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1984 Book Three Proof

 Winston sits in a bright cell

o “place where there is no darkness”
 Bah Humbug with the paradoxes!
o Its bare
o With four telescreens
 Technically speaking they only need two
 Trust me, the angles just have to perpendicular and you’re set
 That shout at him mercilessly
 Oh sacre bleu!
 The holding cell
o There were quite a lot of proles there
 In the forced labor camps THEY are the upper class
 Apparently they are much more sociable than “them”
o I would show sympathy, but I would do the same exact thing
 Winston’s Momma!
 She fat
 She ugly
 Oh, and she in jail … a repeater
o She bad
o Oh did I mention that it was very smelly?
 It was
 Fears that pain will cause him to betray Julia
o See ‘ere is wha ya call some o’ bits o’ irony
 Yes, this is British … that Victorian “classy” accent isn’t as common as one would
o See, he’s planning on doing it already!
 Ampleforth
o Left “God” in
 Should’ve listened to Lady Gaga and put “HIM” in instead
 Who cares about the rhyme?!
o Curiously, Winston shows no sympathy at all
 I mean, little to none … this is like … its puzzling yet characteristic
 Winston was always a paradox
 Parsons
o Tattled in by his little girl
 Apparently she didn’t hear for the “NOT!” that he would say after “Down with
Big Brother” in his sleep
 Can they really do the whole thoughtcrime killing off people thing for sleep
 Seems a bit unpractical
o Thinks his case will be understood and taken to a labor camp instead
 Nope, you’re as dead as they come sir
 Like a walrus in Nova Scotia
 Starving guy
o Fat guy tried to give him food
 Got his flubber knocked straight out
 Prisoners keep on coming in and out
 Wants to get razorblade from O’Brien
o And lo and behold, he walks right in
o And he’s one of ‘em
 Really, Winston trusts all the wrong people
o And there goes the elbow
 Stupid Winston, Even I am an operative!
 I think he is being electrified
o 2+2=5
 NO!
o OK
o Starts loving the O’Brien guy because he lowers the pain
 Even though he caused it
 But that takes too much willpower for Winston
o O’Brien says that he is insane “but curable”
 That gave me a “serial killer” vibe
 Control past, control future. Control present control past.
 The party fixed the holes in the past mass-torture machines
o Nazis were incomplete
o Soviets didn’t mind crush the people
o Inquisition let them die without changing or confessing
 Does big bro exist like I do?
 Ok, not this emotional
 But you get it
o How about the brotherhood?
 O’Brien: for me to know and you never to find out!
o How about Julia?
 She sold you out like a gold digger
o Room 101?
 You know *wink*
 Really, that vibe is only getting worse
 Starts rejecting memories he knows are true
 Party’s Goals
o Power my dear
 You do know power is but a tool, I mean … what are going to do?
o They could alter reality because they control the human mind
 They in yo head!
o You can’t change the stars/universe!
 Just watch us
 OK
o Huh?! Winston isn’t supposed to be good at witty willpower
 Oh, yeah, he just gives up
 Yep, that’s Winston … that “almost here, but
not really” guy
 The mirror
o He looks like a zombie
 O’Brien is a bully
 “You’re an ugly ****! Shouldn’t have started that diary!”
o He could be a pimp one day
 “I’m amazed at your uncanny ability to not betray Julia”
 OH SHUCKS … but I just forgot to do it … will do it next chance
o Oh ok, not that it makes a difference … you’re a dead *****
anyway *cue cane slap*
 Winston is allowed to eat
o More meat for the carrion I say
 His dreams are still his though
o Ya know, the usual
 Given a diary
o Starts thinking that he should have never gone against the party
 In the words of Soviet political prisoner Vladimir Didkoff:
 Слишком поздно для этогомой товарищ!
 Starts writing Party ideologies
 Then writes “GOD IS POWER”
o And is promptly beaten to a pulp
 Screams Julia’s name
o He gotta hate the party
 Wants to hide hatred so that when he dies, he will die hating the party
 But as seen before they can read minds
o Why don’t they just use that?
 I guess, they aren’t much for problem-solving strategies
o Tells O’Brien that he hates Biggy B
 O’Brien says that he will not only obey but lick Big B’s shoes
 I mean, love him
o TO ROOM 101
 Yay, introductory torture
 The interrogators
o Out talk him and make him feel worthless
 Make him cry
 Bullies
o Worse than torture for Winston
 Really dude? Grow some beans wouldya’ ?
 Room 101
o What you fear is there
 Apparently Winston is a wuss and hates rats
 Just imagine them as cute furballs
o Then bite their heads off!!!
 He cracks
o Like a dry twig
 An infertile dry twig
 That’s infertile because it has been castrated
o You get the point, he went through freaking electricity but can’t
go through half-an-hour with some puny mammals?
 Pathetic
 *spits on Winston”
 O’Brien seems a bit too happy
 He is now “free” in the Chestnut Café
o Waiting for the end to happen
 Completely indoctrinated
o Writes 2+2=5
o Doesn’t like Julia anymore
 I mean, she’s like so bloated
 Remember the prostitute
o OH … nuff said. She’s still – ok.
 They both know they betrayed each other
 Winston got Julia’s buzz
 And Julia got Winston’s little pets
o The scars on her face
 The song
o About betrayal
o A distinct connection to the fact that he is in the same position as those political
prisoners from oh so long ago
 Make a break for it … right?
 No, he bawls and keeps on drinking from his unlimited gin supply
 Thinks all his good memories are false
o Double-think perfected
o Attributes goodness to BB now
 Sad really
 The battle on the screen
o Africa is being attacked
 Winston knows it’s a setup deep within
 Even predicts the outcome and the steps to achieve it
o Nonetheless, he is enthralled
 “Victory!”
o Probably just another fake/exaggerated thing
 But people still run into the streets
 Joined by Winston
o Who now loves Biggy B
 BAM!
 And the patient sniper gets his kill
o While Winston died a loser
 Pathetic
o THA…TAHTDGHVBFKJ … That’s all folks

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