Substance A

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1. The diagram below summarises the stages of respiration in muscle tissue.

G lu c o s e

2 × ATP
2 × A D P

F r u c to s e 1 ,6 – b is p h o s p h a te

2 × A D P
G ly c o ly s is
2 × ATP

G ly c e ra te 3 – p h o s p h a te

2 × A D P
2 × ATP

S u b sta n ce A

A n a e ro b ic A n a e ro b ic
re s p ira tio n re s p ira tio n

C a rb o n d io x id e
L a c tic a c id +
+ W a te r
N o a d d itio n a l A T P +
3 4 m o le c u le s o f A T P

(a) Name Substance A


(b) What is the net yield of ATP produced by the breakdown of one molecule of glucose
under anaerobic conditions?


(c) Using the information in the diagram, calculate the yield of ATP produced by
anaerobic respiration as a percentage of that produced by aerobic respiration.

Show your working.

(Total 4 marks)
3. The graph below shows the relationship between the length of a sarcomere and the tension
developed in a myofibril in striated muscle.



T e n s io n / 6
a r b itr a r y u n its

1 .0 2 .0 3 .0 4 .0 5 .0
S a rc o m e re le n g th /µ m

(a) From the graph, find the sarcomere length at which the maximum tension is


(b) The diagram below shows the structure of a part of a myofibril.


Name the parts labelled A, B and C.

A. ................................................................................................................................

B .................................................................................................................................

C .................................................................................................................................

(c) In the space below, make a drawing to show the same part of the myofibril as it would
appear at position P indicated on the graph.
(Total 6 marks)

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