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Describe in detail the principles of democracy as practiced in Islam. (08)

What is meant by ‘Democracy’? Mention the principles of democracy as practiced in Islam.



Write three principles of democracy as practiced in Islam? (10)

Write three fundamentals sources of Islamic ideology. (09,07)

Write down any two statements of Quaid-e-Azam on the ideology of Pakistan. (07)

Write three sentences on the ideology of Pakistan. (06)


Describe the achievements of the Aligarh Movement? (10)

Write any six points out of 14 points of Quaid-e-Azam? (10)

Describe the services of Shah Waliullah or Syed Ahmed Shaheed Bareilvi in the Muslim
revivalism of the sub continent. (09)

Write a comprehensive note on the problems faced by the new born state of Pakistan. (09)

Describe the services of Shah Waliullah in the revivalist movement of the Muslims of the
sub-continent. (08)

Describe the services of Shah Waliullah or Syed Ahmed Shaheed Bareilvi in the Muslim
revivalist movement of the sub-continent. (07)

Describe the aims and achievements of the Aligarh Movement. (06)

Highlight the main points which make the character of Quaid-e-Azam a model for others.
Write a detailed note: - Pakistan resolution (09, 07) Aligarh movement (08)

14 points of Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah (09, 08, 07)

Importance of Forests (06) Faraizi Movement (06)


Write three meritorious services of Shah Waliullah? (10)

Write three sentences on the basic objectives of faraizi movement? (10)

Describe the movement on Syed Ahmed Shaheed Bareilvi. (09)

What is Two-Nation Theory? How did it affect the creation of Pakistan? (09)

Write any four important roles of Quaid-e-Azam as the governor General. (07)

What is Two Nation Theory? Write in three sentences. (07)

Mention three aims and objectives of the establishment of the All-India Muslim League.

Write three aims and objectives of the establishment of the all India Muslim league. (06)

Write three main objectives of the Aligarh Movement. (06)

Write any four points from the 14 points of Quaid-e-Azam. (06)


Write salient features of the constitution of A.D. 1973? (10,06)

Why did East Pakistan separate from West Pakistan? Elucidate the causes. (07)


Write three points on people’s role for the progress and prosperity of Pakistan? (10)

Write three major causes of separation of East Pakistan? (10)

State any three Islamic provisions of the constitutions of A.D. 1973. (09,07)

Write any four causes of the separation of East Pakistan. (08)

Write down the names of any three governors of Sindh. (06)

Write any three important causes of the separation of East Pakistan. (06)


Describe the importance of the geographical location of Pakistan in the region. (09)

Explain the importance of the geographical location of Pakistan in South Asia. (08)

Describe the importance of the location of Pakistan in the South-Asian region. (06)


Name thee of our neighboring countries? (10)

Write three type of environmental pollution? (10)

What is the importance of the location of Pakistan in the South-Asian region? (10)

How is environmental pollution caused? What are its ill effects? (09)

Describe the location of Pakistan in the region. (09)


What are the advantages of forests? State their importance. (10)

What are the main agricultural problems of Pakistan? Describe the steps taken by the
government of Pakistan to solve these problems. (09, 08, 07)

Write notes: - Importance Agricultural Crops of Pakistan (06)

Importance of Forests (06)


Name any three minerals found in Pakistan and state their uses? (10)

Write three important problems of the agriculture of Pakistan? (10)

Name the food crops of Pakistan and write about their cultivation? (09)

Name any three multipurpose dams. (08)

Write the names of any four minerals found in Pakistan and state their uses. (08)

Name three important cash crops of Pakistan. (08)

Write the names of three kinds of forest. (07)

Write four important steps to solve the agricultural problems of Pakistan. (06)


What steps can be taken for increasing the industrial growth on Pakistan? (10)

Describe the trade and commerce of Pakistan in the recent past. (09)

Name the seaports of Pakistan and describe the cargo they handle. (09)

What means of transport are commonly practiced in Pakistan and what role do they play
in our economy. (09)

Write any three steps which have been taken by the government for the industrial
development of our country. (07)

Write a note: - Sugar Industry (10) Pakistan Railways (10)

Main industries of Pakistan. (09) Nuclear Energy (08)

Important industries of Pakistan (07)


Name three important highways of Pakistan? (10)

Describe the trade and commerce of Pakistan in the recent past. (09)

Name the seaports of Pakistan and describe the cargo they handle. (09)

What means of transport are commonly practiced in Pakistan and what role do they play
in our economy. (09)

Describe the domestic trade of Pakistan in three sentences. (08)

Write three sentences on the means of transportation in Pakistan. (08)

Write the differences between import and export. (08)

Write any three steps which have been taken by the government for the industrial
development of our country. (07)

Write down any three uses of E-Commerce (Electronic Commerce). (07)

Write down the names of any four heavy industries of Pakistan. (06)

Write the names of any three important highways of Pakistan. (06)


How does migration of population affect a country’s development? (10)

What do you know about the trends in the population of Pakistan according to the last
census? (09)

Write three important causes of excess population growth in Pakistan. (08)

Write three sentences on the census in Pakistan. (08)

Write three causes of high population growth in Pakistan. (07)

Write any three characteristics of the population of Pakistan. (06)


Write a note :- Importance of Urdu as national language. (10, 08)

Describe the role of Urdu, the national language, in the integration of Pakistan. (09)

Describe the importance of Urdu as the national language. (06)


What do you know about the festivals of non-Muslims of Pakistan? (10)

Write chief festivals of Pakistan and the reasons for their celebration. (09)

Write three Muslims festivals celebrated every year in Pakistan. (07)

What is meant by culture? Explain in three sentences. (06)


Write a note: - Technical and Vocational Education. (10)

National Educational policy. (07) Information Technology. (06)

Write down the importance of education in the progress of a country. What are the
problems of education in Pakistan? (08)


Write three important features of education as mentioned in the National education policy,
1998-2010? (10)

Write down three problems of education sector of Pakistan? (10)

State 3 drawbacks of the educational sector of Pakistan. (09)

Write three sentences on the importance of technical and vocational education. (08)

Write down any four problems related to the education sector of Pakistan. (07)


What do you mean by a welfare state? What is its concept in Islam? (07)


Write down three sentences on the role of an individual in a welfare state. (08)

Write three sentences on the Islamic concept of a welfare state. (06)

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