Module 1

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1. Why is there a need for educational planning?

There is a need for educational planning it is the instrument for providing

needed coordination and direction of the different components of an
educational system. It also answer that widely accepted long term goals
such as universal primary education are approach objectively. It provides
a realistic appraisal of the country’s resources which is important factor in
the successful implementation of the plan.

2. As a planner / administrators, how do you understand the term

“educational development?” Suggest other facets of educational

Educational development as a planner or administrators means

expanding the facilities to match numbers with needs of the clientele;
diversifying teaching – learning situations as well as their content to suit
the varying demands of society; promoting lifelong learning through the
provisions of education for all in-school and out-of-school youths and
adults; and establishing an effective “challenge response” relationship
between economic and social development, on one side and education on
the other.

Other facets of educational development


1. What are the principal cost elements of education?

1. Investment in capital such as school buildings, school site and others.

2. Current cost – Teachers salaries, books, chalk and other materials.

3. Indirect cost

2. What do you understand by education as consumption and as investment?

Give specific example.

Education is consumption because it satisfies the needs and provides

utilities. It also spends money for the school facilities, teachers’ salaries,
books and other materials that cost so much money. It is an investment if
it contributes to the economic growths in general and the increase of
individual income in particular.

3. How should educational planners respond to the challenges of population


Educational planners should explore new avenue including major reforms

of educational structure and contents. The response to population
dynamics lies in innovation rather than expansion. The management of
population is a vital to economic development which can be achieved by
educational and economic measures. It is appropriate that planners know
their role in population education. One of the most significant
contributions of education to national development is to inculcate in our
people the awareness of the vital and pressing need; to control
population growth or decline and to manage population processes and to
explain the national development is not exclusively economic


1. Why is institutional planning important and necessary?

Institutional planning is important and necessary because it’s the primary
objective is to make the best utilization of existing resources and they
emphasize human efforts rather than additional money investment.
Education is essentially a stretch process whereby teachers and students
stretch themselves and their resources to the utmost.

2. Formulate skeletal framework of an institutional plan for any school /

institutional in your locality.


Lesson 1: Educational Planning in the Philippines


1. Cite some examples of educational planning activities that were performed

before the adoption of the present educational planning activities.

Examples of Educational Planning Activities are:

a. Commonwealth Act No. 2 s. 1953

National Economic Council (NEC) – Central authority responsible for the

formulation of definite and consistent national economic policies and the
preparation of comprehensive economic and social development plan.

b. Executive Order No. 17 s. 1962

Program Implementation Agency (PIA) – to continue the NEC development.

c. 1966 – Philippine Economic Staff (PES)

NEC on Planning

PES on Programming

d. Executive Order No. 53 s. 1966 – created the Manpower Development

Council (MDC)

e. National Economic And Development Authority (NEDA)

f. Republic Act No. 1124 – Board of National Education

g. DepEd Memo No. 10,s. 1965 (DECCEP)

Department of Education Coordinating Committee for Educational Planning

2. What office is now charged with overseeing the preparation of educational plans
in the Department of Education? State briefly its functions.

National Economic and Development Agency (NEDA) is now charged in the

preparation of educational plans in the Department of Education.

Function of NEDA:

1. For recommend and continue coordinated and fully integrated social and
economic plans and programs.
2. Answering government development programs.

3. To coordinates development policies and monitor project activities.

Lesson 2: Planning for Quality


1. What is planning for quality?

Planning for quality is to shaping the quality or excellence of life. To device

better methods of measuring or assessing the elements of quality that lend
themselves to quantitative treatment and to make clear for emphasize the
aspects of quality.

2. In your specific locality, which of the five areas for improving quality in education
should be given priority? Why?

I think it is the Curriculum – Instructional Materials and Methods, because

if the curricular assessment and redesigning, including use of textbooks and
other instructional materials are not suitable it is the weak point for improving the
quality in education. A good textbook could help the good teacher and
strengthened the weak one.

And the use of innovative techniques and instructional materials must

need in our present education and for the future use. To met the quality
education to elevate its standards.

Lesson 3: Participatory Planning


1. Do you encourage participatory planning in your locality? Why?

I am not in favor in participatory planning because it is the distribution of

decision – making power to all those affected by decisions. Wherein there is an
area which factual arguments, power issues, and value judgment are inextricably
linked. And it maybe the hindrance or contradict for your plans.

2. Who are the people involved in the formulation of your plan? What is their role in
your planning activities?

The following are the people involved in the formulation of my plan and
their role:

Students: the clients served by a school

Teachers: the major element of the professional staff

School Administrators: principals, supervisors and superintendents

Parents: for consultation

Lesson 4: Integrated Planning


1. What is integrated development planning?

Integrated Development Planning as "a holistic view of planning; as its name
implies, it embraces the full spectrum of planning functions at a postsecondary
institution, including, but not limited to: academic, campus or master facilities,
budgeting and financial resources, infrastructure, and strategic”.

2. Why do some development plans fail? Suggest some solutions.

There’s a failure on some development because of failure of plan

delineation happens in two ways: first, there is a tendency of bureaucrats to not
define any goal in a manner in which one could be held responsible for failure to
attain it, and second, there is often a dichotomy of interest which is left
unaddressed. The result is frequently a goal or mission statement that means
different things to different people and/or one which explicitly articulates a goal
which is implicitly contrary to behavioral intentions. In human services, for
example, the habitual actions toward control of people with problems in living
substantiate the implicit intent to protect society, while most mission or policy
statement emphasize the effort to help people with problems in living. The devil is
in the details. Social planning and policy thus becomes an exercise in rhetoric,
rather than a principled debate leading to an agreed upon plan of action to meet
intended outcomes.

Lesson 5: Decentralized Planning in the Philippines


1. What is decentralized educational planning?

 It mobilizes grass roots (sub rational level) participation in planning to

support the country’s social and economic development objectives.

 It bridges the socio – economic, cultural and resources disparities

between disadvantage and better endowed area.
2. Give at least 9 indicators in identifying DDU elementary schools in your locality.

9 Indicators of DDU (Disadvantage Depressed School Understand ) in our

locality are as follows:

1. Survival rate

2. Participation Rate

3. Pre – student Allocation

4. Time required to reach the district, school from the district office

5. Distance of district from the division office

6. Ratio of teacher per supervisor in the district

7. Drop - out Rate

8. Teacher – student Ratio

9. Availability of electricity and potable water in the district

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