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SECTION A – Ten Short Answer Questions

1. What restrictions applied to the exercise of imperium?

Could not make peace or binding truce without the ratification of the senate and the
Comitia Centuria.
Could not make decisions re pay, clothing, equipment, supllies ect...

2. Which magistrates were in charge of ‘policing’ the City?

Aedilis and Preators

3. What was the name of the first century to vote in the Comitia Centuriata?

Equites equo publico

4. Into what Assembly did the old Concilium Plebis evolve in the historical period of the

Plebeian Curiate Assembly

5. By which of the three names is the gentile origin of Marcus Aemilius Lepidus revealed?
praenomen. marcus

6. What Latin term describes the relationship between a patron and his free-born dependants?

7. What was the title of the 5th Century bill which enabled intermarriage between Patricians
and Plebeians?

The Lex Canuleia

8. What was the name of the magistracy (other than Dictator) which replaced the Consulship
for long periods from the 440s to the mid-360s BC?

Military Tribunes

9. What was the most significant of the political gains for the plebeians from the Licinian-
Sextian Laws?

That one of the consuls henceforth must be plebeian.

10. Why was the Tribunate of the Plebs not regarded as a formal magistracy?

Did not form part of the Cursus Honorum/ Magisterial ladder

SECTION B – Passage for Comment

Write short notes on the contents of ONE of the following passages.


1. Cicero On Duties 1.124

Cicero refers here to the duty/obligation (expressed in the Latin term munus, literally ‘gift’ = obligation’) of
magistrates toward the citizen body (civitas).

[124] It is especially the duty of a magistrate to bear in mind that he is the representative of
the citizen-body (civitas) and that he must uphold the dignity (dignitas) and honour (decus) of
the position, preserve the laws (leges), apportion to all their constitutional rights (iura), and
remember that all this has been granted to him as a sacred trust (fides).

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