ~e!lla~gi!J. ~1l1 a ieiii' LlM&S 'I)( 'SMAU W6S .ilit lilsef. r:l<itt:i: &HAI,'l!IlIil1$iQIl ',equelUl1 :an!l [J5II!' IJ!Il! m<lll.!!,pl Ojl!!f h!Jlt[Jn oh~ll_

" ij all~iisalrJ\e' ~o jlsn :\1i!,tly litJii", liIiIllmiXlrlire .dlJQliIg l.1liidiirll!i~. in i1eri.(ldr. riUn Ilmbi!ib :speel!i ml:tture lI'fl(fdlilllbm~t olltl"eigntill tU~1II Olll:lll,l:~rcll,ld~~~ J'IlIm the lfOlffia~ ~reljmrnarv :st;r~'il'lg pD~tilln. IM"rtlJ i~IIUi IIl:1MU(S OJillrilt~ n, Itlm tj1e aUjjlSitlld n~dlt! b&.l ertle, eigJi'll'lllllfi:! JIllll1:!lr:wis,_

. ,

- - - -- -


- ---- - ----

n i:S rormiSllll.,:!!f C1hllln !m FS, im'liIml~' :I'qr~ail'lef,liil IhQimeowrter nil, lIi'1~1 SIliI:1'I gl!lIiilJ8,all '''Plllii:lB~illm;; Il!l clearinl. prllilning~ ~ng IQ!!!tting fitall'll'OOd ..

B'sfofe I:ISiil:IllVOIH &aIW. you .S:fiO:I!I~d rmdew the 5"t8~ DI'8~!!!,i(1I"S listed iilll.lfQ!lI11 ~w'''5 Manual,. 'r)~ alii IKal magll!lli!U~O!iilS for thr!l O,Pllr'l!!t~Q~: IClflOur i9!1w.T:l!iil8'SII' p:reC'lliLldo:ns l!I:rmd naguliiUiul'ls &:n~ fo, :vou,~ pfmel:lltie'l'i.

~. I'm 31r~ 'IViJiiiEi<5 ot" ClJlll~il'lg. ~lwaV·s: lTal"l~ SBIIN fitml\i:with bo"lih hlilniil~" witJil tlltlJmll9 and firm,QQrs ,aneirCiI Illgl -SIM' handles.

~. 'Cut~tt hf,gh ,enginl slll!iIJ>"tislhlll mrl)"ll!I~ onl~1'" Don't r'1I11i1 the, ,engine slllwny ;H 'tlfle stIil11 Of dUi'iOIl 1Jhe' cu~.

:l fre'IlUllnll ,i1 S'I!Ife' exit, hom ,8 1~lIinll tree 01" limbs_

4_ Oi:d wood o.IiIWy.

5. Tem: 'the opa~0l1ion Qf the C·Iil.AI II anM.E bef,~re ClllrUirtg.

Ifill DIEfi~INlnONIS;--~~~-

BUICI!UNG • il'lIl prllC8~ ,of cr~s, Qu.t1ting OIf,ell~d ~re!l a.r ,log il'l~l1i i~I'Ig1i116.

,e:HAI N B:AA~E4!: A d~lc!;l' !.i!Sed to. .snap linet ' aw Ghll:~III,

ICll.:iJTC:H • A mechianis:m far coJlJn'1i8creing IInti diilS~nll'li3.ctln:g iii dl,iw:n rfillrnb-e:r 10' a IIlId1rom ~ rotalliing soum& CI~,' IIIOIlf!j\!U-

DIRliVEi SPRCI·GK.ET 'OIR SiPR'OC:IUilT ~ The tco~he.d pari! '~hIi1 ,ariives 'tilleL !O''fll!l!'oliillBil'l.

FIELbllNG • The prOCIilSS' of Ic,unill1:Q doWfl D liI'ee.

FE lLl NIGBACK OUT· The fiWila II 'C.ild in II treefellin:g IlQ"9ulfion made 00 Ulellpp'oSii~iI sidllll'fthellree"~r,om th,e im01·Cl'iin.lI 1JI,IiU:l~~·CUit

PFiOiNIT HA,t.! DLi. ~ Th:iI slIIppa" hmd ie, localei1l, at Clf tOlo'!ll!m 1he fr!mt of the lCino in !law_

G:UIID:&: BAJR. -A 'sDlid :raiied ~r!!ctl!l r'e thEit 5l!iPPIJrts 8ndgultdilS tl'i4!l' SIlIW' ~a.i!il'.

IK:ICKBA'C:K • Tho illildi.w,rd II Ii)d.lQ~' Jilpwai'rd motiicm of thi~ -gulide b:aw occlJlring when till .. SII.W ci'lrelil'll near "the .iiiiOSG' lilt lhe tap lllriQ!I 'of ~he p,tde bar 'lllOirl.liict:;, any o'bjl!~. ,~; as i!fnCUr!'lr log' (If ;l:u''Ill'Dch, or ·w.he!iil the wooi'l closes in allld pi.lI!ches ~he saw cti'l~ih in tlhel eut,

NO AMAIl. C=UrnliINGi P,0SmOIllll ·"ij1001l P:0Sii'ljQ!IIIS IIssLllmed' in il.erIDrmlITg tlfe but!_kilng BIIUJ felling IlIll~S.

IN MC tilWNG UNIJ):ER,C'IJT - A n.oto'" aut in allr!!8' ~h!lt ilUmcm ~lhl! n!!e~s 'fall.

'OII~EfI: • Po systllm fo. oilingl tllie iJLiiiile, f:tar ,aiM 511'11'1' 1~I!.i~.

REAR H!A:N!DIl.iE • Ttte ,51l!1won hiil'l:Idle locatea lit or ~~w~l~d the !lelr ohh.e SIIW,

,SA.W CH!AIN· '~I~;p Of chain I1lntr~IOII"IiIUing lsetn\, 'U'I<lt Ciut tM 'o'!KICld\. ~lIlrl1h!!t is rlriili'eft bv tilia engi!le!linil ~$ S~ipp(lfl:Mllilyfdll:e III iidl!

S p.mKE. BUM PER ~SlPIKE) - TIl;e p:Qiflr1ed Ulotl1 er ,t!ll!~h far use WIIl!EiIlI ,·elliing 'Df b'!,uikli.ngltO pii!jQtih8'~ aruill m.aint!lin POSilJiplli1 whU~ ~~lnli!" 4NOiTE: fliPli:Ol'll!ll I!q!l.!ip.!'I'i'eiiiii,t 01'1 .SOIti,e mool!l!l-i

tD!) SAFETY FEATUlR.e:S _ ........................

V,our ,oh~iI11 saw i'S: eIHliilnJe!!i6w,ilih a CMAIIN BRAKE! HANIO'GUA!R:D dMiglnedm Ir,eilll!lilB 1ihe' 'clilllll",," of R~ckback iI'Iiull, The saw is i:i 1'50' 'ilq~:dppedwiililin redu!Ced kidiollck ,dfnajil1l "t,o 'Dl!cr8\aISijl the il\Jlel'lsiW Sf ki~bllek shlll.lldl it OCcUL I:~' kicliback OC~"'~$, the' Cil'i'~~.N1 BFlA~E:, wtlena~tli'l\1te~ b1I' C,petIHJlIr. S1:qps; II m.o:yil\g clilliin in m:iIIi!llQcol'Il'ls:,


Fle;ElIJ a'i ~ S:a;1'e,tv P,r'lll!!luf&Dl'IIs; iii rlnl~I'sII[l~~ecli&cu'l~tiilll,e.dI BQWar1l'l of Ki· !cb:ad !;l,nd Cernr,ell inll' Klcliback,


.F!9lfil'lg jS'1Jh~tl!rmlol'cutllillg,dDWf'i Urea:, Small tre;e;:s, Gil"' 1I1i1 '~ 1Gb:, or 'S$Witl inc-he'S in dilllll"Ulter are lil.!iIUlilll:~ cllil in a Sil'1gle' GIiIit~ la~gel" trees 1'9gulre !1fOHlh !luls. Notclil, CUltS aelllfmi:rmeUrll dil\l!I""ioi'l ~he' free will filIU.


1"IlIH!I!;I a 1!rlllt 0111. slQplnOi g~e.!i!nd. UI6 clilalir:ll SIIW 'Q~eo",.nor ~liIuldl keep 01'l1111e U,l!IhjJl side oHlne' l~rralinl :a~ ~ho ~I'\,'e is Ilks)y .~ rcliU: ,or slide ,~hnlill1lh"U r, ·afle.r it is fellilll.


IiJlirection ot falll is cO"i1!~(lllled Iby 'the 1ii.C!lqhinll lJr'id13N:Ul~ Be't'Ci~1I IIIiIV C;4Jts ,are' made., cOfii~i:Ier ~he' [~~iol1l ,ol il! r'lIllt llr,anGirnes ,!lnd IiIIIWfrel1 1l!1I!",1il of ~he "" 10 detem!lil'le' thie wav UU!I crne will f,all.

A unreat p~~1iI SIiU:II,lI!eI 1:11 plannedi and IC!lured as rneoossBIl tlefOfe' lOLIta are Smlneiill The I"UUeilil pllmh Slhllli!,!ldI Ptl!nul Dllele 8I'1d.l'lia;gOI'lIlUVW 'th,e fQ'<!Ilr of tli'i e '1I;:peC'iWline ~f ''aU, as: iIIumralled iN {Figure :2!lJ.

Ii I



- "'- __ --r __



Dill fiotllWltdown !I nee' during I'ilgtiQr t'lfIa.trging winos or if flfle~8 is a'1dQllllle'I: to 'I:Iro;pe~v. '-Qr!sult stroot! professilln!!', DI3,II'I01: cUlt dOwn a.ree fIi the"e is 81 d~n,t:ler 0,1 s~ilting 1JI1iiUity wi~e!l,

1. Make' a I1(11@rn'!e! olltlil'li tfissilill,l of the tre:e laein" t1lile dinrclion of flilli. This ~ilUt shalJ'd 'bll oll'le·U"I,~1iI me di'"m8IJ5l' of '~i'le. tree, 'II"il,lillr1r3ZI_

2., To compleTe, tile 1'II00th CUiI, man second ,!:'lIIt a:Iro''lI'!! th,e 'fi,~S'1 em at tin ~l1gle Of 46 degrees Ull'ltill th!!" wedGe 1000000S'ns, If thlol weal€! or WOt;lo will 1I!)1 c_~'m€t out fFl!tllfcy. knock it out w~11 p, axe .. jiFigl.lre331.

!lIef'Qre makJn,g1 theJ Jll'iia,1 GII'I<. alw,ayg ]f9ci1lec:li; '!he "rea For peo,ple, c'hildr~l'I, a'l'iillms'ls or obsurcle~_

A notchingl IJJi1SerC:1!I~ is reEls!!, t,o ma1i!,e ami, III C:Dru~

• mOIlI,y uwiito fell 'silJil.atll t~etl!i. Ma~!I ~iJiU; IIlI ord:er

'sii'lc<wn - 1. 2" ,3 - In IFigweJi'li. -


Dif~~Jitfl11 Oit fIll ii!i, CQiYfJ]lolied by ~lrIe' Llooere:m,

'F\Ipi£I "A";is!$'I" to m)ai~ aod!is ~mmol1'l!i" U'll8(1.f.Cf '!>,ma!li, tree~. M,ai'l@ cots i:i1 order S!itOWn - 1,2,3.

l\'pie "IS":.!I1!liIii en.d 01 I.I{lIJ 'CiLlt ~1II'Elvellf aCliO$&, Type "C"; A VaJriatiol!1JI1t l:ype"A,",

3- SliEln the falRnll: Wt ilf.I"Hl~jli'i'h!l'I:eIY·l to 2.

II'Io1l'ElS I4lil1 9, ,pm) .. llO~e. '!!tie frf,~. 9r.1~. "'$'I!' W<lOIiIEI'ilI er J)losfi c:..wadges t.o 1P'r~.'I!'enl b~nd~ ngl ll1Te, IDaf or chilliI'! in the ,out, Wa!ilg&s ills@ help cCli'lltilll felling, tFlgu,g 341.



Wl'l.81'l diameter 'Of wood Deii'l!QI 'C!l.!f is gl':9IB,ter l'IlIS". bEl" Tengli!ni, '1IJ'I,a;k.e two QIJnS 'liS shown. IIFiIJme 3~,

4_ CO'!1llplewialliJ!'Ili "ut. 11)0 mrt cut ~hrotlgllm ~r;l tn,a ;1'iI01.01:1 c1II11. When free sraFts to :!:Apple, plalt'8 ttie saw lIh)II'I!;!1 the Ipath of 1.tiI.e 5-QleC1Joo [etr,e!l'f pl!lfh whBn~ it will 11M. 'Det hit Ilildl dlilallo lUI 'I tIl the linD ,of tre,a fllill a~ sh CMIiI'I If! tFigurB 19I}.

As lhll. 'hi,I'liing 'DJut gets ci06e ta the hin{l!) iho 1J.f1ef! shlluld beglln ~o t;dl. When the lfee biB>gi"s to talll el11Oli\l!1' saw 1rom ~l!It. 6l.cp ,ell}Jine, pur fill'uril'l li.a,W dIDwn. leave areB! ,a'lImg re'~re!l't palh.,


SlttrflimDing' altha billiit Df 11fi(!" 11iEIEI' and' 'fiIDi'F!:'W'!NIi~ ~Iii~' '![p, G!,,;Jlr <Iw.3¥ ICUt limbs ;!j.~; J!ITQijli4li!lDG.

!fiillJIl'lI 2!3J. .

_liB &

~ .. ,rte"'m-l;;\lllli!'OO~ ..rtam,dllll~ ollm lIJ\ee 1.1ru~ ..

.~. lO:g [l;uppclitftl,&h]lfI!ii1nni~m~M:LM~1lrn tDp (m~i:f(I.l,iIl<k).. hil!img OIImfl:ll M iW~idl oi:UfliIJllll ll'ltlil ~fi(l 'II«MfJ!!lJ: DF"J .. ~(I ~71.

Veidr~~ 1~:Uf@;.

~. I:t'cl'i!:l tlill!: ~ f;!JI:


Wtiilh~ !l;ut'tlIiI!l'i- ~ . ~ .

1;!;IWJ!hTQl1I ;.. 1!.@'!lHII':EET ..,

e .. I<~elf!:' 1.llie Dill! ;frlJ\(m ,1m . sl!r,1 i g'Jrt a$ ]p(rs$i ijl 9:

'W1birEl'~lne S;!:I'I! •• I"is:,~~.1!J1:1i ii!""",ftEI oenl!lilll amd Iiliii" i!ti!lllR!i~ ~l!!rI¥ Ii!Li!ol·,iWQr;I.




All ~h~li1 S:aiW u:r~i~~. otOH'l' IbBJi '~he itrems, "&:Iem hale im ymur 'll~'$ MIlii1iii'1 VfliljOfil!n'llnc~ iMlr[l):lrl)1l'~. SilIm1itti 51 ~ilrfmrl'iill!!d ~V ~DuralilhDfizQc M~C~lll!~~ S~I'l[i~iIJQ ll~afHl,

Ki!e.P ~'hif:8,W.ha:T aM ~~~jn ~1J81l, IDo n,(l~~(lmlli' t~e~illers. mi!Hln. I~~, ~~il1C1e~'~irn; "~I bEi:Om~ 1~I~gged»J 'Do~e~(!d, 'i\li,t~s~w dW'I, ~irl Or o,tt'ier fltrtlig~ Iltllteria1. fbrVtir ~~l di'rI,Y hr:jhlr ~hain 11'], qn~!! 'the I S8,W.

t •• lIUI filLIER

IN!lY"er ofllllate saw wiiflllllill</!e "ir Illter. Of OUSit !!1iIt! di(1 wijl bEl 5.Iilit!!d lfi'~ Ifle 811gme ,atlld dlllllll'lQI! it n8·~ir ~ilter 1!1Il!lsl be k1!~~ ~I!lilfl. I,f ilibe£olil1!s damillged. lMitilli a new fil:ter IllS' ~Q~OIN~::

l IFIIe~o"Q din 1m," :mllililp th!!. air mler 'COlllllll! jltII!Well(' dill irom falliM i"tii It~i!i ailbIDJ"

2- '~emO'Yii ~he AIr FII~~r Obver atJd air 1iil~8r. Slhi!1«! or !JiLlJltly 'lap m~!fr against a stlilm;p 'Of. IOlhS'r pl!!c!J 01 ';itOod tlO reJllOVe looS's dirt Ellld dy~ part1dBifl. fI~ple.ce IlIrlJller If it Is worn, tom ot shows any sTgl1llJ; '01 '~i!m,,!]e'-


a, Wash theA~r f'[lfIllr [n wsrm s~mr water. ~11iiIM oom. p'lelSly ·In, cool, cleaf w.a.~r,

,_ WMiHh! air<~~I~e!' n~~ drr~d. '[~,iils:taH il. b:~ingl)"Ilrllllim tfh~~m'llr 11I~~i!i,rn!l ~,m$5t,S 8m arill'mBd il1!1l~1 ~e C~Del'S ~11!lIe ~lW~I~

5. fI.'t'·inslaLl ibe air fi,lt!r GOJll!r. beiliiJlr (it &13 in ilie !I$~mlblr is SO~~I!IIl!'ly I'I1DlIllfled.


Wfue'ii cl:Jt'!hrg !.IIilGe,r ill!isI¥ ~!lndi'li'O"i\il!. lit is ad~ils;ible 10 t\a~ S!8IV'!!llii deali lIl~elrS :tmll chanGlli tb., IIIrel as l1Ieede d Ihlo!l~h- 001 Ille woliliinll diliy'_ A rell air ml:er is: le.l:!Immemil.ed: ~Ilt iilS:~ i" Ii!G"lr~' abtJiui~e fll-DdilioDS, Ii. Imi!~ tie QltiIIlIimll:aillOl:1II \fI!ur

M,.i!:!!"'odl dBa,IIIL .

~(lt I!ft"iltiern OIlJ"II~illll of iJ1i;e5ilW el1!ljll.e;. diii' 5p;ar"'p1!l~ IIJllst li;ii' kl!lJt desii alld p~~~e;rlf 'm~~.p!J!dl.

1. Men ·iglli,ti1lnl9.tllp, $,wit~h l!O "'STOP''' pO$i~i~n_

2.. Illlt.nol)'rt~.': t~a 'Mac'll ffl'bher tQ'lnl!;1QJ on, en~ pj me wiile Ifllm me S'Jkil!rk PlIlIlb.1i: IW'~ltin,v iindi pldlingo1lrl 'lire s.amr: ~ime .. (Fig,UlI'iQ421.

~. O[!ln il1l;be:11!'I\.6~~ e'lerm(ldu wJ~h Ime.rV e!hn'" 01 fin, und'Pa~er .. IBlow .ill dlut 'IIwav. Do ,IlIGt 1!$,8 I' '1J11~.'t'liJPil rcleS{lIing Ii!lial!;:h.irne. WIH\R: ElliE PlIlJllE'cnml 'J)llIlij;j'NG nus J(lP,eIlAiIflN.

F[~ -RE:M '~. Atl.jUIl:IIhB~'lutr.orne ,m! g!P ~~ 1l.ti3511'i'i1i11Cl.ll2S1 i~J by bel'ld· iilim slllu'le£lrllde Qnl'lr cl!Jw spatk GappilllllllolnT IfeeJl!f'llill~l!!. Iliitilillabl~ ill liI,m'wiare Dr911~D JIlJlIlIV nllters.1

G. 1I~~ns:taJl spaTk p,llIm '''rlll~ bElt ~illl't o",ertign~Hfli~ lind blicl!: m1lb~ Ill"al~ pllliJr ~nlleclilJr.

7. Itor ~1!!i~.eJ!I!;jI!1t 'lip-a:lk ~tlllJlS of dilrillfJont neal rOlllges. $jl!~iOOi.T

M~&~"och @etalof.

t:01JUiIL CliP'

'J'he:lusllank ,".apis ~f,Med ItO IJi'!lYlOIIt bifild,up (iii ~Ilhllf p~~SIUfe 1f1- YilCll,Jll1Ii III 'Ille uinle '8iiJlh"rtCIJ(Miom wlll ilU~;t Ci~~ra~iQ~ of J}he:

III1~ille. Ue ~eI1,rca~ bBoome p1~~~ttl -y,liIIeI

III· eM iallinb into ~h i!JiB1 tB~'. CWfj . . O"f)Ua~iJ ns, II

p'1eU'llrB or ~!I.~uum dQ\lelaps, IifIove ymuriMI;Cultll'Ch deiler ;sel'llwe' '1~lIl~W,


l1hB filuJ ~Bnt ~iflilf p're!lla~!lll'frt f,001l'1,~~t!rfRlllbe' 1l:lfllllrJ1~ I~ liM C'sJillutet,or" A'!,tel a ""'hi!!, cl~l w~1 ~u~~ w,p Ion Ibe W'tet 8ndll'l'illl~li~ dow.!! 1h !low lof fllel.lilr. if watel is l!Iermiu~clll!'elflter life fuel tlnt.illl! WliI1i!i"'LNilllmal'jm~m toe 'liter ,and pre~ililt me' now ,ffuellD lne ~al'ibw~,tSJ". if a.iiy' eQn~rtl~n ~1'I6m"'S 1~~liUer. ii\5i~all 8 nll'Kl t~lIf. H~Mti¥i:r. iJ· I n,'I'Ii I~U!r 1B IImi allillill~b!1l: 'Ih.'ij Iller tail ~e' cleaned lor tempOl,ar~ MiSe.

L ~em1l!l!elhe· 1'u1l~ tan~ lii~ !illd lih ~1lJ! 10e iPlllMd Iri Ille 1~~lli~Il'.

3 W~'SM Iln'e 'hl'~!I) I'n a c If ~III :!!cl",o'ml If I~ ~ ~1111'en!i wiilt~J s~)li)ed. ~~' I'IlWlsl be in,~rJ(l~gll,I,\, drle~ Be S!ire 1:0 fQII~w .~Q'I~e.;i1 ml"lIul~,~'1:w~i!I' s I R$,tr1.!C'U'wn!5

4, lo'place Itlie .lllln~r Nt ~e'r 'ilpe rate till! .salIN llijibolll jlnl h.l81 mltr

(:.1 11i:1D1I1111'Hi HNfS

The 'all' I~JletI ~p~~IIIl!lS, til tile Sl"rl'~f ~ 1J~'er mild [he' ~'lihl'l~ el ~~~IJ mg ~'Ilns m~s~ l1e ~II~~' cl~~ rn '~'f Im~, l!<fI~m~ ~II b,e,cJlm owerneOilled cl'unn~ IllJm~gl ope'r,aQl(lfj5 I:II~IID~ h[l~ ruf~ l!!a:sEI ~ GHea1"lM

'I; R~m;tI\Ie ~~e Jillll !ill Si~irl~r ~~r' r'lI"l~inlm.g fC~I:IW;jI at"!!1 Ihll :s-Iarllil' Ili'mIl\D'. ~FciQIlri!! 45l,

,2". Elnn ~~~ Ihe llPsninmS, im li~~ ;s~aller ~(lIi~r. I!Jse a simall WQo.aen ~~rapi!111Ueliiillille: did il!nba.WdUlit pilG~ed iQl~ lt~ ~Ji~IIUMIIS' IUs~' 'lI $~iH bri~~,I,!! ~,r wsh ~O fin.i~'1l c,l~allrmm t&e.po~.

~~, e'lsan tlll)'V<!nei$ Ili'i the "VIII'heel! amd (hUIIlt!r]ll!)lts m t~e ell] ~ille rli!a I, he C~I.n1~· ~j:s i b I e will e,Jl th.e stllrf!l"r I~~!¥el' W'a~ ~ij1'I~'lied. [F\iQIIJ rEI 471.

~" WI! e,n ~e,ioilila:1I in~l~ ~I,artter Qij~ll.r, pl~11 t~e ~:ral'ilr ra~e' ~rI)WJV so tne sllaJ~eJ cai'leJ1l1lijJ~ Il1s·f,rry:wli;eellpfCiip.iiii~.:amilllll~ Iliirlaiii ih~' '1l111tlllllll;SI III jlosil;Jll[edilu~e Imlil8tilll~ 1wJ1~ in l~tI ~In' ~QuS!i~g. ~Fig,LI~'4~}.

5. Flfiffi'Ofl'e '11'!e chmn Br~Jc9, efeo.en all dh~. glr'~~, \~ ~liIlp:s, ~ft~, 1't'lQl1I'1 Ih!B {l:IJOiI,lng fj:n.s . .an:d (lVI.I niliacr jJaGlke¢, Be S"u~ ,gui(!iel Dar 'om"sr hoie i~ deaJI or anydebrilII. IFigu r!3,,t!rIl.

I:.,~J IMIilIl iIllilli1'ESl'E'JI:U:RIEEN~JNllbnlhlAf

AS'SEM8L'1'[fn.(WU P,IIRtT

PerlodJc:ally it lS"adIiISllol~ til rem0\i'8, clelii1l afKj Ilns,pecl Iha',muffler (iSmpo1'lenl!9.1i1IihB .sam91Ime, uw_carll't':!iii dePcosllsshC!yrd be ~1iI'1.mred if,0l;i'i1h@'QlIi1JQ.tI;&1port ne _ Spalrk "i!,l'fesPe1' seMan m~&t Ib~ irl!S1Pael'ElEiJ. d\gj[ly, and m!llaced If GlIrcborn D'ull'd-:up Is observed.

iUu'ITbONJ. ..,a'UIilQ \I)\~h.a j;dl~ crl'eiulry mlUiflllB;r ~mI h; 'Ill "lf1!311n~ damage. N9\i~U run Ille saw wlf,hie:ut' ll,fl'll.!l'IIer.


P!l\'mys ,emg!t lh8~ tl'l! saw is .t~1)1 .haW'ilr~ l!lIajm:l.enlln~~ i; per"

~ilrme1ll:m t~~ m.1Jftiill!r,

I. Reill1ll~!!' lile !lINin. IllA!l(e~


'Oiil mode~s eq,w:1 pp~~ whit!, a ;d~ne~~or ",11Il,te, I\em'O'!le two, 12;1 serews thai nold tbe IclI:!Jife~I:o:r· pla~e ~~ mu'f,fle.r. iFi(! g:re 6(li.

a, Rem~ 8nlil JI'1I~B.o!: .sp.!lI"lk ~r,Tl~!fi:l1' ·scrieellii e:eil::l'I.

Ilm~lm·sawl§ !.!~9i:i. A~pli!1cetllelscre'lln:ftillnybllrbem bllbcl.uf/ It (lDseiiYedl A plugged soreen 10Bi1'! tile engine to Ovefl:jll!lt, resuJtrfl{ll1il poor perr:o.rmll'l'lee' and en.gllma G~liI'!S!ge.


2.. l~mqvllll1e ramall nil nl:l fwo l~ ml.!~f1ie[ ,screws, anti themUmef, bei"FI,Q 'C8mlul. nl:lit to 'Clamag! ~ne rflll.tll'er Qleltlef, ~ Fi.glJ,lfe s-:rl,

J. '!:ilean ,~WJra~\, Il.a:rbm~$cn th~rnii!fU~r wilh a ~~rapflr blad~. wire Irrus:n, 111' ti¥ i;\ia~lling 'ii wiih :II millilil ~okC!"t l8Ie sure: 10 fn!lo'll4 ~oJvent l'1l~lIIdlitlufeil'5' iil'S~IIiIu:Lillms,

4. W~M rol! l'Iiwl111hl rII!lmC~~, ~);~rfllnLl"llllel G~~nde.r e:thtail~r ~mrl 'fct eB'balllJlli!m'~p" To 1i;l91g R p~rl:

A. Pilil 'lhlS Si'llJj)Il'uope.$I'o'l\itr wmtll f:Dl}pill!on ~ali\ers: the ~orl ,~mplele~,


e, Use a wooden s1:mper :anh1eam r" allill a10~iii~' tne piOn.

Do nm use any m;e~81Ilr shi!.~p'il!dged tlOO'l tliii111liUll1 ;ti,p 8Iflhcnl,,,lh.ll pi$lol11 ar rill giS_ f,Figur&53J.,

JIlelflu,lcl:l a~U1m ana1 CMAIN B:MilCa#~h(llilkl' be IQ!!P~ liS "'.!In lilild .~ cd ,1_1,W'idUiM BI pUlIlib:I'e 1~ ,efl'flo"w 1lriBSl mauii'Uint Imld tldl Gcn~~ 0' the l;i"r,(lq Ib.nd,;\I!I!rlCI,. 8'5' ililll 1!l'Iiicklll1l5a of 1iIiIe.I!.!';l.le !!land is :1 mpontnt 10 the d"ecliWtJl.n ot 1he lCHAlNI BIMJ(e~:it sfmuldl be liff',D"ectedr dbJlIV fot ,n,t' liiiah!uJf meIlSIiI'Wi'Ib.rlll lNearc or ~or :sny- 111;cti~Dlel' varil!til:m in th;Q~hb*l"Iess- d' 111:i!e ,bf!nd.:

.>& OH,AIN BMKIri:s, 811i11 j'mpDI'i'8iiU S'8iety rea~.U!re Ion ijll.I!\t'I,,_C.ullocti cb.i". i'lM~ In j;u,D"eT'tomaintein;a,liiIi;gh ~tee of efflct:ancv. lhe' ICIiIAI friI!!:iM.!lil:E" mlil<l1 boD remo\'l8d i!:nd iiil!ll~ectB~ ,bef'or·e ,each ,use. Propsr ,li!rmlll1lvel liIlr8Iilillt.en'8lIl~el lS, (liutlined bel!ow II!IU"'~ I. follDiI!ver.I' by~t:Ie, c,p~l',I"k!r' .~ ,ensur\![! tblt t~ CHAIN BI'AI~ff 'flU] .llIpdI!! cli1l.fim .!lb!'Yp*I:Y lWi~hin a frmiD.I1 l!!If· ,iI $~nd.',

IGen .• r.J M\IIililttnll!l!ICle

1}IedlUqwinU mnlllinhll'!~!'IC'l!l mLi~tbe l)erilQl'\rrned nilv: 1. Remove CHAIN EI,MKE' assemblv,

2" NIl"'. c.eJ'ittlin ~he brab lli'l'l:9C:~llills.m. b_rElIte balilll"d,. B,te.. life ~elil'lad iHIIiI: ~'r8i1 .of· la,ei:lli$., ,aW~hl!n anch!i't!:i!1!so II ilJOl to 111~terfeFe wlth the eIlaiin brake Opllf81lit.ll'l jI:r'ld bialld"~I'I'tact -w,lll'! dll!!tcihl drl:lm.


1. Rigmlil~e-Ille 1,GIj[ !(,lllb;o,ltom, :shl~l1fd ;S~I!WS;.jj Bd 111i.!! hlJltllm shrllud. IfiglulreoS11,

I 14


Do not irelilllOV!l' 11111, b~ahe Ibandar QmOOJi!.en,1S fNm tbe QMAlfifBMtfCE Bu6Jtlll:l:ilv, Thll' €H:A!N,BRAiJ;(E hI!! been '&miii!'1ed. uElin imegrallP.n of you.J!' chl!l1n SIrN;

3. Ait:te'r clun'~liIg" lliibi'iqui p'liVtIiI jl!iJI'I"ls II iIId Ill~~lij, ,niil!!lQinglumces ~ " e

g~6·kllIl1I!8!.!re ha GJ)8fllltii'im ,oUIII _.IN

BRAKE lnacllal1liiSm.

1ilile 'DU'O¥IIinll'ip81"!S< (as, slhOWl:lln ill'IOIU81i'QIiI) mYd be In5Jp-Rted D'ii!yfor cradcl, breiaD.Of lU8'l'ai we,sr

,be{Q!j!e Iit<linll' \llGursaw'; ,

t::. 10 •. E,

.;j 'Cful!~1'1 [B:F<!l!tel%~iliEl\rnn'!:iIy. • Che~'k O!U aJWje, of ffi9 Ibrak.e SSflemllly flOr C'ra;:k's O~ O'lliIe, sfg'll~ ,01' danmg;e'.

"'~flAtiliIWilI'dlFlag AS<flll.mlJily • !3.e,nllly ll!iMva!le, maklllg 'C19rlla~1I flail Ira1i\&ls ·10 lUI fllllsst ~Ie!ll' 9Jon.

Spring • CheCk f,Ofc 'c:rac'~Si 01' 'CI.!!ilm,Qll.

ILlmj,t SI1JP #l;rea· Checik 'lor Ol'ali:~!1 m'd'ama:9;e.

III • ,. -

H!l.nd~u:MJilF!iI;_ AsslIlI1IblV IFiiliii)t • CIiIM!k 1m' e.:.:. CEiSiillivt'llcoserlS'Sll arllll11l!1' slg!l'Is, (If d!ll1'l!aga.

Uite;ru .and LMen Pi~ot .. Check,lel'" ~~'()eSS'iye ~q.osel:l8!S!l10' Q~ s:r,gnsol' da;rnage,

~klIl B!i!nd R91il!lI'rIJ~n.~. f1Iiln.s •. Otte~k to:r ~~,@SIlIll"'~iG OF MV sill!ll'l.s 0.1 cama:Q'!l.

,H. Brake Bllilld . Insp~ct" tile br,a,ke barKI fm 'to:!::· ~~a.j\re W!I\lIJ. II !~IiIe- iJJ-alt;elllind is 'mInd tti tie worn to a. Ul,lckneiSs 011,021 OF thl any [ii'QI'iflla19ngl U:s' e1jjJ~i~a' I'SIlI9m. rt Il'IU$1 bEl ~~Ii!c·

ea. ~r;Je\lr1! ·~.GI. -

II, CIIJl(;1iI !ilWUIil • ,If 'IAi'!!, br.tlte Da:ndi'Conlll!letsur~c.e oJf ~he~,c;h,!lI¢1J IlIrnm sirlowll silins of e<l(ilring or omml~ln!J. it ~YS'ji lie r;o;placed.

4, Artsr ,porn:pletl~n of nie general mah'llGllilllCe and ,11'1' speot!on prol>Qd'u reil' ·01 ~he chilli n prak!(: -aSi&e.mi;ll~. ~e<i I'I'Qte.ll the 'c,haln bral!i!l as:!lQ~bi'i', !S~e SecIID.n' :H!l,

1::0:,1 ·SPRD£liirr., IlWTCIl ,unl C~UJC"; IlRIiIM

¥'Q.u ~hilllldl!wtY-I' i~sl~H ~I .maw sp~i1~~~lli\lhm i! new chaj~ is in$fllll4 " 'd'l'!IlmiNI ~J' war,m s,prmttel II1lJ$t b~ r~~~I;~'IIcllwlJth ; nill'll Cirri, TllI,S:IW ~hiruJ~Jlil~r II!, o,per,alld W~~h ,i!'Ji!.e.s$rlll~ I:M~]l 1!rw..~IIidJll~cf ilimlg~ inMo1l\l~'W:hil'nt~! di<llm m~'''''et~ V1BfV slow~ OF- 11* W~l!fi too el1l1i.n~ is IIlnninm It full 'lhrofltwWhile cutdn; wDOil: l~is_wjll rULilt in !UapidLlInd,~amii9ing h'~I~llil!f·u~ in 1hululI:h'alld tbe l:Wle~ Ilium, IUlle £Md 'mtllLnnm s~p, t~e. uw should ~ tOeD ID 1 M.c!CiIJllO:ch Ilealer JlOf5illi'lIiililnS.

Thlclllt~ d~1I111t shllllid be kepi as cJecan ilnd iret!' IIf ,SilWlIllst if, pouibl'll. If sa.w~l ill ~!lUHed ~II WIld lIP th. C~I~h may dl'lig Cluting ~He t~lm' til ,IJI!IlII ,Wflb the saw M i~ling.

ThI.spl'OOkir :lh~d ,b"iiIit"k~d ~I~qw!nll~ ~~ery dilV ili'itl'i e;dlliiJ' 111'1 uu G.f'lM$lwi IW!jjdM.Il:l!'o,f wear mfdalUB,~~ ~nd'~~pll~!!.liI .I'IIIilUUtl.1Iifil,s~tiiilhl;:b~allnm·$ho.ll1m 11<&._1 ~1il!a1i am~. willi I~n'~lttd,


1. D'i'IiOIlIlNt IQIJt plUiJI wire.

2. nli'nllq pll!~ using sparR plli~ wlIe- eli..




4' Rlemii~ii til, ~I~~h ~l!i!' by hgtdirng til 111'1,6, m r,nro] sndlll~ WTenllih on the, Ilvw~eel IIIlI to' a~l. Mil billG<'l!iup 10 ab' 11~' ti in~lI ",1.Jmib;lln lha clllr!cli flUI,


6. llIelM\le. ~ma >spJ'lu.t,t, ;mcl dr~ml a$'SQJ1Il'b1~ ~'IIJi jilie Sll~ot:kel :be;linll. Lwlirrt;arll~ tbe li:~iiJiDa 'i\lj~h <II ~iI'md 111~~' Iibm!JS,~haiisis',rlaase' 'IIl~e~eyer r,e;pla~i~m th ~ring Of the

S:IJ[tii:kal ana drlll!il as'SlJm1il.y. -

CllIiIlCfiI . 'iliI1T

1. In.;la~}iI(! IlElrirn~. tpll1tkl!t arne dl'lJlI1';as'S!fllblv. !;Iut~h and thl!! ~1'Ii~cll 'llut. En!)urlt 1b sproiiket is fil5ilialll'd wl~h ~be smllmiHltilll 'iI~linlil the cMctulrum. 'i»cl:; IW' a',~"ks!~BI"I M ppli!!!nMJn:S~e~ 4. abo¥e, IMrnin,lJ"lhfl mil in i! clIlIIMrcloGili;. wise dlle~lijon. iighlll1, IihB nut seGUr~ly.

5, ~au t~e' S'Jar~er 'llm~ril1 ~cs;iiiitJl1 b iJI d~ 001 to~1llII' i,' i!g:B insl lihe':narioel p4W.\5, Be ter'~arn thl! mwide ~D5i1 is ~o$i~ionlll!l in Ihe 1Q:~allill!llilll~ in t.lle J,iI~ Ii;gusin~.

,9. P'i!llloo' ,nal"lfl' mpl: g~I1t1'i' until ihe ,1.ItIJe!l falith"llt ,ll'lIigIlQ!:s

!~e ,pa~l$ (III tile frywbl!sl, il1111~ trn~ Si!lIrjjl[ hau.jng 'Hltilies "lIjil in<lit Hie 5;;iW. Inst~11 tbJe S(lrW h.oru:sin/il ~Crle!WS an~ lign~eiJ! seC:l!~~ly. ~SI!Il S!l:limn S .. 7.J.

10, l1Ie~n~i:,'llllli"l bar ilD~ Ciitaim and'tns CH~IN BR.qIl(E, fmlllJlli'Bd '~~ infil!liBimJj me $j!ark pJ~~ and ~pa,:k. ~t~ij wlrli.


l1he, awtCl'l181n. DiI~l1 is, 1'ld.~.n;ed anm~ iU~Dr'll for ~VllraD~ tut11rn~ Iconditi~n'll,JDill fl~.w l1la~ be adju~t,d.hJ)Wlln1l!r; t:mr ~Q'A;i:lll;lli~di, limhl' Or iildliiidtial Hlql!i~~m1DiT!S.

liIem~lI tnl air 1)~~"IiEI "DW!f. TUlm the adj]!JimEnt 9CifIIW tlo~lii· WiSB ~m!:e' IBil n~1III I!~d ~lillll1t1e~c!i)1i~wUt!, 1,0 inCI'I!~B iii.

MIIIS1IJuid'8 bllir lr.i!I'led~af whicih sJlIP,119:i1S <tnd'c.aJI'rrBs; the saw Chll'illl) ,problems can b&.alloiifarl 'tor. a 101lD:

lime ke&;ping,8 well·maj,l'I,taiined sllW cha·in,

Inll.'Orr.~ II iIlId nsn-IllWii1'ar:1mI1 auilillil1 .tl'u:1 laeplfJ'i

dll~(IIe !:i:ifniillgs: '0\811.l61! m0:5~ guide bin If.!n!:liIles, I1!rimarilv IIl1l1velii 'l:Iar W!lllIr. As me b~r wears I I!.UiIW~JlIII¥" it w,Eden9" &:11(1 chain clatter. :rjy,etJPoppill,g and diff,i'cylly, in making: Sliraigl'1rl ~u,s :1mI>SrY re;solt.

IJl51"mCI.e1l1 bar lulnicalion and l!IPeI'1I1H!i1I,s,g,W witlill ctl.ain that [is: t(lO tit.1'l1 will aliso eai.rsfI r~pid ilar

Glilh;ht ali ,"".hrl.lI1':I'!~ iPrillced:uHtI:

I'i.. IBAR W~Al!h TUlrn bar OY8r fraqtlBntl¥ la~ rMluLa~ iltl~rvali i!lHef five II:U:ll!.lr~ 1!lIit 1.11>8' for eXEUl"IlJIe) 1~ el'l!llyr'e le""ei~ wea~''{m hlP and :1$n;OIil'l ~'bar.

B. BAR GflDDVES~ Bar groo\l'l!l '101 Irailsl a.houldl bll' cle.a11!l9!'i ~ry 1:Iil11e saw ~illilill1l is Jf'jJl1I1(l1,veGI or Ilf:saw has- D:llll'n llI .. d il'ile:a/l;l\l.l~ er a;p,j:Je,l'r$ l:Iirty;1illits will, reqy.lre; iiEllfmwl 0" nUl ba~ IIl'1d d.lS!1'I and lcalll biJ oon,g bVF'8I11ersing1ihe S'i:eps ';Of iilllStallliJliljJ lila guide bar ou~llliled in :lhe A!ssllmbJ¥~IlIiIi~rluctirC!lili& tlegiFl. ning wl~h Seetton ~~,

C. OIl!. PASSAGiES:: Oil passagli',s a~ D8J!!e of saw slholldd Ibe cle'an,eeI Ii'O enSure' prQp8~ h.ibliea~io:n o<f d~alin ,and bar dlUi~" ~etl:lI' ti(lnI, Tlhiscan be ,d'o'i'iIe wi~h iI! Jdep<~h Iial!qll:a '1:i:!,llg 10f simililr illllS1mmerl'l small enough to InSert illto 1ilile l)i,1 puslrg;e.

1. Usln!g luctew al'lIViEil, PIJl':I~ iK>!"life, wire l!'lush.or o~h !;Icr similalf t~p8 ,of il1l$:I"'I menl, t,le'alr Rlsld,ue Ilrom tJi:e raUs on the' g'lIIid:e :1:I1Ir, Til is. will klil!pllhB 011 [las$ag~!O, oP"enlQ ~~o'lo!Jda prope IlJbri~til~Hl JJO tlfile ~ar .aJ1II1:I

c:;h:aln. '


T,IIiIe< COndition of ~i II Ipa$$a;ges sht!IlI~d. be cIiIe:mkeQ1 bafov,e eaeh IIISIl of ~h:e saw. W1i:1lill rlllnning &i'lB saw, depr&ss m~n_l.l'~_I,'~iler ~IIU!On,'l1 fewrime~, If O~ti~Q~& IJIII! 1Q1I621f, 1ih.e th8111il Will glW\ of!' Ii! apra.v, Of 011 wk1h1ln SHQMS ~Il~ It!ilrlif'!cg 1ihe' Silw.


MDrn: irb,~ mJ!Itol!\'I !'ellse~bl,~' LJ:I!i)r-~-rGml\. p.Olirt lJ~nibe'r;2'1184',. JOf' di',Be- ~,O:liri-GIl~I. plt .. l n~mber ~Ulil'!i. is "e9'nmlll1d:edl llyMI:1C,wl1l!1(!;1I £ior,por;lltl(11~ fot' ilI.pj)1,y1n!.l 9I1ejljS>~ tl!ls'~iilck:et Up'. Tnt! !Illlllr:i1le' nose Up H; ~~~,ji,5l~,l"lI for I!fl'iclj:!iit ap~Uei{tion of gr'e~llet.o 8,pr'oc;kl!tt'rp. !.ub:rt-GrUII., Zl!U.94,. 1 ~ mo,t 1~~e-pilC;~If.;;l WoIHIiI gl'eaJS'E!. The ,~'i snoSia!bl Q lllbri~G ~Ii" n4t?5. is MCKililIOO wi ttl 1lw!lrrl ca,nt,. filiI! lllitJ'I"Hllli1lS a:re' ilYil.illable ,frtG )'10",. !lUlPelit MoClilloch Sel':vilC:hg D~ah'r.


LUBll!:t.lJION or SPADCI,El Tn,l 'i s rcre c o:mmend~d ,a f'ter e've 1"1 hour 0 'f ~Srili g,e or: aJter th,I"!!',e' «3) tanks ef gas are O!OllilrS'IJUledi. wlri Che'lle'T c;; ome fill' st •


JIm(Ui)ug.n~y (:ilean IlJafli" befol'\e IllIbricMio;lc.

lhr'8!!! me-~lhodls, of lubflC'altIQ~ torl:lile sop~ocket tip :mall blli Ulsjia.

,. N8i1(1I~ NOID 'G,..eue GIi!liII: U$iilni'l' a olean Iflll,l!jric!lnt of Nil,. "I (tonsi&1e<lmc'l!'. ~or,i::e grN!!lSJi! V~11Q llii bricatioll an OFiliEI stde Oil itl'lIr wtl,iila Icollleril'!l:il the Illllbrication hQ'La en nllll! O'!,I'1e:r side .. lFt(lt,a:~e Sllir,o!iket and app1.y grease IJnlil it iiPP!itEl~S 11,1 ed~ e of spr,ock'el. Rlepea~ on O1he:r $id'e: o~ Dr"

2" Oi'll C.~: Slili!!ll[rt'~flre!'PlllrQ,priatewl!igl'U mllliOf oiil (SAlE10 ill cold weathllr, &AE30 illli Rot Ylre'alihelrj into Irul;irFf;!I!!~liOIi1, hole' while rumlng spr'Qck'e'l~ F1I!1JlII1Bl1- ,on ot~EI'~ $ide .of ti!lr. .

3" O;U Soak, FilII 81 sm'lIlI co ntalliiler WIi~h ,~I'ellli1 oil Ulld l;1",bm.e~ge' ba,r 1ip in oill. ROla~~' sprocl!iat 's~:r'!l1 revolutianl> by IuInlii. !lalf tlip mo,y ~ s,ubr(liler,ged Ciwrn.igM flllr m.udmUll'i1 luliUi-

Ica~IQIiJi. . ,

OOl1t1il,ion!.l 'tIllilil ·al's oneill mTsfa!i:ern .a,'5 engille: probleiln$ SlIl<lh aE t"'~ Ill1gine.. fUIlJ!lid!1l mq_ghlV 1IJn;Q' !lUl'lillt! dUo IlillJltlel$ S,rlI oHern s.;!1I51e,(i by a au III., loose. orim,ollmall:;' S,h~jl<!!Hlfld eoi1:ain.

'1"0 ensu re !1i'I!axl:rmulTii C(Ultli' el9ol,enG),., ,alw1tY$ mail1lJiil" Ii. j)rtlperl,y si1rar)iJelil~ ,Ghain ;In'" UtS o:ortect cihaiiii f,gn· <Gion,

How:/,w, care '~(lr YOJllr i5acw 611Ui;rn d!llll~l'IfllrwJS the ~'llnll!l af s!lrvice you wUI ,gel 11I'Om it

Alwra~$ IN -or p~illecn\le giQ\l8S w;n:el'll ~lIdlln·gl $1lI'W dlaln.


Olilaa>ll tl'fe ~I'i;ij);r te.iilslon tr,e:qlul.l{'lt~ <!lIli:l a.tI'llus.t a5NG'!!ln 'as h,e(:E!SSa'f)' 1:0 'Iileep chaHn s'n'ug 011 UI1li3 bar. ~I:!I 1,(lOse e!llough to, !);B pulled aroulild fly ~d.

B .. IB,REAK.lNG:IN NiiEW SAW CHAIN In!lfoUawill9 S~JPIO IMUSil' DEI 'ol'lowed whelill:lmallill!J illl a new tlli!l-ailn eaw OJ' CIfi'~lin. A. new enaJn, will ~tre"ah ani:! IreQI!lir,B'S S'i!lec1a~ [l11~el'l'i'O(n a5 ~olll{)wl.l:

1. flUIr!, Cihald ill 100 ~IIile;ei;l witllo~,t ,e.urHifig Ilor appro):' jlmat&ly 5 minlillfls. IPtish m~nllli!l'l elLar blI'tooll e~E!ry 11:1 10 15 se>O'O-:nd.s 1to pro~i~e '~na oi I.,

"2. Atlt!f!i 1:D'll!lIIfe$., ;shut otl engirne ,and Ireoheck all1tU.d· illSI ;::tlllili JIIP310n, U nee£letl.

3" ",,!Jep 1,1Ie. d:iaili'l 1I~!l~ lubricatedl wi'rl'l Jll:lef\'ll use. 01 tim manual Qi1ef,

4. R!I'start E!llgil'le ~ alter 1'(llillinules. !;!fllH olf ei'l911l~ 1ll'Jr:I c:h13uj(, chain le:nsloll. Ad.llus:1 n rSQulred, fillll'INIl ~l'ial n re(f$i!U1 oNel'f dIU rill.!!! first lew hour$. 01 CUlling.

O'itlilr II peri prJ Of tIme, fu~ iiliiO~rlll!l patl:s OJ s~w chai III lile'C$!mec . W!liill'l whIch r'l!Islil'I~, lin wih'a! 'ts called eha'llI s I,e,'!)h. Wheri j~'i5d'O"loil\'l"r plllssibo'le'1Gi Clhitlli,n r:;or~<;)t eilaJ n ~e Il.siorn .adifjls(lmerli. -a I in:!! will ~ailn! 1.0 c.e r,el'l!ltlv~lj to sJi.Dflei'i Uie eihaln.See .'i"Ou,r MeCu~~Qilih Sen.1hC lin 91 !:lea,sr te liIa1l'I;I' III Is fejil~ Ilf !p<erl'Orillml.


'N.!IlIer ~~e 'fl'liili'll Ihall tl'iJIIIJl (31 links removed .irGm ~, loap, ,0' cl1al!l:t This ~tulcl CIl'll' e l!illmag:a:lio tile Si!JJockie~.



M13'ke SlJf,e man.Ll'al r:)iler Is w.onkilllg. Kee~ oller 1illnli;rmoo, WWI etean M;C,YUlllloc.'i'I .01'1<111'1, Bar ~d Sp{!lickal 011,

SEE SEC'fION5-A, ,P.:i1GE ~ 4'


Use pte'f1'Iy, 01 (j II on, chailn wl1el"l c.!,!'!l!i.l:lljl, II'1!!'!I!!,r rei cftla.iin rum lIf"1i' O'M' Ih'll bar. 1111 t!!iralsj.'o'1)o wood. !,IS'B ,e;glra mi.


M,cCulloeh. SJi!~ c.foJa;j'i:I 'Is a pretlSillOfi11 mallyJJlQtllre!i coOt· I,~ng .8.t!l;lDt)mecfi,1 and relJulfeli dany ililSP!!Ictil\l'ln aniil cart! to rnalntail'i'lJ pea!!: Ctl'IJUIIIQ aflilciency. 'Touoh 'u.p'Silarpefl. ift", may be :rjll;lIIimti 'OIJC.;e or> ~';'iji6ll\ t1l11tilng !l dillj"!; w$crod ,ll:mltlng. lmr some 8j,ea,s wlil~m s<!nd or olln.of abraslMe$ halre .oecl1l:me elnl!Je!:lde,"(Iln me baM. O'f 't~Be!i, Qlw,I1i<l'F tElBlh dull mor,e r,;!:ph:fly, ~"d beQ,ul3fI'leharl'leJ'l'ln-11l, m~'I' Ile fe-'QjulleCl;


1(011.- Ulnkl i5 eQUO;rp.eci wlUi low,~i.clo;;baoc:l't s~'IN' c-t\!lfn wnich Si 1I1111111C!l!ITUy redl!lOOf) the ctaI1ger (It Idckbaek I.See s,ar'eh" Pmc!lul'ltl,nlll), l.o'.'.r·Kio;1!bacl( 9~1,1) mh'a;illillilles !tot ellmllRate ~,iC;ld)ack ,c:o:mp,haooly, A Im'oI·ki~ba!]\l: i!lr so. oal'led "·e-Iy" chain 1(1 '1'1 Eiver tI~ rega:rneCl ~s ttl~ pi'(liUlr::<iiol'l agalf'l],\ Tnjuf!J. bow·1fri;'i!l.kJtI.i!Qk saw oillalrn $I'lDulld alwll~& D!I u,aeci wirlh (litier !!Iilild:lac!k pro.lJecU,oi'l dei/jce'll; ~1tSQ.1'I as tl;Joe, Chain Brake" IHao_dl Guard fumisll· ,ed, wlilli: .)'Oi.J!F 1J;[r:i'I. Alwcil~~ IIli10e replacemeflla!iW chair'! dB>signawd 1i5 ·'l.llw·Kic'klla~Iii;" OT saw e.nl3.i'i'l meeliilng Uie [~rCJ<illaJJf( ~!!r!ormamre re"llljr.emen'lSc Of 11;;.]181 IAmericaln Nal,iofl!ll.I 5.alew InstUuile),

W~;at is IllW·l(ickoock ~aw ~fralln1

LQw·M'ic~~aI!k .!law clilaif1 is .c~;lI'fI 'whloh 005 'rDQt tiI!S ki:C1l!lmcJk J)tI r'lir:iMi'Lilj"ICe r·e(lu lirermerrill !if A~:SI 13175.1 (srrJ.'1el:\l neqlliW!lmfllll,t!> log' ,gasQ.nn~j)lI)!Iyered or::!ia.ln 5~WS,)' iNhBn ~s<st'~(Uln Il1luepreSllJiltarli"'tI sample or cl'ilari" sa ...... ~, IJSltClW 3,e oil:.i,,d, (Qlillle iliiilll'i d!isllilaoem~nrll speocWed In A..ti4SI El1i'5, t

!iI,. li:ABepililS tl1e Ciils31'1 Il!rElika"! (s.e~1IJ!lf'! !I<:!l, Page !til and" elllal!n In goodl 'fIlOIk.iJl'l,1l CQ nomoI'! aad !Con'lljltiV Soa'· ~It;ool a~. reoqurl ret:! al1d tecommelild!etll n 'thiS mafl'yal. )leu wiDl be ~1:I.le til mai.nlaln lille &arel.)" sy,shml o'.VOUr ChaIn saw e ... e.r (];j.B ! i~e of the proauci.

"'lEVER 'II'amo,'III)I, m(ld~~~ or jJI&'ke il'l~eJ'I!~I.~. 1If1'11 ~~II~ d8~lli!i(I 1i!!:mi!lIlE!d'WlI~1it ~ollr; ui:ll1. ilte Uill.JIII, E!rrakiii)!t li'Iand GIJ;aul ,Md lO'N·I!;iekbdek sa,", Ilhalfi are III'Itrjor saret, 11Ilal.lJ~S !lr,cwl~i!d IQr' your ~mleejioi'lf,.


IfI )lOIll.ale unl'amjli;)r. wlnt:'c~rr,ect !jila[pen IIg l!ireceiillre~ or 00 Imt IU ntiJ!lfs,rand,!WI1i 110 properly maiiU.aln saw cl]la.! flI, OOflcal:ilt ~u,r M,aClI!llllp'll, seRI !:lIng ,Cli!!'aler IQ ha~e !.he work j)ei'lotmett or f·Ci! il~,twClllo-n6,

H,QW To S'harpe-n Sa.w 'Challin

1.1' ylOJ!l do, no~ liJave a '¥ise ~o hllll'" '~h!l g'u idle liar '101 C!hta'tn 1'i'!JI:ngl, a .llal!illilaeliory iflh' ,01 ~lh!npellIJfI.g GaJi'l ~ dOIle. ·IIS. Ingihe Cl!1alln Brak~ 1,0 hold the willi il'l ~tlS;ni;1n. Ma: e sure cliiaUri hs tein~ioliier:l",e-I'III wobbling. '~relUiUy IPUi)l'i Chain erake' I~anl;! Gliard le'lfif' lO!"!,,,ard until II releaSee ,alld bFillIl.e' i'l> engaog:e'l1,


];Of' ma;;:I'mum, o.u!i1i!,!,!:j spe~, ,s~f,ffiyi!m:l tlilr.alllllty witJri VQUJS!O\IiI cih.!liln, a Iways 1I€1ie <! M!JCull'lJcl1 'Fila f'1a;le. Ipan Ilfl!lmb!lr 219t\l,1., tfii'l.l! Fi le·Pla~e alll~'Cima.'lica.lly gjVIlS, )fQ~ c>orrSal[ ,c'IJ~te'r angles> I(UII~ liIeptill J!1I.'U;.!::ia selUfig 1:1lfl> ~intJ.O'u ~if l'or U'L~ lrUie o' :;!our' cl'!ajll'l. To s:1it~rflo" cullers YOIII Ml~ l'IAled a lIlT' (M mm.l WLlRd h'le. f'lle,PI-a'!e and'CQTI!lct 9;1'!,!l Aound -Fi~9! an.tI flal'fije are li\lijimab'le <11 YOllr ne.a;rGM IMceuliOCti ,seMei"!! cealer to malol·aln your

PM'~ 37!11 GlX saw IcOOiiii. .

1. P~9 Flle·P lals tmnH:hallll wilhr .lI.lIIg!(!i!I om! 1l~IMctrrng fO"'l'ard !!~W 8llgill.e 1111 dlrtHt:lilQln' o~ <!'IIrowl as she".." lin Fclllu~D. 1"

2. U!;lngl all!ll liiIe. "!Ie depth gua-g;es down HUrSh wil'lh Fll.e·PI-ate:, 'iJil'l{! I rJ dlrlllGtl;Qn'I slil'GWn In Figure i..

J. TYIl'n F'~le·f'lafi!!! Wll!lr '10 lowe!' t1~",rl'l 9IJagICs of 011' p.oeH!;I '~i~a c'Ullter. fill ng 11'1 oll reelton ~i\tlwn In Fig U'Fe :l .

• t lOW,B r alll1'ell,lh ,~u ~1jes om '8W oirIaifl lOOiil !)EffoM PriD' c~El:!II nD ·to shaliPein Illitlef~,


When 1111 ~ ~~It!!r,~. hold I"QU rIdl lile' I awl al !ll1l degr>ee~,. File onl~ h'l'dlllliCllofi in~:l'ic~leci. See F~gl;ire'4 frlr IB~el fill· illig pooJII on,


'11,. lIilmlrMll alill WiilD t~e bar allll chain !liSa glllllilS wllell

Ir~mlflimm ,c~ai!lL -

~,. 8tot~ !I'I~ o~~irl ~~ u ~Q~llil1~r lhiiJ~ M~t'Julloth GtlaiJ! ail CIlWllfl1l1il O'!idbam..

Ii. \!Ijl:[Il¥,~ jjei'i"~ lillm QJ cP!aln ~il Ol(llr 'tire ~lIlioo b~f rllclll1lllU Ihe 9fOBlj8 Imrlh~ cblliil. CCIl1Il!'Wilh heii'IiV JI1PW, alII/In m '~IM'~C.

i. '1;lo!!1'1 Ille 1J1I1:;,iirfe illrlate'$ I)lrrnu' SIIW.

8. pr~Ce a li~ht p{sIJQmlili~ c~fh m plasli.t ~, ... ~~im~ ~;iI~J I~e s.a,w. BOO '1Ilf!! libe saw and bat illl ,a' Illy IlEa.ce'.

The. ttrtreri!i.D :!:~lIIJlri iii!!. !t! alla'fIt ler ~rDlJef ~e!1lila'tion. ~wa,¥~ s-Imoo 3,W~~ 'rfO~ R()_sS'Ili'1~ SlIlllrMs ,o'l i'llfliftiom ~h ill> fllrnaces;. ~eal~l!r.s, 11i1li:.

Remove the slfIlilik Ii'lu;Q Wifha spark plu:g wreRilch. PUll! tlile ,S~l!Inlnr r~e briskily to c:llesrtlile !')'iIi Imd!lF 'I')r I!lmtIi§ Ilill. leleli!,~ alliiN:! rgap'~he~ad;i P!IUIi er iiUtOlII a 'l'i!ii!!I'W 9ipark pl!.i;g. Fill the 'uBI tank wiillh the CQr~ fU1l1 mixtllr,s ar.ilI nil ~he jiihiiil1l oil tank: wit!h McClulioch CIi'I'!lil"ll, Bar 'ij lid S'fiij'OC~ Oil.

A, Hilllt IFor htiI:er'~rfinm

A !l'!ewiV miiAufa.ctl,lred saw or one w,I'i'ic'h hlasclmel'l i rn Siorage 1;n!l''jI' soinM~mJe:G, !:I'e diflilmlit tOI!;111l'Ft. T~i"G ij&because fiir shlpp.ill:lll purposes IOIU! €If ttl-II mBII'IUf,,!)'!jl!lring IprQCIlSms, NiilllfQ'~.s a!11 fuellho:m 1ihe' 'fi~erll tlll1k., fu:~1 lines ai1W~:i'bYt~tiirafl_.l!ir the engine is telt18i:1. Pilllper :stor,!l1I1II Brld 'l!lIlO S1D'~a(le l1Iel"iods 81510 r,a~;u!t ig!l rli!m~jng ~u evapqUOlting alII ~lIeJ 1TQm tti;1I engine.

Und'.eor tJlrnese 'Ci'Ff;:ilIlmst.aIIllC6:11. it can be (ta~1~1 te sm rt the engine in the follQWiri'E! JI!lllnnsr. ' ~he aill' ~lIter 'OO\fEr.r ,and ,air tilte~.liiiri,me 'lihie' e:nghlle by ijnjealing about half ateii.jWofl ~f the ~rQPilr fllel j)l)lid!lLIfllI lfirolllgn the carbure1m illi iJi1ltak$. IJsiniQ Ii" ail can foilled Wilh 1!irle, p:F'epe'r fUI!8 lIIIIiKlillfe. T,a~ caM 11101 ~a flood the' engine !lnd 00 mU iSPllllflue~ ill:t~o fhe airbo,lc. l~ IIsually tailifs two or nn" ,lIIl.1lls:of rlillil Starter rope ~o draw tbJlJ f'1!I6~ into ~h.e combusl:ron elliam:liJer and !Stiin ~ne el1lQllne.

ItllDSl' bE: neo&s.sal1" t~ sta:rt 'tIMe Jln;gir'ill 'ItWl:I or three times il'llihis marme" be~Ql\e theengjl'le wllll!'u III 01'1 i~s. QWIII flJliillsfSlem. Ais '5IoOill<iS the1!nollll,lfis runnil1Bon it!> 'CIW(llulil ~mr SlGt1l!be engine, and ~e[llitl,c:.nh,B Ii i F tilfer ~:"I!II air lilf<8f !COiIer. Neller' an anry GlJluinl.l wl'lh ~he IIii"' ~iltet 31'1d Oil ill' filter CtilYcet Qff ~he enyullle"



1. I#la~ FI~I!'PI~til Qnr!o. tMtll ~f1d w,I'IIiI ~rll2:' (~. ~ m~ fluu nd We, shoup!! n culler.s ul!,ilng $i'I'IOOI,1'I «1I!!n slr~~s IJlIltii Gu'!tinp .. !II! Is S!lrlfjl. File Oll~ II dlree· ~I:(!)n l'ndJtru~i::I. Cr:mlr" 'i I. iuorlll1d IQ~P ~I' ~Ji8l1 n unrtilc !I~I cullers- 'O~ onij cS,h.J ~~lpel1ied as. muSilrllliea IIll f'lgllJe 5

2. fUfn IFlfg,.Ftlllle pliler <!Inti sharpen opposite cui:lel'S in, direc~i orr $hO\HIn in FIguJr;:,<6,

I=D PJ STORIN'&:; A C;HAIN SAW ~ ........

1!!l6i1111"".t"'~ s!IW'sficlUlliIl be opera~!Jd fur ,El5I1i01l1 pe'ri~1 ,O'f til:l'll! 15 Imo'rnlmsl ,everv 30 days. Wl1el"1 ~¢GrJllliQ {lui' 's:atw ~Q:r sno' pOl'lmis or 1JFIii'iilPOP1lng i~ wiil!1:i1fu'el i~ 111 e 111"'111;, always kleep the -saw I'eval Blll'ld wi,1I'11he flJl!!1 ~ElP up '1:0 il:l'll'l!I~id IlealUige {{'oro 'lihe till'lk or cap !j'em.

iNQ'Wr s-tore II "i'I:ai:in saw fot 30 days wiliho!l~ pilrlorm i ng the fullD'w,i,ilgl p,~oooduflllii:

1. h:l a s.Brm iIIg;elil. dt:~I'Jii tille fwi!ll:a lilt. 10m ill 9~5 can.

:t Starn lIRe' IJM' ;end run B,1 id~e ~pElElIiI' ~!I'I11jl.l '~n8 ell gilts sto.liJ~. This wii'll' remove most ,of line fdJe I ~rolll1 th B fiLls,1 sy&:lil!lm.

3,. Remove 1irne5:liIaJ'iM: Iplug with a S;llilm plllg s~k'M !I.,d 1lI0'llr ar:te.lis,peO'n~ul ,of IOU Uilmughl fJhe .spill rl! p'it!.!1'1 Ihcle 'i l1li to tha ell mbustion ~l1am~er_ ~1J88 Mc:CrUlliK:h 40~1, oull.l Pull the Si!:a ~f '~ImP.e slOWIV IlI!Y!!,r'alll!i mes, 00 ,di'!l'i!riblde 'the ilil tihroughDut toe eng,ine. He-pille!! ~he ~Elrik: pllJg 'tigl:illrly.





AI gllod 'liIre\!le'ntWE! m.iiil'l:li8Jl!lhB,llc,e prolJr~m Of'regulliu IlltjPe~iolil !11'1'~dl t8NI will ii'ncte-8Iile Ili,k 81l'1i;f improve lle:rliClrma,MB ot yal!lf McCulloch chai'n ~~ 1rIr11s Il11lSiinUUlI'i!!O,De ~e'Cl!i ,chaN lis if guide i'nr SYQIl a 'program, 'Clii:l!l"i'lil,g~ ,eCljIJlSUI1IU'IIt, andl PiI!Il!ltS rreplBlce.· meJilt Irn,aV. lI!i11del' cenill:ill 'co!l'ldi1:Ion.s be JroIlqlJired alt. IDori!l fregllliBl'I,t interv,lIJi:S l,ilil_atll, tho" indicated, The chain OilBf MUllt be klUlt conltamJv i'~ good operating Cl?I'Idltl0nr and, 'he' ~1i!<lli,lrIIIT).us.t Ibe ~18!It mug o:n 1:!':i,lJbl!r~

, .'

, •

• I


.' CHAIN, ElMI('5 iNSPECf So C!!;E'AN

OO~!ro~5~S 'R~PLAe~


'n' EqufplJ!li!l) I' oI'filEf!lACE'



ALher tlille n,;:!, 7 daV$ or , 5 hOlllfs of oP'8raliol!lll, whtdtlJ\l&r cgmjSs ,earllest, ta'ke' YOOf 'SBIW baCK tOt 'lieu; r1ea"I'i Mc'cllIlloQffij,Se,Nlicilng th! .. ll'er in!' 111'1 liilSgiE!;C· tiQIlI Bod i!ihecil;~!p. He will be pll!'B/je<i to he1fiJ VOUI esteb:IiS'Ii!!. Ii IlflBWil'l1'lve maintenllnce lP'ogFam 110 5IlJj~ )!lOur l'IiBllci&. TIMe f>&c.oIln'mi'II'IQed fit$!: '·,dayol' 1 !i,-I'ICJ.lJf che'l;'kuPi a:rnl. illn, atlditicn, II foIlQI/oI'J,HJ'1l ai 'reglLllel' ~ef.i(liilc cllerilJrtlPtaJll-d hme' ups Will IISSWlre fDnD, sBtisJailoorv SJ!lflol'io '~]'\ol'll1 your M,cOulloch cl'l !!lin saw. Th'FG 91iWlII'iCfl, will~ 1311 peri!ilJllned ail, your MGeu"m::b jse.rvicing O/il,US't at 8ltistil'lg se'r'llioe fS(IIEts.


• I


II SPLACEKEtn PM lOS • ., '.. '. • '. • ~ • • • '. SUPER ,PfI 6tO} PM 610. ,~EAGERBEAYERft' 3.,7.. .,

SPAll" PIILUG., iii .1 iii • .. II • LII!!I iii ~ i .!Ii '. iI • • '!Ii

SPARK PLUG GAP. ~ A ~ • • .. •• '. ,. ~ .. ~ ".

fUlEl T ANI CAPACITY. •• ., ". ~ .• ..' •

'OlL TANK CIPA<Cm •• , .," '. ~.. ' .... , .. • ,. 'ClutCH ENGlGfRElT SPUll • '. ., • • • ~ • • .' '.

rO'l'E' SP,Em it !i! I. . iii iii' • ri iii ., ., _, • ,iii

l.SJtIUZnOK GAP',. .. • .. • • ,. '. • • • • •

IIGN'I1ION. • .' ,. • • ,i ~ ., • ~ • ••

fI-"IING.. iii .. ~ ... !II iii !I '.' '.. I. I! • .' • Ii • I~

I\Mt NElWI fiGS ,. • • • ~ .. • • • " ~ .' • '. COIHEc-Tl'NG miD, BEA'IUMGS • ~. • .' • • • • • • • NEIQlHT [POWER UNIT 'OlLY),. ~ • • ." • • "' • • .•

3:.5, eu, 'in. (5ac~)1 3.7 cu. hi. (6,clcc)

Ae es 45T /CHAMP 10Nr IID,JIIl .1l2S II II,. 63mnd

17.3 ounces (510cc) 14.6 ounces (4l0ce;) 28QO to 3000 r'pm 18[110 to 2600 ""PIJl

.011 ,to .015 f3iG" to 4Q'IMIJ taead U 'lie D1 scharg,e (C. e.r. > 26' EHDC

Neeell e a1l'lll.l 'Ba.l'll \,


14,,' !)IOUflii:ls

I •





940l1WO 86830 21SDB-t2

16" Spooa Mae Eh!llr .liiIeplaoement - SpJ"9c:~et Tip

~ 6" Chatn PIMR3.'70 GLX 6il~L


9311&-05 219975 ,218U9-U

BH4:IihOO ,Ba~D 218010-12

'8U46-05 119:975 2'1.010-12


2Q" S,peed Mac ear. Fle;pl~08mont - SlfJrocket Tip 2D" ClhaJn ir"Mff31Q Gl)(. ro Ot

2"" Speed Maio Bai' Rspla:oelilent ., S~rf)Cke~ Tip '2.4,~ Charn F'MI~370 8LX 70CL

M'" Speed Mar.:' Bar FI~l:IhIC9tnerlf. ~ S:Ilrocket Tip 24" Chain, PMA37(LGI..X ~u CL




219i132 ] Flile~late

219181 '(D ROl.lndl Fine -1/82"

&4E11i3 Flat File

I Q)erease guns; are s~es;18I1y designed for lubricate Ing bar ~pro'Cket: lilp beal'lngs. lhe' p!astlG: ,gun Is J,lJleJJQfI.d]oo and ready 'ta use

(D Saw ChaIn sh!:lirponlng tools





Bat aneil Clain OUI


1 QUS'i1 Boile 1 GallGln Bonis

- 48 Cans 12 Bottles ,(I Baulu

e7'1O &5109 948Ui;

1Qlml1 Bon!o , Gialkm Bottle


12 Bottles, ,6, Bolles

1,78815 94181.B


2181i75J1' :US05:2 214:21)8 941:;1211 2-1420G

940711-05 21!'9975 2118B39-1'2

1Ef' S"IJElG Mac BElIr Aeplaeement - Sprocket: Tip 16'" 'Chain PMflS:'10 G[X '60Cl

fuel Cap 'CU cap

S pika (Op~loi1al Equrpm9m:~ Kit - Ctlmylng CaSE' (,1'6"-20") Sr,r..G'uard (Fo!' H!", t 8!', .20")



21700 liEl,'~ S"pmoket Tip Bar NOTE.: Sprocket- TIp is nrlt replaceable

2:18D62-12 118" ChsJln PMR3'1OGLX66OI

21071 IG)- &Oflll'1loh

214195 ffi Lube Gun - PIDtlejDISiposallle 2141'94 0 lube GUI"l- MeraVReuselil~le: .

(DThlis multl~plilip~B tool l~a 8cre~dJrNer! bar< 'boltwrenol:l, ,II rid spark plug wrenCih, all In ene', '~se lltf'o:r ee,ttlng ~ro~r ,ehall'ltElflislol'll{ Insta~~ fng spark plug. and assemltillng and m~lmalin· Ingl y>our iSiW"

214223 2'14205 214226 8J'670


Spark AIlem:el' ;Sefeen AI~FUt:er

Starter Rope





IliOOQ M"ccullcCh D,n,v9 _ Tucson 5"AZ 85~6

..i s,



- ,



[if ~ddiliOJ:'l~I,a~ISUlnC$ [$ r8Quire'c, £aJl tr.ti~ fAlju~fitie ,l1aHI(qe~,

• (aooJ ~,ij3fl2:

, J,ri~Qna re~[deI:lts call' eQlre~ (BO~' 4:5$-3851


- .


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