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Welcome to our Weekly Newsletter

2010/11 8th April 2011

We are thrilled with our blog site, if you haven't been on it yet post us a blog, google Barlow Hall blogs. The children have been
really inspired, the adults in school are trying really hard to keep up with them! We still have lots of permission slips missing about
photographs being used on the blog, please return these as soon as you can. Don't forget yellow day next Thursday and the egg and
bonnet competition.

Mon 9:10 Celebration Assembly—Parents welcome

3-4 KS2 Craft Club Future Diary Events
3-4 Karate
Tues: 8:50—Wake Up Shake up Friday 15th April—INSET DAY school closed
African Drumming (3-4)
Multi-sports (3—4.30) Return to school Tues 3rd May
Art Club Year 1/2 (3:05 –4:05 Thurs 5th May Polling Day—school closed
Wed KS1 Games Club - (3—4 pm) Friday 6th May—School Closed - due to Bank holiday owed
Art Club Year 1/2 (3—4 pm) for Royal Wedding
Y5/6 Cooking Club 3-4:15 Monday 9th March—start of SATs Week Yr 6
Karate Club 3-4 Wed 11th March—Nursery Parents Evening
Thurs - 8:50 Wake Up! Shake Up Thurs 12th March –Reception ->Y6 Parents Evening
YELLOW DAY—Foundation stage Easter Bonnet Mon 16th May—Yr 3, 4, and 5 SATs week
competition and KS1+2 Egg decoration competition. Friday 27th May Break up for Half Term
Break up—2PM—No After School Club Monday 6th June—Return to School


For the week ending 18/3/11
Whole School Attendance for last week : 95.9% Winning Class for Attendance last week
Unauthorised Absence: 1.4% % FS: Rec/1 Orange Group—97.9%
No. of late children: 41 Key Stage 1: 1/2RL 98.3% Key Stage 2: Yr 3/4AMC 98.2%

Children of the Week

NURSERY:Joel, Lemai, Aaliyah REC: Purple—Tienna Palmer Green—Theo Jones Orange—Helena Ross
1/2 BL: Scot Ross 3/4AMC: Britney Brownlie Year 5: Lauren Harris
1/2 LG: Laiba Sadaf 3/4AR: Ayesha Marshall Year 6: Courtney Neild
1/2 KW: Whole Class 3/4JR: Ruth Lelo


As part of their topic work on Rome Year 3/4

Well done for the wonderful blogs that
are currently making mosaics inspired by the you have been producing. Don’t forget to
mosaics of Roman villas, and are enjoying the show your parents what you have been
process. Please take the time to have a look at doing and then get them to add their own
your child’s when they have finished theirs. comments as well. The website can be
********** found at
Don’t forget to wear something yellow on
We are currently looking for a Parent Governor
‘Yellow Day’ next Thursday, 14th April or
to join the School’s Governing Body. Please see
to bring along your competition entries of
Ms Kennedy if you are interested.
Easter Bonnets for Nursery and Reception
children and decorated eggs for Key
Blue Zone Parents please come along to join in
Stage 1 and 2 children. Entries should be
the the celebration for your children at The named and taken to the Junior Hall on
City of Manchester Stadium at 6:30 pm on Wednesday after school or by 9 am on
Tuesday 12th April. Thursday morning.

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