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Jordan Kenyon

Mr. Neuburger

ENG 102.104

8 April 2011

The Final Solution Essay

The Final Solution was a euphemism that was

used by the Nazis when talking about their plan for the

Jews. They used that name because it doesn't sound all

that bad, but in fact, it basically meant the most horrible

genocide plan that man has ever seen. The plan was to

The Wannsee Conference work the Jews in camps and also exterminate them in

these camps. Therefore, The Final Solution was the

solution to their "problem" of having the Jews around. They just needed to get the Jews out of

Germany at all costs.

The Wannsee Conference was important because the leaders of certain areas needed to

know of the details of The Final Solution especially the plans for the German Jews. It impacted

the Jews in a bad way. The Nazis were able to better organize the plan of deporting the Jews to

slave labor, concentration, and extermination camps. It affected the Nazis because it helped them

better organize their plan.

To implement the plans they made at the conference, German Jews had to be worked

until death and/or sterilized. They German Jews were not on the same level as full Jews, but they

still needed to be dealt with. So they planned to have them deported out of Germany to slave in

other countries or they had them worked to death.

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