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484 IEEE Transactions on Electrical Insulation Vol. EI-17 No.

6, December 1982


J. J. O'Dwyer
Department of Physics
SUNY/College at Oswego
Oswego, NY

This paper summarizes several aspects of
breakdown in solid dielectrics, with emphasis
on the distinction between electrical and
thermal effects. Several current theories
are discussed.

INTRODUCTION The computed results are shown in Fig. 1; the major

features are a constant breakdown voltage for thick
All breakdown in solid dielectrics is ultimately slabs (AD >> 2K), and a constant value of voltage
thermal in the sense that the discharge track involves divided by the square root of thickness for thin slabs
at least the melting and probably the vaporization of (AD « 2K). The importance of this work lies in the
the dielectric. In common usage, the classification demonstration that increasing dielectric thickness or
of a breakdown process as thermal means that it can be electrode cooling do not raise the breakdown voltage
satisfactorily explained using reasonable extrapola- beyond a given value for any dielectric at given ambient
tions of the electrical and thermal conductivities temperature. The frustration of this very complete
from values that obtain substantially below breakdown. calculation arises in applications to room temperature
Conversely we classify breakdown as purely electrical conditions. Efficient electrode cooling produces criti-
when it cannot be explained as due to processes that cal voltages so high as to be infinite for all practical
are not in evidence until very close to breakdown.
purposes; on the other hand, low electrode cooling leads
to critical voltages that can be made as small as one
In this paper we propose to review the historic wishes. Since electrode cooling is often a very poorly
milestones in the ongoing search for a theory of di- defined parameter in practical situations, the theory
electric breakdown in solids, and to comment on the gives the critical voltage as lying somewhere in the
value and significance of the ideas presented. range of zero to infinity!
Finally, we discuss current approaches to the problem,
and the different aspects of the phenomenon on which Recent revived interest in the thermal breakdown prob-
they might be expected to shed some light. lem has centered on the distortion of the electric field
distribution that results from the temperature-controlled
variation of the electrical conductivity. Wintle [3]
THERMAL BREAKDOWN has investigated steady-state solutions for various
functional forms of the electrical and thermal conduc-
Most dielectrics show increasing electrical conduc- tivities, and Beers and O'Dwyer [4] computed transient
tivity and decreasing thermal conductivity as the tem- solutions for various electrode geometries. Depending
perature increases. For this reason, breakdown at high mainly on ambient temperature, the field adjacent to a
temperatures tends to be thermal in nature. Much of well-cooled electrode can be as large as several times
the early experimental work was at high temperatures, the value that would be inferred from the geometry of
or under conditions in which the electrodes were poor the electrodes. This could be important in the explana-
heat sinks; as a consequence, thermal breakdown was tion of the decreasing breakdown strength (as a function
studied extensively. The basic equation for thermal of temperature) that is observed in many substances
breakdown is above about 100°C. The breakdown mechanism itself may
not be thermal, but it may occur at lower mean field
strengths because of thermally induced field distortion.
C -t div (K grad T) =-E2
- (1)

where the symbols have their usual meaning.

0018-9367/82/1200-0484*00.75 Cs 1982 IEEE

0'Dwyer.: Breakdown in solid dielectrics 485

excellent order of magnitude agreement (with no dispos-

able constants) for observed breakdown strengths of
alkali halides below about 50°C. Its importance lies
in giving some confirmation to the idea that collision
ionization is a primary cause of breakdown in solids.
It does not, of course, pretend to give a full account
of the breakdown process.
For temperatures above about 50°C the breakdown
strength of alkali halides decreased with increasing
temperature, and Frohlich [6] gave another formula
for amorphous dielectrics
I 102
E-= E0 exp(AV/2kT) (5)
Once again Eo is a field strength determined by crystal
parameters, and AV is the energy range of shallow traps
below the conduction band of the dielectric. Compari-
son with experimental results gave reasonable values
for AV (a few tenths of an electron volt), but there
104 does not seem to be really convincing evidence for
10-2 102 Frolich amorphous breakdown in any substance at all.
d=AD/ 2K The real importance of this work probably lies in the
simple model that it provides for the electronic
structure of an amorphous dielectric.
Fig. 1: Numerical solution in dimensionless form for
thermal breakdown of a dielectric sZab with placne
parallel electrodes. (From the data of Moon [2].) Further experimental work began to erode the whole
The ordinate is dimensionlees voltage, the abscissa concept of intrinsic breakdown strength. For example,
is dimensionless thickness, and the parceneter is the combined results of various workers shown in Fig. 2
reciprocal dimensionless temperature. indicate a change in breakdown strength of NaCl cry-
stals by a factor of about 10 when the electrode separ-
ation is increased by a factor of 103. Clearly the
breakdown is a property of the dielectric material plus
A complete solution in dimensionless form was com- its electrode system, and not just the dielectric alone.
puted by Fock [1] and Moon [2] for the breakdown of a Thickness dependence of breakdown strength was explained
dielectric slab of constant thermal conductivity K and by Seitz [7] who used an order of magnitude argument to
electrical conductivity given by arrive at an avalanche breakdown theory based on 40
generations of collision ionization. However, this
a(T) = a0 exp(-q/kT) (2) theory did not include the important effect of the
space charge due to the collision ionization products.
The electrodes with separation D had their heat dis- A steady state theory to include the effects of space
sipating ability described by a surface thermal con- charge was given by O'Dwyer [8] who used disposable
ductivity A. The relevant dimensionless quantities constants to fit the theory to the experimental re-
correspond to voltage, temperature, and thickness sults. The line of best fit is shown on Fig. 2. Once
again, this theory provides no complete account of
breakdown; its value probably goes no further than
v=vo( 8oK0) giving a means of estimating parameters in the colli-
sion ionization function by fitting theory to breakdown
kT 0/ (3) data.

d = XD/2K 15 0

where VO is the applied voltage and To is the ambient _ 0,,

temperature. N,
E ,o
Early scientific work on the breakdown of thin single 5 _0
crystal dielectrics gave rise to the impression that
breakdown field strength depended only on the dielec-
tric substance and the temperature - hence the concept
of "intrinsic breakdown". Frohlich [5] gave a formula 0o-3 o0-2 lo-,
for a critical field at whcih collision recombination Thickness (mm)
no longer balances collision ionization
Fig. 2: Thickness dependence of the breakdown
Ec =
( exp(Kw/wkT) -1 (4) strength of NaCl. The experimentaZ data are:
J Vorob'ev et aZ. o Watson et al.
In this formula Eo is a field strength determined by OCooper and Smith
crystal parameters, and is the angular frequency of
the longitudinal polarization waves. This result gave The dashed Line represents a fit to the space-
charge-enhanced cathode emission theory.
486 IEEE Transactions on Electrical Insulation Vol. EI-17 No.6, December 1982

Yet another school of thought advances the viewpoint

RECENT WORK ON BREAKDOWN THEORY that breakdown is not to be identified with an uncon-
trolled electron avalanche. Budenstein [16] argues
Recent work on breakdown theory has followed various strongly for this opinion, and divides the breakdown
paths, each one looking at some particular aspect of process into four stages:
the problem. The theory of steady state space charge
conduction in the presence of collision ionization has 1) A formative stage in which energy is deposited in
been investigated for various geometries by O'Dwyer preferred sites in the dielectric; there may be many
[12] who finds a current controlled negative resistance mechanisms, and collision ionization could be of pri-
characteristic for a wide range of material and elec- mary importance.
trode parameters. DiStefans and Shatzkes [13] point
out that the model does not predict negative resistance 2) A tree initiation stage in which concentrations of
for negligible levels of avalanche multiplication. The ions in the gaseous phase are formed at places of high
current characteristic is determined by cathode emis- field concentration and deposition of energy.
sion alone up to the point where collision ionization
is significant; immediately thereafter negative resis- 3) A tree growth stage in which energy is supplied from
tance occurs. This is, in a sense, a strong point of the field to the gases which then further erode the
the model; however, in its present form it gives no solid.
explanation of the large current transients and partial
discharges that seem to be almost universal precursors 4) A return streamer which occurs when a tree extends
to breakdown. from one electrode to the other; current through the
highly conducting streamer forms the breakdown channel.
This concept has been further developed by Klein [14] A strong point of this model is its clear identifica-
who considers the transient problem and derives rela- tion of various physical processes that are postulated
tions for the critical field and the time to breakdown. to occur, and which have been observed experimentally
Klein includes the effect of trapping of the ionizing in many instances. A weakness is the large number of
carrier, and considers two basic models; in one of these material parameters, and the number and nature of
models recombination is the maj'or reason for the removal assumptions that would be needed to proceed with the
of the products of ionization (IR model), and in the computation.
other this role is filled by drift to the electrodes
(ID model). In all cases the breakdown strength is To summarize, early concepts of purely electrical
strongly affected by electron and hole traps. A breakdowndown were simplistic but yielded results that
strong point of these models is that they account for were easily checked against gross features of experi-
many different processes (ionization, trapping, and re- mental data. Refinement of concepts designed to
combination): their wekaness lies in uncertainties account for all the experimental details has led to
associated with various assumptions made in obtaining increasingly complex theoretical models which make
solutions. direct comparison with the data ever more difficult.
An entirely different approach to the problem has
been taken by Beers et al. [15] who compute the growth REFERENCES
of an electron avalanche using a Monte Carlo technique.
Transport coefficients to be used in the computer model [1] V. Fock, Arch. Elektrotech., (1927) Vol. 19, 71.
of the avalanche were assigned or computed from
assigned parameters. The problem was brought into [2] P. H. Moon, Trans. Am. Inst. Elec. Engrs., (1931)
dimensionless form by assigning the effective electron Vol. 50, 1008.
mass, the mean free path for acoustic phonon scattering,
and the ionization energy as the fundamental dimsen- [3] H. J. Wintle, J. Appl. Phys., (1981) Vol. 52, 4181.
sional set. The development of the avalanche was fol-
lowed as a function of time both in the direction of [4] B. L. Beers and J. J. O'Dwyer, (unpublished).
the applied field and laterally, with the evolution
being halted when the self-field due to the electrons [5] H. Frolich, Proc. Roy. Soc., (1937) A Vol. 160,
and holes reached 50% of the applied field. The dipolar 230.
charge distribution of the products of collision ioni-
zation was then used to set up a macroscopic model to [6] H. Frohlich, Proc. Roy. Soc., (1947) A Vol. 188,
describe the subsequent evoltuion of the avalanche. 521.
A simple scaling law emerged from the computations
showing that the process could be described by assign- [7] F. Seitz, Phys. Rev., (1949) Vol. 76, 1376.
ment of a single parameter. Computing the number of
electrons in the streamer as a function of time (dimen- [8] J. J. O'Dwyer, J. Phys. Chem. Solics, (1967)
sionless) showed almost the same thing over a range of Vol. 28, 1137.
different parameter values. The authors conclude that
a single solution probably exists to the problem of [9] A. A. Voroblev, G. A. Vorb'ev, and L. T. Murashko,
the evolution of negative tip streamers over a large Sov. Phys. Sol. St., (1963) Vol. 4, 1441.
range of material parameter values. The strong point
of this approach is the way in which it follows the [10] D. B. Watson, W. Heyes, K. C. Kao, and J. H.
temporal development of the postulated electron ava- Calderwood, IEEE Trans. Elec. Ins., (1965)
lanche; its weakness, as a potential theory of break- EI-1, 30.
down, is that has not so far given a criterion for a
critical applied field. [11] R. Cooper and W. A. Smith, Proc. Phys. Soc.,
(1961) B Vol. 78, 734.
0'Dwyer: Breakdown in solid dielectrics 487

[12] J. J. O'Dwyer, IEEE Trams. Elec. Ins., (1980), Manuscript was received 28 JuZy 1982.
EI-15, 264.
This paper was presented at the 1982 Conference on
[13] T. H. DiStefano and M. Shatkzes, J. Vac. Sci. Electrical Insulation and Dielectric Phenomena in
Tech., (1975) Vol. 12, 37. Amherst, MA, on 20 October 1982 at the Symposium on
Universal Features of Electric Breakdown in Gases,
[14] N. Klein, J. Appl. Phys., (1982) Vol. 53. Liquids, Solids, and at Interfaces.
[15] B. L. Beers, V. W. Pine and S. T. Ives, Annual.
Rep. CEIDP, (1981) 390.

[16] P. Budenstein, IEEE Trans. Elec. Ins., (1980)

EI-15, 225.

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