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Group Name: Positive Thinking Name:

Class: M05/M06 Date: 5 APRIL 2011
Period: [Type a period name] Results:


[Type the test instructions here. For example, instruct students to read each question carefully and then
print the letter of the correct answer next to the question.]

Part I: FOOD

Multicultural in Malaysia result a diversity such as food. By following answer below

which is can be unify among Malaysian.
a. Mee curry
b. Roti canai
c. Dim sum
d. Pulut panggang

Nasi ayam well known among Malaysian, from which race the nasi ayam recipe comes
a. Malay
b. Kadazan
c. Chinese
d. Portuguese

Which of the answer below are most popular food/snack in Sabah?

a. Kuih Penjaram
b. Kuih Bahulu
c. Kuih Cincin
d. Kuih Lopes

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Part II: Culture

What celebration happen on 20th January 2011?

a. Chinese New year
b. Thaipusam
c. Independent day
d. Gawai Day

In Sabah, Gawai’s day are celebrate by____________

a. Kadazan
b. Melanau
c. Iban
d. Bugis

All the answers below were celebrate by Malaysian, except?

a. Independent Day
b. Hari Raya Aidil fitri
c. Valentine Day
d. Chinese New Year

Where is the Kuda Kepang dance come from?

a. Negeri Sembilan
b. Kelantan
c. Sabah
d. Johore

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Sari is worn by_____________
a. Portuguese
b. Indian
c. Javanese
d. Chinese

Part III: Architecture

What was the first mosque built in Malaysia during Dutch colonial?
a. Masjid Tengkera
b. Masjid Negara
c. Masjid Kampung Laut
d. Masjid Peringgit

___________ was built from 1894 to 1897.

a. A Famosa
b. National Monument
c. Bangunan Sultan Abdul Samad
d. Menara Condong

The largest museum in Malaysia is located at ?

a. Pahang
b. Selangor
c. Terengganu
d. Johore

Page 3
Which state that have the 2nd largest Buddha statue in the world?
a. Terengganu
b. Kedah
c. Perlis
d. Kelantan

Most of design in Malacca influent by_________

a. Arabic
b. Japan
c. Dutch
d. Portuguese

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