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Looking back at your preliminary task, do you feel

you have learnt in progression from it to the full


From our preliminary task I feel that I have extremely developed my skills especially
on iMovie. I have learnt other ways in which to edit within iMovie such as,
dethatching the audio from the clip and moving it closer to reach a higher level of
editing and maintain continuity.

I have also experimented with different software I had never used before, such as
final cut for our title ‘The Thing’, garage band for our music and live type for our
typography throughout the film.
I feel that my knowledge has grown throughout the progression from
the beginning and our preliminary and to our final product due to my
increase use of software. I have also learnt to use different camera shots
and not just stick to the basics and be safe within our boundaries, I have
learnt to experiment with shots such as reaction shots with a detached
audio to maintain the continuity but editing to a higher level. Also as a
group we learnt that music within our product is not the best idea, and
found that having sound effects in certain places is more effective than
actual music. Unfortunately, we left it too late to improve this so will
carry on this knowledge onto our A2 product.

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