Lebron James (Poll) : Cleveland'S Emotional State Over Lebron James Departure, What Do You Think?

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LeBron James (Poll)

Cleveland’s emotional state over Lebron James departure, what do you think?
by Melanie Stevens

CLEVELAND, 2011 - The city wait- This is no wonder why Cleveland poured Were you one of the few
ed, it seemed the whole collective out with so much emotion the day James
thought [on everyone’s mind] was just announced his decision. who were cheering for
one mind-set slowed down for one all
too brief passing moment. On July 8, During the years James was Cleveland’s his departure?
2010 an emotional uproar changed the own, fans developed an armored bond
hearts of loyal Cleveland fans forever. not only with him, but with their city. They
Cleveland’s most cherished icon, Leb- trusted James in such a way that they felt Were you one of the many
ron James announced his departure proud and confident in their city. Watch-
from Cleveland to Miami. ing James play was an outlet for most, who were torn
a way to reassure Cleveland that there
While some of you felt deceived and was light at the end of the tunnel. by the emotional
abandoned, others felt happy and re-
lieved. This vast emotional response When that nerve wracking Thursday
was carried by the many different per- arose in July, Cleveland fans had noth-
ceptions Clevelanders had. Some had ing but opinions. The truest of hearts and
perceived James leaving as a blessing beliefs came out that day. Some deeply Do you think James
in disguise. They feel optimistic that believed James loyalty was with Cleve-
Cleveland will come back bigger and land, while others feared their gut instinct really helped change
better. Most perceived it however, as
a tragic letdown stopping the vital pulse
was right about him choosing to play for
Miami. Flooded streets and jam packed Cleveland’s image?
of Cleveland. Where there was once bars held many anticipating fans, wait-
hope, was it replaced with horror? ing for the moment to silence Cleveland.
When the moment came, Cleveland’s Do you see him leaving
Fans saw [LeBron] trust was compromised and the city was
changed forever. as a new opportunity
James much like a Despite the decision of James leaving to make our
prophet; he brought a Cleveland, the city still has some of the
most loyal fans. They continue to sup-
city stronger?
love to the city that port, honor, and believe in Cleveland’s
team, regardless of the statistics.
altered doubt into After the reality had set in, Cleveland
From tears to cheers, we
glorified hope. was faced with a choice; and that choice want to hear your voice
was how they perceived their great city,
their homeland. Cleveland!
James was much like a saving grace for
Cleveland. He swept the city off their Cleveland Society Magazine wants to
feet during his first year with the Cava- know how you perceived James depar-
liers in 2003. With continued record ture in regards to how it affected Cleve-
breaking statistics, he led the Cavs into land. We invite you to share your reac- Write to us on Facebook, give us your
the playoffs several times. Fans saw tion to the July 8, 2010 decision. feedback and comments - tell us how you
James much like a prophet; he brought feel!
a love to the city that altered doubt into Even though we appreciate all heartfelt
glorified hope. and honest responses, please keep all
comments tasteful.
From 2003-2010, Cleveland was
brought to a sort of fame, a recognition
that for many years went unseen.
Contributing writer: Melanie Stevens

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